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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. People coughing would IMO be global as of now and everyday. In Thailand poor AQ related coughing will no doubt be on the rise.
  2. I've posted this elsewhere and it's still a thought I have. Could this actually be a terrorist attack? Something IMO I think shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. If anyone thinks 100% this is nonsense please explain why don't just respond with a laughing/confused emoji. p.s. New fire has just broken out in the west hills. 6:30 Thai time 15:30 CA time.
  3. So it's not poor fuel load management and preparedness then? If these fires are not deemed to be deliberately lit I will be surprised.
  4. Too many fires in separate locations to not think this is deliberate. Of course poor fuel load management and preparation have played a large role in the spread of the fires. 2025-01-08 05-57-13.mp4
  5. People get coughs. People have always got coughs and people will always get coughs. Can be anything from environment to a bacteria to a virus or to the worst case cancer. Part and parcel of being alive.
  6. Nicotine is not good for the body as it has inflammatory properties and the chemical cocktail to make the juice surely can't be good for the body BUT better than cigs.
  7. 1st what aged students are we talking about? Surely not university and college aged students. As for school aged students they're more than likely not vaping at school and the BIB won't do anything so this whole thing IMHO is a complete nonsense.
  8. You obviously don't live in or around Bangkok where smog is basically a daily.
  9. More alarmist nonsense Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a virus that usually causes symptoms similar to a cold. You might cough or wheeze, have a runny nose or a sore throat. Most cases are mild, but young children, adults over 65 and people with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk for serious illness. HMPV is common — most people get it before they turn 5. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22443-human-metapneumovirus-hmpv
  10. Reality is air quality in Bangkok is for the majority of the year very bad. Burn offs just makes it worse.
  11. I think the main point to be taken from this not everyone who takes drugs in an addict in need of intervention. Indeed I would argue the opposite. Most people who take drugs are functioning community members.
  12. It's not difficult to self diagnose. Symptoms described are in line with PAD. Seems the OP suffers from intermittent claudication which is the main and initial symptom of PAD in it's early symptomatic stage. Only pharmaceuticals are statins. Other than that it's vascular or arterial surgery and possibly amputation depending on how bad things are. Amputation stage feet will be turning blue. I have PAD. Didn't go to a doctor. Don't need to. I gave up cigarettes, modified my diet and take baby aspirin daily and although the intermittent claudication is still there I can walk about 500 metres pretty much pain free now. Before it was 50m and the pain would start, by a 100m the pain was bad and by 500m the pain was excruciating. Sit down and the pain is gone within a couple of minutes. This is how intermittent claudication presents. I suggest the OP researches this online and starts drinking 2 or 3 teaspoons of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil every morning and eats sardines/mackerel a few times a week. Continue to exercise your legs. This is a must and exercise to the point where there is pain. Continue with the baby aspirin. If a smoker stop immediately. If the swelling continues for more than a few days or increases seek medical advice. Note PAD is very serious and can be fatal. If it advances to the stage where amputation is required the average life expectancy after amputation is 2-5 years. OP is correct as in there is no cure. Lifestyle modification will be recommended by any doctor the OP sees as it seems it's still mild. There is a chance (probably a good one TIT) that the doc will also prescribe statins for pharmaceutical intervention. Taking them is a personal decision. I won't. Don't need pharmaceutical intervention.
  13. Poor analogy. Getting a cold/flu like virus and polio are light years apart.
  14. Adjective. Starts with i ends with t. Middle letters dio. How about a sentence. You are a nasty, sad piece of work. I'm sure you'll hit the report button instantly and respond with your usual unintellectual, ad hominem, emoji laden response. There are people on this forum I'd love to meet. You are definitely one of them. You never support your responses. You simply TROLL and with your sad obsession with EMOJIS. Happy New Year .
  15. You really aren't very bright are you. Many posts I've said I'm Australian or at least anyone with the smallest of brains could guess it. I wanted Trump to win because Harris is an idiot and the Democrats have abandoned their base.
  16. Nah! That's just too sad. He was wrong IMHO but so many people got sucked into the narrative which has been and continues to be well evidenced on here.
  17. I meant the sad emoji I gave your post. I hope one day your brother will see the error of his ways and how he, like millions of others was sucked into the 2nd greatest con in human history. Again religion being the clear 1st greatest con in human history.
  18. Well so you can't prove your accusation against me. No surprise. Everyone on here knows your form. All mouth no substance.
  19. If you can back this up with evidence then I'll put my hand up to and admit you are right. If you can't then it's you who is trolling. My posts on the majority are intellectual and supported with references and most importantly do not rely on puerile emojis each and every post.
  20. Only the trolls would call me a troll. The vast majority of members on here are not trolls and have thoughtful and intellectual input minus emojis every single post.
  21. Thing you're missing is any push against the narrative was not allowed to be posted on here. If it was maybe your opinion might be different. Many experts were simply cancelled through censorship. You just sucked in all the info that was allowed and that supported the narrative without question. Religious people are the same. Cannot and will not listen to any rational argument that challenges their faith.
  22. Ah! Interesting comment. So those of us who challenged the narrative are gaslighting. Why or is this just an empty argument from you? This wouldn't of course be gaslighting it would be trolling unless you have some substance to your comment. My guess is you haven't.
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