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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. It's embarrassing now, they keep passing laws even though they literally have no enforcement mechanism. It's like the dog who got his balls cut off but still goes around humping everything. Basically the Thai government has no balls but they're too brain dead to even know. Very embarrassing for them. They need to stop everything and figure this out first.
  2. You're probably under stimulated living isolated with Thai people who are famously simple minded and care free. Exercise is extremely important for me but you probably need to exercise your brain too. I'd find a new hobby which challenges the mind and spend most of your day doing that.
  3. Racial resentments may linger but the more important part is they don't WANT to be mixed out and lose their culture and heritage. Why should they? He says it best. "I don't hate nobody, but I love my own."
  4. The British should start notice of the black population in the US who have been there for 400 years and yet remain radically different from white Americans and maintained their now distinct culture and dialect. Any white American will have more in common with the English, Canadian, Aussie and the list goes on then a black American. Point being, what passport you have makes little difference.
  5. you need to consider the Thai's deep love an admiration for paperwork though. It's a holy script for them.
  6. Firs off she said "person of color" at the very start (คนผิวสี). not talking about the text or anything. We stopped saying "colored person" decades ago (wikipedia say it may be considered a slur) but now "person of color" is acceptable according to our masters so which is it? Is she using the American racial slur from the 60s "colored person" or the modern American term "person of color" to describe a non-white person? just admit it she's copying political correct nonsense from America. Probably watches American news and picked up the term. So what?
  7. no more excuses, make it happen.
  8. pictures or it didn't happen.
  9. politicize? just noticing. I find this very hard to believe though. I know Thai's adopt and adapt American slang and person of color only makes senes if you comparing them against people with white skin, i.e. no color. I've only ever heard Thai people say "black skin color" or black person, but never person of color which AKAIK is solely an American term to describe non-whites or what they used to call minorities (probably gearing up for the a non-white majority so the term minority is no longer relevant, there's a politicized something).
  10. I got the J&J even though I knew I was dangerous because I finally gave in after being locked out of Thailand for 12 months. All my family got it and 12 months had passed and there weren't mass deaths so I thought it was worth the risk. Well I had a bad reaction and following that what I think is fluid in the ears and dizziness. Easily the worst decision of my life (so far LOL). If I would have just waited another 1 month I could have gotten back in without the vaccine but I was over the 12 month mark and winter was settling in so I bailed. Huge regrets and it doesn't appear to be going away. I've never been the same after that.
  11. Ditto got scammed by our first taxi, first time in the country that tried to change the price mid trip (we had him drop us off at the side of the street and we got a Grab). Thanks for the tip, maybe I need to give Vietnam a second chance. I would be happy in Thailand but for example just a little while ago the neighbor burned all the leaves in this empty forest plot and it stinks like smoldering ashes and probably will all night. Then they keep burning until the whole region is engulfed in smoke and everything is ruined for us. Maybe I'll try Da Nang when it gets bad enough.
  12. LOL she called him a "person of color" in Thai. Are you telling me Thai news is watching American news and then translating back to Thai their language? Calling an African a "person of color" makes no sense in the context of Thailand unless maybe they think of themselves as white? No idea what she was thinking.
  13. I've only been to Hanoi and the people were very aggressive compared to Thais. Not good vibes at all. I wanted to go to Sapa (which was annoying because of the people). Won't go back, should have gone to Da Nang I guess.
  14. Thailand doesn't know what they've unleashed. I've never been to Pattaya but I've seen videos on YouTube where Indians completely dominate the area. I may just be an old-timey racist but I don't think those people can coexist with the European and other Asian tourists. They're just a on a different level. Having said that my boss and my team I work with are all Indians (we're programmers and boss is from the US) and they're nothing like the rabbled masses I see in Thailand. Clearly it's a massive country so Thailand must be getting the bottom of the barrel from them.
  15. there's girls working all sorts of jobs all over Thailand. The problem seems to be when you get in the late 30s then I rarely seem them employed outside of government and white collar jobs.
  16. Thailand has a real problem with mass tourism. Entire regions and zones have been totally token over and Thai people stop even coming to those places. I can handle Europeans and backpacker kids but I'm not going to go some beach which is packed with Indians or yelling smoking Chinese people. Like the Thai's I will simply avoid these places. Probably many others feel the same.
  17. On my flight back to Thailand this year from US there was an Indian girl that had the most unbelievable BO i've ever smelt. You can't believe how bad this girl stunk. Can't imagine how that happens or what's she's eating. 🤮
  18. yeah which is why all they all immigrate out of India when they get any money and send all their kids to our schools.
  19. I've head first hand their distaste for Chinese and especially Indians (they do enjoy Chinese movies though so there's that). Whose counties do they migrate to themselves? White countries, by far. That should tell you all you need to know about who they prefer. We don't even need to get into interracial dating/marriage stats which paint the same picture.
  20. what, how?? Trains are incredibly loud if you ask me. I really do think Thai's don't process noise the same way we do. They seem oblivious to it as many here probably noticed.
  21. Do nothing and wait until they ask you directly for money. All these people here rushing out to pay taxes are acting on hearsay and speculation. We've ALWAYS been liable for taxes in Thailand and there has been no new laws passed, nothing has changed in regards to enforcement.
  22. One of the reason I moved out of CM was the proliferation of housing projects. Thai's are doing the exact same thing now and it's sad. If you look a Google maps over the city you can see it's just one big sprawling mess of these horrible congested housing projects often off of busy noisy roads. It's just depressing to see them adopt this and it's probably even worse than America because of how artificial and cramped they are. Yet they're lining up to live in their box with the mutlti-decade mortgage and car they need to drive everywhere. Sad.
  23. Really? Housing prices are one of our most serious problems now but I see most Thais living with family in generational homes. Maybe that's true but it's because they aren't owning their homes in the same we are. We would have the same rates I'm sure if people never moved out of their parents house. The availability of cheap condos may the reason too but that's not a great way to live and probably leading the decline in birth rates since it's hard to start a family like that.
  24. The real joke is they're doing their alignment during the time when the West is in catastrophic decline and falling apart across the spectrum. All the worst ideas that led to this decline they're now adopting and striving for. They really have no clue.
  25. 71 and still doing this? 🤦‍♂️The truck may been doing some high speed passing too or got pincered by another vehicle shining into their lane. You can never overstate how to useless and culpable the police are too. Any person from a country with sane driving could point what's wrong all days but even after decades of driving the Thai police can't even begin to start tackling the problem.
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