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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. I'm in the mountains in the north and it's 18c now (confirmed by my own readings) but will settle to the same temps as Si Sa Ket in the morning apparently. Weather in CM is always hotter and it lingers in to the night. Older people tell me it used to be cold in CM but it's not anymore. Even way outside the city in the outskirts get the heat from the city. No place to spend the winter if you're traveling from down south.
  2. Apparently the colder temps in the north are over stated. No idea why all the people come traveling here this time of year then. It gets 40c+ in the north too, I don't think it's much different in that regard. I've only passed through Isaan and it was noticeable hotter and humid (but never in the winter) so I'm incredulous that it's getting colder way further south and at lower elevations. The one time I went to Vietnam the weather was far cooler than Thailand so maybe there's a weather pattern that carries over.
  3. Here's another curious one. You know Pai that mountain town which is 800km north of Si Sa Ket, sits at 500 meters elevation (where Si Sa Ket is 150 meters) and is surrounded by mountain peaks reaching 1500+ meters? Well Si Sa Ket has a lower minimum temperature. I see the Bangkok tourists driving up north to Pai and wearing hats and mittens but they should have just gone to east to Si Sa Ket and it would be even colder? 🤔
  4. As Chiang Mai is packed full of tourists from down south to enjoy the cooler winter temps I see this. Are these numbers bogus or is Si Sa Ket colder than Chiang Mai now? All over Isaan is colder too apparently. Maybe the million+ cars and pollution are creating a heat island and ruined the weather? From the looks of it you want to be in Isaan or central Thailand by the Cambodian border to enjoy the winter in Thailand. 🤔
  5. Are we talking about the same people? Just opened up the YT channel and this one was one top. That's one of the 1000 people the cops "murdered". 300+ million people in that country and you care about these 1000 worthless ones? We should be happy when it ends like this, better than another person getting hurt and wasting tax payer money over decades of incarceration.
  6. what can you even say. Thai people so often have a total disregard for the safety of themselves and others. I just do not understand it.
  7. Damn Bangkok is only 29. No wonder they're all traveling up north.
  8. The lowest I measured was 14 this year. Winter in the north is bittersweet. As soon the weather gets nice people start burning and then it inverts into the most miserable time. Sad really.
  9. Go watch that channel I posted above. The cops aren't going to get in to a wresting match with you and risk you getting their weapons and killing them, which does happen and seen on video. Why do we dwell on the lives of these 1000 troubled people who can't behave instead of focusing on the rest of the society that has to live with them.
  10. Has anyone seen the channel https://www.youtube.com/@PoliceActivity on YouTube? It's endless videos of police encounters. The whole thing is just a disaster. I don't always care for how the police are acting but look at the people they're dealing with. It's not like Thai people who are generally calm and non-violent. Everyone has knives and guns, fighting with the police endlessly. I don't know what's supposed to be done about it.
  11. no I mean why is THIS story appearing instead of some random civilian getting murdered? That would be much more sensational yet I don't see those appearing in social media. There's always some back story or people are resisting arrest and reach for their gun etc... I have seen bad shootings before from deranged cops but it's vastly overstated from what I can tell. There's tons of videos of police getting shot too but those don't make MSM either. Just saying there's a narrative the MSM is pushing.
  12. I wouldn't be a cop in America, no f'ing way. Too many people have bleeding hearts for the worst of society and the media will track you down and ruin you if you make the wrong move. Just look at what they did to Derek Chovin (sp) who's in jail for life and then recently Daniel penny who got off but spent 18 months in jail if I recall. Lesson learned do not intervene with black criminals they have a free pass. It's just not worth it.
  13. They always misrepresent and leave out details. What percentage of Americans saw the full 30 minute George Floyd video before forming an opinion? 1% maybe? I saw that video the next day after and it was not at all like what they presented it as. He said "I can't breathe" well before he got the knee on his neck and you can even see where he appeared to swallow something well being detained. They were trying to manage him for like 20 minutes before taking him down and it looked pretty obviously like he overdosed, probably trying to conceal the drugs he was carrying. No way Americans would have such a strong reaction if they saw the video evidence first but the MSM made a point of only showing the very end. All race baiting for views and politics. Enemy of the people comes to mind.
  14. so nearly two random citizens are killed every day by police? We should be hearing these stories back to back daily then. I don't know where that number came from but it's probably nonsense.
  15. For all you know this guy murdered a bunch of kids and then stabbed another inmate and then finally spit in their face so they had enough. You could literally be defending the worst scum on the planet right now because the media is misleading you. Not saying that is happening but it could be and that''s why the American media is garbage.
  16. This is typical American garbage reporting. Present a story with no details, must be white on black violence (preferably a police officer involved) and then throw it to the public as red meat. For all we know this prisoner just killed someone in jail but we're supposed to have sympathy for him? Sorry I don't care until they provide more details, maybe he deserved it, maybe the cops are murderers but it's too early to know.
  17. Ok so I heard a Thai news anchor say this and now this article. Are we seriously calling all non-white people in Thailand people of color now? No more nationalities, just white and "people of color". Of course Thai are people of color too so now they're going to get dumped into the same bag with all the black and brown people.
  18. there may be a better way but lets not overthink it.
  19. It's so simple. Just eat 30% less than you ate before and weight goes down. No need to get fancy and complicate things.
  20. oh great where am I going to get my 51 year old Rwandan prostitute fix now?
  21. ok so this is what we're dealing with. Thai drivers are the same as any others, it's just those pesky roads and farangs that's don't understand how we do things 'round here.. Next you'll be telling us the earth flat...
  22. I don't see how can you can say this given who we're talking about. The driving here is so uncivilized and nonsensical it supersedes everything else. We're talking about people that have problems controlling their emotions and seem to not have any regard for other people using the roads (basically children). Even if you make them the most straight perfect road they will still find ways to crash and kill each other. This is obvious isn't it?
  23. Find me a bend or any road for that matter where Thai people do not drive over the line. Just last week I saw a wreck with a big bike and a pickup truck where they collided going opposite directions. Why did this happen? Because there was land slide around a bend and instead of slowing down and proceeding with caution they both went full speed in the middle of the road. Moreover, Just yesterday I go left around a sharp bend on my bike and there's a pickup truck who was halfway in the right lane making his turn, simply because it was more of a direct line for him then staying in the left lane. I swerved and avoided him but still wtf.... You can't fix these people and you can not make me care when they crash and kill themselves. If you're too stupid to understand why you should drive on the correct side of road then how are you a life worth saving?
  24. I have a cursed bend around where I live too. It's a normal bend like any other but people drive on the wrong side of the road around the bend and then collide. I hope the curse can be lifted one day.
  25. Sad to see young men dying for nothing. Many such stories. RIP.
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