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Everything posted by Banana7

  1. In Thailand, it doesn't matter if you cross at the corner with a green light, rarely do cars or motorcycles stop when turning through the pedestrian's right of way. Even at zebra crossings, people get hit. A doctor in Bangkok got killed in a zebra crossing, by a policeman driving a confiscated motorcycle. Also, at the intersection closest the college, the left northbound lane is marked, that you can go straight through on a red light.
  2. It's not an official crosswalk. It's just a break in the barrier to allow pedestrians across the road. It was provided after the college requested a proper crossing for multiple years.
  3. No, she got hit where there is a small break in the barrier for pedestrians to cross the road.
  4. One glaring and major issue is that Chinese Police consider any and every Chinese person a criminal if they criticize, condemn or complain about the Chinese government or the CCP. They are also considered criminals if they don't cooperate and provide information to Chinese security agencies. Thailand shouldn't be allowing Chinese Police to determine who is a criminal. This issue has nothing to do with protecting only Chinese tourists. Chinese police are famous for creating false facts about their citizens, like fraud, robbery, extortion, but the person's only crime is criticizing Beijing. Even worse, the Chinese Police will come after, and arrest, relatives of known Beijing criticizers. There is absolutely no need for any Chinese Police in Thailand. Chinese Police can hand over their complete electronic wanted criminal file to Thailand without leaving their offices in China. Thailand needs to be super careful that all evidence, is also handed over to support the Chinese criminals, and the files should also be verified through Thai Police investigations. Also there are many dual citizens with Chinese passports, who left China after criticizing Beijing and the Police are hunting for them in many different countries. Lots of people left Hong Kong and became UK or Canadian citizens, but according to Chinese law, they are still Chinese citizens and are wanted for "criminal" activity or perhaps their relatives, friends or associates are also criminals by association or blood. One important reason for Chinese Police to be in Thailand is to befriend Thai Police and develop friendships and relationships. This will lead to Thai Police automatically doing what the Chinese want, without safe guards and without doing due diligence, especially if favours or envelopes are delivered. Maybe there are big fat envelopes changing hands if any Chinese Police start working in Thailand.
  5. I think it means that Thai leaders are leading Thailand to become a satellite state of China, just like Cambodia and Lao. They are hoping Thai people won't understand or comprehend that it is another tiny step away from democracy and into CCP concept of autocratic control, more police, more control by authorities. China will threaten Thailand with economic penalties/export restrictions etc. if they don't succumb to their demands and acceptance of CCP doctrine. Now is the time to send CCP a clear message, your way is not the right way for Thailand.
  6. Furthermore, you could also be convicted of careless driving, in addition to the above offenses, which can result in the following penalties: If you endanger other people because of any kind of distraction. This includes distraction caused by both hand-held (e.g., phone) or hands-free (e.g., Bluetooth) devices. If convicted of careless driving, you may receive: six demerit points fines up to $2,000 and/or a jail term of six months a licence suspension of up to two years You could even be charged with dangerous driving – a criminal offence that carries heavier penalties, including jail terms of up to 10 years for causing bodily harm or up to 14 years for causing death. It is very common for Police to lay multiple charges when an accident occurs, especially involving a pedestrian. These are real deterrents to bad driving and Thailand should adopt similar penalties.
  7. There is actually a government department dedicated to property forfeiture in Thailand.
  8. Thai government officials would be lunatics to agree to allow Chinese Police to operate anywhere in Thailand, for any reason.
  9. If you get hit by a driver in Thailand with no insurance or a runner, there is a special uninsured drivers fund which can help with hospital bils. You must file a claim within 30 days of the accident. If there is no insurance, the court can order sale of assets, like the motor vehicle, to pay for hospital bills, loss of wages, etc.
  10. Go back to the history books, Canada did not fight a war against England. The same can be said for Australia and New Zealand, which also have the same culture and roots in England. All five are separate sovereign countries, as Taiwan should be from China. As for Taiwan and China having the same culture, there are major critical differences such as: democracy, freedom of speech, free elections, etc. etc.
  11. Same in Canada as Australia. In Ontario Canada, not stopping at a pedestrian crossing is a fine up to $1,000 plus 4 demerit points, double fines in safety zones, usually located near schools. Serious injury or killing a pedestrian results in huge penalties ($1,000,000+), plus jail time. Not stopping for a school bus results in First offence: Up to $2000 plus 6 demerit points Each following offence: Up to $4000 plus 6 demerit points plus up to 6 months in jail. (CAD1$=26baht) Thailand is just not serious about protecting pedestrians, especially in school zones, or heavy traffic areas.
  12. Well England, Canada and USA certainly have the same roots and culture and speak the same language. Over time they have developed some minor differences in culture.
  13. That type of thinking is insane. Just because England, Canada and USA have the same official language, and many cultural similarities that makes them one county? Just because Portugal and Brazil have the same official language that makes them the same country? There are many countries whose official language is Spanish and have very similar cultures, that makes them one country. Absolutely ridiculous!
  14. The only thing they are assisting with is collecting information, controlling individuals and influencing favoritism towards China in domestic and international policies.
  15. You don't understand the Chinese agenda. They will come to control, and spy on anyone they wish, and especially people who are critical of the CCP. They also have pickup squads, where they will detain, with concocted reasons, to deport anyone, especially Chinese citizens, who are critical of CCP. Sometimes they will even get the person back to China illegally.
  16. That is an outrageous statement from the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. This is merely another step to make Thailand a puppet state of China. The Thai Prime Minister, needs to send a clear message to not interfere, in anyway, in Thailand's democracy and freedom of speech, control events or other control any values. Thai foreign Affairs minister needs to summon the Ambassador of China and tell them to stop interfering with Thai media and values, else they will become persona non grata in Thailand. Thailand maybe agreeing to permit Chinese spies/police/intelligence operatives to operate in Thailand. Of course, this means wherever in Thailand there is one Chinese person, Chinese security agencies will be able to operate legally
  17. Start cleaning the water in Pattaya. There's lots of brown sediment in the water supply system. If anyone lives in Pattaya, look in your toilet tank, and see the sludge in the bottom.
  18. Several days ago, a female student was killed by a truck on Sukhumvit Road, while trying to cross the road, in front of Dusit Thani College. Many of the students live in Lumpani condo on the opposite side of the road or need to cross for other reasons. For years, the College has been asking Pattaya City to install crossing lights to allow safe passage from/to the other side the road but still no action has been taken. When will Pattaya City act to help pedestrians to safely cross roadways?
  19. Many times, trying to cross various streets in Pattaya, I use the pedestrian crosswalks, with lights. For vehicle traffic, the light is red, for pedestrians, its green, but many many times, the vehicles don't stop. I have even taking a video showing vehicle license plates and the lights to the Pattaya Police station, showing the violations. They took a copy of the video and said they would inform me of the outcome. But the officer also said, that they have to identify and find the driver of the vehicle, not the owner. It seems the law is written so that the driver gets charged not the owner. It's simple for an owner to say he wasn't driving the vehicle and someone, perhaps a ghost, was driving it. Consequently, the Police eventually give-up the chase because their spending too much time on an incident where there is little benefit. Why can't the vehicle owner be charged?
  20. This is merely another step to make Thailand a puppet state of China. Here is another fact: Chinese police will be undertaking policing activities in Thailand with the help of the Thai government. There is a BIG meeting planned for 15 November 2023 at the Embassy of China in Bangkok with Thai Officials, where China wants to bring in Chinese Police officers to patrol so called Chinese tourist areas in Thailand. Thailand maybe agreeing to permit Chinese spies/police/intelligence operatives to operate in Thailand. Of course this means wherever in Thailand there is one Chinese person, Chinese security agencies will be able to operate legally
  21. That is an outrageous statement from the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. In fact, Thai news media need to increase their reporting of China's relationship with Taiwan, exactly opposite of what China is requesting. The Thai Prime Minister, needs to send a clear message to not interfere, in anyway, in Thailand's democracy and freedom of speech or other values. Thai foreign Affairs minister needs to summon the the Ambassador of China and tell them to stop interfering with Thai media and values, else they will become persona non grata in Thailand.
  22. Cash is (K)ing! Never use plastic unless you are fully aware of Bankster's (gansters) extortion rates/fees. Maybe the best plastic to use is WISE debit card with a balance in the local currency. Unfortunately, WISE won't touch Cambodian Riel. For Cambo, change Thai baht for USD bills before traveling. In fact, if you accept small USD bills (1$, 5$), you might get a better exchange rate, like at grandsuperrich in Bangkok. Cambo currency outside Cambodia is toilet paper, same as Lao Kip. Take lots of small USD bills, try to give exact amounts for purchases.
  23. Try Dara Reangsey Hotel in PP. It's half decent, cheap, I stayed there many times. Look at the offered room before check-in and negotiate price at check-in, US$ accepted and preferred. If I remember correctly it's at the corner 13 and 128 st. Maybe $15-20/night with AC depending on length of stay and negotiating skill.
  24. I received emails from a visa company/organization, from a person posing as a person named Grace, after I applied to enter Thailand during COVID lock-down. I applied at a Royal Thai Embassy and used my most secure email address. I have never used or inquired about any third party visa service. It seems there are non Thai government personnel/third party visa organizations that have access to Thai government computer systems, or are being provided private confidential information by Thai government personnel.
  25. Your concerns are the same as mine and that's why I stick with the retirement visa. It's nobody's business, especially Thai immigration's business, how much money I have and where it is located or where it comes from or where it goes. Also, any and all info given to Thai government isn't protected, confidential or private they can choose to share it with anyone they choose whenever they choose with or without justifiable reasons. Also be aware that next year you may qualify for Thailand personal income tax, especially if you divulge a high income. Other topics/threads on this forum discuss this issue.
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