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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. This isn't about Paetongtarn Shinawatra it's about her elder brother Panthongtae Shinawatra. It seems that you don't know the PM's name or you simply misread the headline. You obviously did not read the article.
  2. Thanks for an excellent example. Not a single intellectual post from yourself. Just hundreds of daily useless ad hominem attacks and emojis negative emojis to posts you don't agree with.
  3. Back to what is was before. Up votes and down votes and no anonymizer for emoji responses. Who cares how many posts a person has made. Means nothing if they're all trolling crap.
  4. Odd how the midnight to eleven sales prohibition is never mentioned. As for 24 hr sales it doesn't need to be but 11 in the morning is as ridiculous as the 2-5.
  5. Well sort of. But the fact is the elites hold the power. Elections do not matter. The royalist military elites control the eventual outcome of elections which is to maintain their wealth and power. They do this through their own legal apparatus AKA the CC and the EC.
  6. "The past few years"? You either have to be joking or are oblivious to Thaksin's "influence" since he fled the country.
  7. So a governmental anti drugs policy isn't announced by the PM or anyone in government. This whole façade of Thaksin not running the show just keeps on giving. The saddest thing for Thailand is the majority of people are sick of this sht and want change. Change cannot happen. Corruption rules in Thailand from the very top down. The power and wealth of the royalist military establishment must be and will be maintained.
  8. Crimea is gone from Ukraine. Simple as that. Anyone that thinks otherwise is wrong. Russia cannot be pushed back without significant international intervention which is not going to happen and anyone who thinks this will happen is wrong. As it is Russia continues to gain ground and anyone who disputes this is wrong. As far as winning a protracted attritional war, Russia is winning.
  9. It is as I have posted many times a prolonged attritional war. Russia has more bodies and weapons to throw at it. Russia continues to gain ground. This is the reality. Why wasn't this stopped before it started and once it did start why weren't weapons poured into Ukraine?
  10. Rubbish. No. Sorry. Complete and absolute rubbish. Questions for you and it's just a couple of examples. If sharing is hard wired into "human biology" why is it that some children don't want to share? How do you account for selfish people? Sharing is a virtue not a biological imperative.
  11. I guess the fact that it's a stupid post says it all. Who cares.
  12. Doesn't matter where you are mate you should be able to work this out for yourself. Get to BKK. There's the 1st thing you need to do. How you get there is up to you. When you're there find your way to the embassy. Admittedly BKK can be a bit daunting but use the net and Google maps and you'll get there. Make sure you make an appointment.
  13. And obviously has connections and lots of tea money. This "crackdown" is pretty much the same as all crackdowns. Don't pay up and we'll do you.
  14. This year very few mangoes. It was the heat in April. I'm very concerned that next yr will be the same. A fkn hot April every fkn day.
  15. You're kidding right?
  16. Slice, dice, and freeze. Otherwise they should last in the fridge a good week depending on the ripeness. Green mangoes can sit outside of a fridge for a good couple of weeks and longer in the fridge.
  17. Interesting that the thousands of Thai Only Fans creators etc. slip through the net (no pun intended?) but the foreigners get done.
  18. 711 not wearing them where I am and I have 4 all within walking distance of each other.
  19. Your name isn't Sam is it? As in Serious Sam.
  20. This isn't about child porn. Give the article another read. It says child porn was found in one persons possession.
  21. Must be over 90% of the Thai population now NOT wearing masks. I can't believe anyone still wears them.
  22. H5N1 avian flu like all zoonotic viral evolutionary processes is finding it very difficult to infect humans. This is in complete contradistinction to Sars-CoV-2 which instantly infected human cells. Unless a gain of function version of H5N1 escapes from a lab it shouldn't become an epidemic. As for the current Covid situation it's been a non-fatal and non-severe viral infection since Delta was pushed aside by Omicron for the vast majority of people. Even with Delta it was the old and comorbid folk that got hit the worst.
  23. Well I guess it depends on the study if it's going to reflect reality or reflect a predetermined outcome.
  24. Article is incomplete without a list of the sites.
  25. Yep! Living in the moment isn't all that bad. Bit like the Thai/Asian mentality. "as much as possible, as fast as possible, without consequences" is just narcissistic. One of the reasons society is so fkd up IMO. For me a good day starts with me waking up. Success. Still living. People say they will miss things when they're dead and I understand the sentiment but when you're dead, you're dead. Missing something requires consciousness. For me the body can waste away, as it does from birth, but losing the mind is something I don't won't. Saw my mum go through that. Senile dementia. Horrible. Alzheimer's even worse.
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