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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Finally these criminal scum are getting what they deserve. Seriously though it's so petty it's comical. They even did a photo so you don't forget who's boss next time you're thinking of selling ice cream without a permit. 😂 Meanwhile some kid on a motorbike without a helmet is crashing and dying because the police won't enforce basic road laws. Too busy making sure tourists aren't sell ice cream I guess.
  2. Bad way to spend your vacation. Why can't he just enjoy the booze and prostitution like a regular tourist?
  3. It has nice pockets but it's basically wrecked now and gets worse every year. Congested, polluted and whatever place you like now may be overrun next year. Seems the hoards have found it too and it's becoming ghettoized and even leaking out in to the outer regions. I hate to think how much worse it's going to get.
  4. I was in Chiang mai immigration on Immigration and I'd say 80% of all people there were Chinese. Wherever they're going is probably wrecked now. Thankfully I don't know.
  5. Russians to the left of me, Chinese to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with som chai.
  6. Lazy dog owner who can't be bothered to manage his pet and a shirtless peasant too stupid to make an enclosure for his chickens. Pathetic scene all around.
  7. I try to get in to their heads and it feels to me like the public is the jungle for them, every man for themselves. There's some wall they hit when in public and they can't seem to communicate their collective needs together. It's almost like they're not at that level of civilization yet. By far the worst part about living here. And of course nothing will be learned from this like every other preventable crash on the roads.
  8. This is the most Thai way to die ever. Gives new meaning to RIP. Rest in Paddies?
  9. I've heard of so many people doing this. I've even seen people publicly on YouTube say this is how they acquired their property. Thai people don't care about the law unless they can directly profit from it. If it was so easy to take your assets for illegal nominees they would be doing this all day but apparently it's too much hassle and ugly confrontation for them or something so they wait until your dead first.
  10. No one can help these people. It's basically attempting suicide the way they drive. I don't see why any of us should even feel badly anymore, I sure don't.
  11. This is the biggest misconception. They have no self control, are unable to do simple risk/benefit analysis, don't care if they maybe die if it means not having to slow down and suffer that level of frustration. Only solution is mass policing and keeping dangerous people off the road by force. This of course will never happen because the police are Thai people also and have the same level of indifference to the problem.
  12. He thinks he's a young guy and can still go back and work a little until to retirement. Looks to be well in to his 40's with no prospects at all. I would say he's royally <deleted> unless he has some major turn of direction.
  13. yeah zoomed and did street view but never saw any coast. Looks totally abandoned which is wild because it's so close to such a massive city. That's bizarre to me it could be marsh there but the rest of the bay is beaches.
  14. I'm looking on Google maps and I noticed the bay south of Bangkok has nothing down there not even roads. Why is that? I don't see a well defined coastline or anything so maybe it's all swamp? Just curious.
  15. Of course you don't have a problem illegal immigration, you don't even live in the country! My whole family are liberals democrats etc... too and every one of their positions is like yours. "It doesn't affect me personally and it makes me feel good to do the right thing so consequences to others be damned".
  16. Now diversity is Thailand's greatest strength too. Allahu Akbar.
  17. Case in point why it's futile to make any plans surrounding the government or try to preempt them on things like taxes. They can change their minds and do 180 at any moment. Always do nothing and ignore them until something is directly in your face and requires immediate action.
  18. More cushin' for the pushin'. 2024 let's go!!!!
  19. You can't have underfunded social programs if the people die first. 🧠🧠🧠🧠
  20. What about goons on the ground? Thai people simply do not care about air pollution. People are burning things constantly and driving cars that should be taken off the road. It's their own fault but they never do anything about it because they do not care.
  21. ditto. I need a daily inhaler in Thailand but I've never had any problems in the US. I think mold here is a factor too
  22. He should have to suck the booby as part of his punishment.
  23. America has become such a morally bankrupt ridiculous country. Indian and Thai people in legal battles over "spicy dragon balls" because apparently they couldn't just use the real name of whatever it was (Nam kook?). I bet it was only 10% as spicy as the real thing yet that Indian women who was probably raised on curry (couldn't even bother to change her name to something pronounceable for English speakers) couldn't eat it. Total clown show.
  24. I stopped going up Doi Suthep 10 years ago but even then gangs of motorbikes would always cruise up there at maximum speeds on a daily basis. I'm sure it's 10x worse today and has tourists thrown into the mix too. Chiang Mai is a real <deleted> show these days. What a shame.
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