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Everything posted by Banana7

  1. The final payment should be done in the land office, not in a lawyer's office or elsewhere. The land office will examine and modify the original chanote. They will also issue a document stating the transfer of title between the buyer and seller. The land office also updates their own records, checks for encumbrances on the property and collects the transfer tax. The land office probably won't do all of this if there are issues with chanote or the title according to their records. I highly recommend the buyer watch the process in the land office, look at everything and ask questions if your don't understand what is happening. Thai lawyers may not be protecting their client's property or interests adequately. The buyer must personally participate in the transaction at critical points in the process and verify documents.
  2. My first post in this thread, had several important points for the buyer to do before handing over the cash. Many lawyers may not be protecting their client's money and interests sufficiently. I highly recommend any buyer not sit back and expect the lawyer to do everything for you. The buyer must be actively engaged, at critical points, in the transaction. Don't trust the lawyer! to protect you and your money. Always, see and copy the original chanote before signing the agreement. Do not accept a copy of the chanote. On the closing day, always examine the chanote has your name in it and the document from the land office also states the transfer has been made, before making final payment. Never give the final payment to the seller until the chanote is in your (buyer) hands along with blue book. Your name will be in Thai language, so have your lawyer, or an official certified translator, translate your name into Thai well before the final payment so you can personally verify your name is in the chanote. Sometimes the land office will refuse to transfer a condo into foreigner name because foreigners already own 49% of the condo building/complex. There are other reasons the land office will refuse to register the transfer.
  3. WOW! I only paid 5,000 baht for my lawyer. My friend also paid 5,000 for his condo. I found the lawyer in the Pattaya land office settling another property sale.
  4. When buying here are some simple instructions that can save you a lot of heart ache. This is not complete list and others will have more recommendations. The purchase and sale agreement must state the purchaser will receive, upon the closing date at the time of payment, the chanote with his name on the chanote and registered so, in the land office and must receive the blue book and perhaps, the yellow book, if there is one and the property is vacant upon possession. Failure by the seller to close on the closing date, seller must return double the amount of the deposit within 3 days. Always ask to see the chanote and copy it before signing the purchase and sale agreement. Get copies of government IDs from everyone involved in the purchase. The current owner is listed as the last owner in the chanote. If the seller can't produce the original chanote, not a photo copy, do not make a deposit. if they can't produce the original, walk away. Go to the land office with your lawyer and ask if there are any issues with the property and transferring it to a foreigner. The lawyer must conduct all due diligence. There are lots of little details the lawyer needs to check. Check with the condo office if there are any issues and get copies of the latest condo financial statements, before signing the purchase and sale agreement. When making final payment, which should be at least 90% of the sale price, in the land office on the closing date, only give the bank draft to the owner when your lawyer says your name is on the chanote and you physically receive the chanote and blue book. Have the owner sign a photo copy of the bank draft saying they received this payment. Many times foreigners are too trusting when making real estate purchases. Educate yourself before buying!
  5. I have started having problems with Wise. Their 2 step authentication is pain in the A. I change my phone number a number of times in a year because I visit different countries and have new local number. Every time I change countries they want me send a photo of me holding my passport. The photo is clear, no glare, complete in all respects to their specifications, but they always have an excuse for rejecting the photos and make me send at least 4 or more photos to change my phone number for the 2 step authentication. Last time I sent a photo that was 30 seconds old but they said it was a photo that was previously sent. Next issue is that the limits set on the card are far too high. They don't allow the limits to be set to what ever the user wants.
  6. Apparently you don't understand the cause of his overstay. The cause is that the Embassy failed to provide timely services such as renewing the passport, and providing consular service upon arrest. He didn't botched anything, the Embassy staff botched everything. I know reporters are interested in his story, CBC has already expressed interest.
  7. Why do say that? He started the process to obtain a new passport in November 2022normal processing time is less than a month, and this was what the Embassy said. No new passport by February 2023 and no emergency travel order either.
  8. I am happy to report that my friend was released from IDC BKK, got an emergency travel order, flights on Japan Airlines from BKK to NRT to YVR and landed in Vancouver Canada yesterday on May 13. Now I waiting to see what he does with news media and investigative reporters.
  9. Quebec can have their own rules and fees. Sure you can pay fees but if don't want to pay, then there are options to not pay. I don't even pay fees on my US$ checking account with a Canadian bank. I am in Ontario .
  10. You may be right, maybe info is missing from this story. I can only say, I have posted what he has told me. He did have a lawyer for the court sessions. I don't know why the lawyer was unable to stop his transfer to BKK IDC, other than it was done very quickly at night. Maybe immigration was pissed-off that the Judge was too nice and sympathetic to his situation. CBC have already indicated to him, they are interested in his case. They should be able to uncover any missing pieces and conduct interviews with government officials. In my experience with Embassy of Canada in BKK, has been less than satisfactory. The Thai staff lack English language skills and comprehension, seemed confused when trying to answer simple questions, and displayed to me other undesirable unprofessional behaviour and attitude, too numerous to list. In my opinion, the quality of service at the Embassy of Canada in Bangkok for Canadians is an embarrassment to Canada compared to services provided in Canada by Service Canada.
  11. In Canada, ATM cards are free, no cash withdrawal or deposit fees. Free counter service for deposits and withdrawals. No fees to pay bills by automatic withdrawal, like for electricity, gas, water, condo fees. No fee to pay a bill like a credit card bill through online banking. So the part that says "Thailand is the only country in the world that does not charge a fee for digital payments." is complete BS - typical Thai Banker talk.
  12. Yes, it is possible that Embassy staff "lost face" for their gross incompetence.
  13. He will go to the media in the near future once he returns to Canada. He had flights to leave Thailand on May 12, approved by Thai immigration and Global Affairs Canada (GAC). But the Embassy canceled the flights because they couldn't prepare an emergency travel order (ETO) before the flight. Embassy said it would take at least a week to prepare a ETO. Thai immigration were dumbfounded as to why the embassy would require such a long time to issue a ETO and also didn't undertstand why the Embassy approved the flights if the ETO couldn't be produced in time. I complained to my MP, who is in contact with GAC, and suggested GAC phone the embassy staff and coach them through the process of issuing a ETO. He now has approved flights for 13 May and should be on his way to Canada. I am still waiting to hear if he has arrived in Canada. He may have pissed-off the embassy staff by confronting them with their lies about the timelines for renewing his passport. He started the renewal process in November and had been promised a new passport in less than a month. He called the embassy frequently and still didn't have a new passport by February. The embassy was fully aware of the consequences for a foreigner not having a valid passport and not having permission to stay in Thailand. He suspects the Embassy contacted Thai immigration and had him arrested.
  14. Go to the Kwaeng Court, and file court ordered mediation. This has produced results for me. In most cases, this should be your first stop in the sue process. If it doesn't work, the provincial court will look favourably upon you in that you tried to avoid the court and wanted a serious negotiation. What is the reason for suing?
  15. 7/11 stores will take your coins and give you notes. But the coins need to be counted.
  16. He had another court appearance several days ago. The judge released him and said he had 10 days to resolve the matter with the Embassy. He went home. A few hours later, immigration police arrived, told him he had 1 hour to pack his bag and the they were taking him to BKK IDC. An hour later, he was in custody, being transported to IDC BKK. Today he is now in living in hell, BKK IDC.
  17. I call your comments BS. Everything I have written is true. The Embassy of Canada in Bangkok and the local staff they hired are not for competency, or skills. The local employees are an embarrassment to Canada.
  18. He did call Global Affairs Canada emergency help line In Canada multiple times. It seems they have no clue what is actually happening in the Embassy and believe everything the Embassy is telling them.
  19. I too am Canadian and I too need a new passport. However I decided to return to Canada to get a new passport because of the lack of cooperation and service from the BKK Embassy, exhibited when dealing with my friend. I don't want to risk being in Thailand with an expired passport, or dealing with uncooperative Embassy staff. Each time I have visited the Embassy, the staff have never been polite to me, never been on-time for the appointment and seem to have a superiority attitude.
  20. It is the Embassy job to issue passports and emergency travel documents. He even contacted Global Affairs Canada (GAC) back in Ottawa, complaining about the lack of service and also contacted his MP. Upon his arrest he contacted the Embassy asking for advice, no response. He contacted GAC again complaining about no help upon arrest. GAC told him the Embassy was never contacted about his arrest. Then he sent GAC a screenshot of a LINE conversation showing it had been contacted, same day as the arrest, and the message was read by the Embassy staff. Now GAC and the Embassy have been silent for about 2 weeks.
  21. I have a friend who was arrested by immigration Police for overstay. Basically his passport expired so he was unable to renew his marriage visa/extension. The Embassy has not issued a new passport or emergency travel document. He started the passport renewal process in November 2022, and his passport expired in February 2023. He was jailed upon arrest, then released on bail, has appeared in court 3 times. This last court, yesterday, released him and ordered him resolve the issues with the Embassy within 10 days. However immigration Police came to his home, gave him one hour to pack, and took him to jail, and now he is being transported to Bangkok IDC. How is it that immigration Police get to override a court order or decision? How can he get help?
  22. It's always someone else's fault for terrible service or not completing the job, except Pattaya City Hall staff. It's always Pattaya City Hall staff's responsibility to get the job done right the first time, on budget and on time. They hold the money! The contract needs to be written with progress payments only upon satisfactory inspection by qualified City Hall Staff, penalty clauses for not meeting schedule and quality, clear and complete specifications for quality of work and materials, and a large payment holdback amount (like 30%) until the job is completed to contract specifications. Also an escape clause for the City, if job not done right, on time on budget and on quality, City doesn't have to pay and can hire another contract to complete the job. This is way civil engineer contracts or Public works contracts are written in the Western countries.
  23. Let's see the video and have it authenticated as original and unaltered
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