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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. This is totally my fault but why didn't it start from the day the visa was submitted or collected? So confused...
  2. I got my first Non-O and I thought the visa started on the 9th of January but after looking now it appears I may have missed my 90 day report and may be in for a large fine. My fault of course for not paying more attention but I need to resolve this ASAP. Here are the relevant pages. I don't remember what the Nov 1st date was (maybe the end of previous visa) and I finally collected the passport after being approved on the 29th of January (I started the process on Dec 9th if I recall correctly). Can anyone please help me with this? that would be great thanks!
  3. Hey guys I'm a creme of the crop, top class alpha male who makes bank and demands only the best. Because I deserve it. Who can help me find a women worthy of my excellence?
  4. How are you supposed to reason about this? I think a solar system that can run a standard house in this climate is like 400k right? My electric bills are about 2k/month during the summer and can be under 1k in the winter so doesn't it take like 20 years until they pay for themselves?
  5. So corruption and bureaucracy are holding back the country from making progress. Imagine my shock.
  6. Oh I didn't get that part. I remember my Dad has a solar system back in the US and they paid him for surplus power (which makes sense to me). Why does PEA not have a similar deal? Everyone wins right?
  7. Sorry, I'm totally ignorant. What is causing the worrying here? Is there a potential for some legal action related to having solar panels?
  8. Thailand is polluted, generally dirty/gritty with dangerous roads and feral dogs, that's why your Pad Thai is 1 USD and rent is 200 USD. Try to keep that in mind while you're choking on your morning run.
  9. When's the best time of year to Samui? Looking for a smoke escape this year. Is March/April any good?
  10. Is it good anywhere in Thailand right? By the ocean or on the islands it's pretty clean right? Already my throat is hurting today in Chiang Mai (aka Smog City Siam).
  11. Thailand continues it backwards slide into the glorious future of progress.
  12. This sums it all up. Thai's simply don't have it in their character to enforce or follow laws. I have literally zero confidence this will even get 1% better in my lifetime. Best thing to do is move to area with few Thai drivers and avoid driving with Thai's you don't trust.
  13. Everything you say is correct. Check out this channel with hours of footage from Thailand for proof.
  14. Thai's are reckless lunatics behind the wheel. I watch them everyday make impatient decisions on the road that given slightly different circumstances beyond their control would result in a fatal crash (like overtaking on the wrong side of a road around a blind turn). Thai's are either oblivious (cognitive problems) or too reckless and selfish to have any regard for the potential loss of life. No amount of education can fix what's broken here.
  15. Thailand would be vastly better if they allowed some tiny percent of restaurants to be foreign owned and operated in a simple and efficient manor. Thai's don't know how or willing to make most kinds of foods and millions of tourists that visit Thailand every year (and expats) would greatly appreciate this.
  16. Imagine marrying a women and moving to her country where you support her and having the government arrest you because you helped her sell fried hotdogs on a stick. Welcome to Thailand.
  17. No that's called American culture. Many states are larger than countries and so we naturally identify with the state over the country. This just scratches the surface of regional cultures, accents and ethnicities. It's like when a British person says they're from London (or a Londoner) as they're not ethnically English and thus don't identify with the country at large. Totally normal and not cringe at all.
  18. Everything you own in the country will get divided 50/50?
  19. I'm not rich and probably never will be but isn't 500k USD a lot to invest for a measly 10 year visa into a country like Thailand that flip flops at break neck speeds as we saw recently with the COVID requirements? If this whole thing blows up how do you get your 500k out of the country now and is it even liquid or will you get stuck with bad investments? Seems mighty risky to me.
  20. yeah I can get the chanote number but even if I get the name it's not a complete contact. I don't know if the land office keeps contacts even but the village head may know the people if they still live in the area. What I found looking for land in Thailand is that if you talk to any given person they will know of land for sale in their immediate area but not far outside of that.
  21. Yeah it's annoying because he works for the land office himself so I would need to go around him somehow now. Head of the village is a good idea. Not sure how to approach them though. orbator? never heard of this.
  22. The first plot of land I found had no sign, as well as many others which I found through locals in the area. I don't understand the Thai's at all here but there are tons of land sitting around for sale and they don't even bother to advertise.
  23. I found one plot by talking to a neighbor but said neighbor has a habit of playing loud music outside in the evening so I'd like to get some distance between him. I can see on https://landsmaps.dol.go.th there are 3 plots nearby that may work but I don't know how to locate the owner. My ideas were to post a sign on their property basically asking to find the owner in exchange for finder fees or doing something similar on a property Facebook group where people sell land. Does anyone have any better ideas? They have this great land deed app which I posted but sadly they don't included any contact information so all you know is the deed exists and is vacant but no way to contact the owner. In fact the plot I did find who had an owner worked for the local land office but he claims he doesn't know about those other ones so the land office may not be helpful either. Thanks.
  24. I've heard all that before and it's just more corporate propaganda to sell their products. The test is the passing the of time and raw number of people exposed. That's always how testing works in all domains despite any BS stories some company will weave to get you to accept their dodgy products.
  25. I guess back to carrying a stick on your way to school to fend off the dogs. ????‍♂️ ???? > ????????
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