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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Ridiculous comment. Everyone knew that Trump was being Trump when he said he'd end it in a day. As for one month well it's getting a lot closer to ending as opposed to the Biden/Harris admin where there would still be no end in sight.
  2. Summer can start whenever it wants as long as April isn't a repeat of last year. Over 100F basically everday for the month. That was the hootest month I've ever experienced here in 20+ years.
  3. I believe they are required to report to management and not personally respond to the emails.
  4. Is this statement correct? IMO it's not. It's not the Latinos that moved right. It's the radical woke ideology of the Democratic Party which took the party further to the left. Trump took the centre with populist policies and that got their vote. Same goes for the majority of the centre left demographic. This is the biggest failing on the left. They refuse to see that they abandoned their main demographic by embracing the radical woke ideology of a minority and vocal activist left.
  5. Which is exactly what is meant to happen. The employees acknowledge receipt of the email to management. They are not required to respond back via email. Musk, under the direction of Trump, is doing what he's meant to be doing. Finding waste of tax payers dollars. How can this be a bad thing?
  6. Not much of a story IMO. Just some crazy Buddhists complaining. Fairly sure an almost absolute majority of Thais wouldn't care less about this.
  7. Photos of the produce and actually mentioning the price you paid might help me be interested. Very odd for a Thai to behave in the way you've stated in my experience. As for the mangoes he "gave" you surely at a wet market you can choose your own produce.
  8. Just another symptom of the woke brain virus.
  9. The woke/DEI dominoes are toppling. All I can say is GOOD. Let the toppling continue.
  10. Yeh! It's pitiful. I posted before that it's now just a mantra of the woke left.
  11. There's a certain new poster on here that IMHO should not be responded to. We all know who I'm talking about. No responses and no emojis. Persona non gratis.
  12. This is not from me. Someone who doesn't know what they are doing has fkd up.
  13. What I posted was from an article and was sourced. No need to change the type size. It ain't me that's got no clue.
  14. I called you newbie because a response you linked to a previous post of mine was totally not related to what I posted. As for this rant, well it's self explanatory. You seem to simply be a nasty troll.
  15. Oooops! Newbie why have you replied to my post with this?
  16. Both sides are committing "war crimes".
  17. What American and South Vietnamese soldiers called the «long walk,» the «flying lesson» or the «flying interrogation» was a form of execution feared by prisoners, as shown by various archival records. For Sachs, it meant: Do not count prisoners when they are loaded onto the helicopter, but only when they are unloaded – so that only those who survive the transport are included in the prisoner statistics. https://www.nzz.ch/english/vietnam-wars-forgotten-victims-brutalized-north-vietnamese-pows-ld.1665938 thanks @gearbox
  18. Yeh! All war crimes committed by the US, Britain, Australia etc never happened just as Ukrainian soldiers aren't committing war crimes.
  19. Happening on both sides. Rules tend to go out the window in combat. I knew a helicopter pilot that flew in the Vietnam War. They would get info by taking POW's up in the chopper. After the 1st one was thrown out for withholding info the information flowed.
  20. As I clearly stated biology/science isn't a "truth" it's fact based on evidence and the scientific method. As for inflation and cost of living Trump's only been in for a month. Inflation and cost of living as it is is down to the previous administration.
  21. And what % of the population have these extremely rare genetic mutations?
  22. To say biology is not about science but is just a distraction is simply absurd. As for it being a "biological truth" it's not and I've never seen it said this way . It's a fact. A biological fact. As for division this sits firmly in the woke corner.
  23. You know the more you use the term fascist the less relevant it becomes. It's now simply the mantra of the woke left, the same woke left that imposed radical woke ideology onto society. This from Trump is pushback and reflects a majority not minority view.
  24. "Biden Stepped Aside"! This is how deluded people who support the woke left are. They had to get rid of the old fool after the debate. They had no choice and as we all know put another fool in in his place.
  25. Please supply this fact. I smoked for decades. Developed PAD from smoking and other diet related things. Symptoms came on pretty quick and it wasn't long before I could only walk about 50 metres before the severe, and I mean severe, calf pain started. At it's worst it felt like I was walking not with a strained or pulled calf muscle but a severely torn calf muscle. Excruciating. This is intermittent claudication. Gave up smoking and within a couple of weeks the intermittent claudication had reduced to near zero. I'm now vaping and although the pain is sometimes still there it's easily >90% better than it was. If I wasn't vaping it would go completely but my nicotine addiction is strong and nicotine has inflammatory properties. Vaping helped me quit smoking and my health has improved.
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