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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Sadly the reality we live in is not so good and also sadly there are very many people whose reality in their own minds doesn't match reality. Reality is the earth isn't flat. No one has proved it to be so. ZERO evidence. Why? Because it ISN'T FLAT. IT ISN'T a NASA conspiracy. IT ISN'T the Freemasons. It's a con pushed by grifters to make money and believed by the gullible. 24 hour sun in Antarctica. That's it. It happens. Can't happen on the Gleason map. The grifters and their flock are now trying to debunk actual footage of this being released by The Final Experiment.
  2. 24 hour sun. Yes or no?
  3. Yep. Not possible on any flat earth model. The north is possible but not the "south".
  4. No it's not. Science isn't a belief system. Again the Antarctic continent is a vey big and very extreme environment and is controlled by the treaty to keep it neutral, have no mining and no military presence. You keep throwing comments back yet you haven't addressed my posts about people/civilians can go to the south pole and there is a 24hr sun in the Antarctic summer. Here's a direct question. Is there a 24 hour sun in Antarctica in it's summer? This is a Yes/No question. a) Yes, there is. b) No, there isn't. It's not possible. What's your answer. a) or b)?
  5. What sort of a question is this. We live in a diverse world. Body positivity is a good thing.
  6. Sure can. Depending on the situation and as a foreigner it might just be better to handover the tea money.
  7. Sure these places are simply inaccessible. Reason being your chances of dying are high. Doesn't change the fact that anyone who has the money can venture to inland regions of Antarctica and the South Pole. Flerfs say you can't. Well the fact is you can. All the people who go there in summer will see is a 24 hour sun. Flerfs say this isn't possible. It's not just possible it's reality and it's realty because the earth is a rotating oblate speroid. I'm sorry but having any belief system IMHO defies reality. The flat earth belief is one of these systems of belief. It's believed by very few people, pushed by even fewer grifters and accepted as truth by the gullible. Bit like religion.
  8. The answer to your question is the US. It's called the NGAD (Next Generation Air Dominance)
  9. My apologies.
  10. You should do some research. SA Expeditions for example will get you to the South Pole. 900 south. All you have to do is pay the money and prepare your gear.
  11. Prove they were not there, Can you? Otherwise it's time for you to admit you are wrong. It's sad you believe these grifters you are obviously watching on YT and parroting their ridiculous debunking of what is a fact that has been witnessed by 100's of thousands of people. Time for a bit of introspection. As for going to the vast majority of Antarctica how many people do you think have been to the vast majority of the interior of Canada, Alaska, Australia for example. Not that many. It's dangerous. You can die. I'm guessing you believe in god. Is this correct? Have you watched the videos showing a 24 hr. sun in summer in Antarctica? My guess is you haven't and if you have you're probably holding on for dear life to your rubbish belief to say it's fake, once again believing the grifters. Belief not fact.
  12. https://antarctic-logistics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/blue-ice-runway-ug.jpg
  13. Complete rubbish. Try thinking for yourself and not believing the rubbish the grifters tell you. "Since 1987, we have flown modern day explorers to the interior of Antarctica to experience truly unique landscapes and take on incredible adventures. We will work closely with you to create your own a once in a lifetime journey. We offer several experiences around our main camp at Union Glacier to match your specific interests." "We offer two ways to reach the southernmost point on earth, by air and by ski. Fly to 90° South aboard a ski-equipped aircraft or embrace the spirit of early explorers with one of our challenging ski expeditions to the South Pole." Here's the website. https://antarctic-logistics.com/2016/08/29/blue-ice-airfields/ This can't be made up. It's your brain that is having a problem. Like the existence of god. People believe this because it's what they've been told to believe and accept it as fact. Never proven as the flat earth has never been proven. Earth is an oblate spheroid and god doesn't exist. Now prove I'm wrong! This is Union Glassier ice runway. This is where Union Glassier is.
  14. This is disingenuous. This is the flight path of a sightseeing flight that doesn't land in Antarctica.
  15. Each season Antarctica sees approximately 170,000 visitors from mostly English-speaking countries. https://www.antarcticglaciers.org/antarctica-2/people-in-antarctica/antarcticas-tourism/#:~:text=Each season Antarctica sees approximately,2019 and 2019-2020 seasons.
  16. I'm well aware of the Antarctic Treaty. Show me where it states that you or I cannot go there. Explain this. https://www.instagram.com/flightradar24/reel/DDuwxetNh4D/
  17. 24 hr sun 3600 time lapse in 25 minutes. There are terabytes of info to come out proving the earth is a globe to those who think it isn't. This is great. Use the direction key top left to take a look around. There is one constant. The sun is in the sky. Dave Weiss says this is impossible.
  18. Complete dribble. You have been conned. 24 hr sun experienced by 10's of thousands of people and now The Final Experiment for all to see has shown flat earthers to be what they are. Grifters and liars with the sad consequence of the extremely gullible buying into it.
  19. There are no scheduled flights to Antarctica The only flights available for tourists are charter flights, which are only available as part of a package, rather than on a ‘seat only’ basis like booking a regular scheduled flight In spite of the shorter Antarctic flying season (late November- early March) and no regular flight schedule, there’s a surprisingly good range of options available Unlike ship-based cruises which can only explore Antarctica's coastline, flights options can unlock Antarctica's vast interior, including the South Pole Antarctica’s harsh and changeable weather makes flying challenging and susceptible to potential delays. The expediency of flying, therefore, needs to be balanced with this higher risk; learn more about how to get to Antarctica. You can fly from southern Chile to Antarctica in 2 hours from late November through to early March. Charter flights to the Antarctic Peninsula and South Pole are increasingly popular. If you're looking to avoid the Drake Passage, a flight from Punta Arenas or Puerto Natales is likely to be the best way to reach the White Continent. https://www.swoop-antarctica.com/cruises/flights
  20. You have been indoctrinated fully if you believe Dave Weiss the man that says a 24 hr. sun is impossible in Antarctica.
  21. Try climbing Mt. Everest without a permit. A very, very expensive permit at that. So what's your point.
  22. 24 hour sun. As for only certain areas being accessible this on the whole is true but because it's very dangerous. Fairly sure that the 350 odd people who have been to the South Pole aren't plebs and also fairly sure that the 4000 odd people working in Antarctica annually also aren't plebs. Every summer they will see a 24 hr. sun and if they're there in winter they won't see the sun at all. Of course in your mind this doesn't happen and is some sort of giant conspiracy.
  23. The earth is very big and gravity is very weak and water is heavy and paper napkin isn't. Now can you please explain how a 24hr sun in Antarctica can possibly work on a flat earth model. Only way a 24 hr. sun is possible in summer in Antarctica is due to the earths tilt and rotation relative to the sun.
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