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Everything posted by Banana7

  1. Young Russian women are gorgeous, as you described. Actually, I'm looking to avoid the men.
  2. What buildings in Pattaya are popular accommodations for Russians? Where do most Russians live in Pattaya?
  3. Could well be a ripe-off, no receipt. I had 2 ACs done. The other one was 300 baht for adding R22. I am going to buy a gauge, 2 hoses and some gas, for the next time things warmup. It wasn't a complicated process to add gas. The guy tried to convince my GF the best course was to buy a new AC (30K+), rather than find the leak in the other AC. After doing some research, to find leaks, use a gas detector as TimeMachine recommended, or look for oil leaks, or add some leak detection fluid into the system that glows in UV light. May take 3-5K baht to repair the leaks by a pro, by evacuating the system, test it, and refill it. Maybe a flaring joint came loose that I can tighten, or maybe it's more complicated. Anyways, I bought a leak detector, waiting for its arrival. One step at a time.
  4. It was low on gas, R410A. Added about 1.1 kg gas but charged 1500b. The gas on Lazada is 1690b for 11.3 kg., including the tank, smaller size 2.8kg for 645b. The gas he put in was worth about 250b and I guess 1250b was labour. Sounds like there is a leak somewhere. Maybe I should just buy a gauge/manifold, tank, and a couple of hoses.
  5. That was a Fiippino news outlet. There many versions of the matter. Google his name and find an Australian source like: www.couriermail.com.au or www.9news.com.au These sources are more believable.
  6. There are many versions of Troy's imprisonment. Troy has a family and is a mining executive. Here is another story about him: https://www.9news.com.au/national/troy-birthisel-australian-languishing-for-years-inside-filipino-prison-swears-he-is-innocent-man/e42cac77-e78e-4284-accf-c019267fa581 Knowing Filippinos this is what probably happened: Mr Birthisel said one of the officers that arrested him had tried to extort money from him at the airport and that six of the females traveling with him had been intimidated and "coerced" into making damning allegations against him. He said the six other women were never arrested and had given sworn affidavits that support his innocence. The charges have been changed to illegal recruitment involving sabotage.
  7. I had a friend in Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) Bangkok. The standard cell has about 400-500 men standing shoulder to shoulder in a room about the size of baseball court. There is a gang of Myanmar enforcers in the cell. Must pay money to use your own cell phone to the guards. A h*ll hole for sure.
  8. Mine is about 2,000 per month paid to PEA. My electrical appliances are similar to yours but only one 18k BTU inverter AC running 12 hours per day at 23C, only hot water kettle for cooking, one water pump, 2 hot water showers per day, one air cleaner running 2 hrs. per day, one medium size fridge (inverter).
  9. A few years ago, Thailand did establish laws for renting condos. If I remember correctly, minimum legal rental period for unlicensed hotels, B&Bs etc, is 1 month. Any accommodation rental less than a month needs a license. Like so many laws in Thailand, few are enforced. Maybe the Pattaya hotel association could tell you who to contact to enforce the relevant laws. You'll need evidence of wrong doing, not just hearsay. If foreigners are renting short-term in condos, they need to be registered by TM30, so immigration police would be interested in these types of renters.
  10. More expensive in Thailand: sun tan lotion, shaving cream/soap, tomato based products like sauce, salsa, quality razor blades. Products made in Thailand that are substandard to British quality: many food products like cheese, beef, smoked salmon, snacks; clothing, shoes. Meats and dairy can't be imported without a license/permit. Everything made in UK is more expensive here.
  11. Busy shop. Just phoned them, can't come until Friday 3PM.
  12. There is a light on the indoor unit which indicates when the indoor filters need to be inspected, and they are cleaned when dirty. The outdoor unit fins/coil is washed with a garden hose about twice a year. The outdoor unit does sound odd when starting up, different than another unit which is exactly the same model but doesn't get used often. Both indoor and outdoor fans are spinning
  13. Can anyone recommend a good fair air conditioner service shop in Pattaya. Got a Hitachi inverter AC taking a long time to cool down.
  14. Latest market rate from rentals.ca is $2,700 a month for a one bedroom apartment in downtown Toronto. Winters are depressing. Sometimes 2-3 weeks with no sun. Forget about finding a decent looking woman over 45, most will be 10-30 KG overweight. Currently there are lots un-housed immigrants in Toronto living on the streets and in public parks. The issue is that government allowed 500,000 immigrants in the country and they can settle wherever they want. Many are refugees, without sufficient funds to live in Toronto. Many new immigrants want to live in Toronto because it's a big city, and has virtually every ethnicity in the world. This massive influx has also affected government services, especially medical care, which is free and run by the government. Lots of other issues in Toronto.
  15. 2 systems are linked, one isn't linked yet because it's new, only about 1 year old and it uses a different billing concept. The concept between the 2 linked systems is consistent in that they both respond to a transponder, and that device can be moved from one vehicle to another. The m-flow system doesn't use transponders, it uses the vehicle license plate, and bills by license plate registration. It makes sense not to link all 3 systems. What's stupid is not learning about the different systems before starting to complain.
  16. Where can I get a good quality and value tonneau cover/box cover for a 2020 Toyota Hilux revo rocco pickup truck? Attached is a photo of Rocco with a cover. Just want something that will last a long time, keeps the rain out, and can be fully removed quickly. Want to keep the original roll bar as shown. Don't want electrics or to drill holes in the vehicle. Any recommendations? Pattaya seller is preferred.
  17. Be sure to take lots and lots of photos of your injuries, with and without bandages, until you are fully recovered. Get copies of xrays and MRI showing all breakages. Also take lots of photos of property damage. Be sure to go for physiotherapy after your wounds have healed. Go to the best and most expensive hospitals for follow-up treatments. Keep all original receipts associated with recovery from the accident and a record of your time spent tending to recovery from injuries. Include even small amounts like transportation to hospital/home for re-dressing/cleaning wounds. This will help with insurance settlement. Do not settle with insurance until you are completely healed. DO NOT sign any police reports or other documents unless you agree completely with their contents. Get official certified translations into English. Avoid relying on a Police or insurance company interpreter. If the driver is uninsured or can't be found, there is an uninsured insurance government fund that you can submit a claim to, but it must be done within 30 days of the accident. If the driver that hit you is found, be sure to quickly start a claim with his insurance companies. There maybe 2 companies, the government insurance and a private insurance company. Make sure the driver gets charged with all offenses (causing bodily harm, property damage, speeding, hit and run, etc.) and these are recorded in the police report. If you choose to hire a lawyer to settle your claims, the legal fees will be recoverable by court order, but not fully recoverable, the court will reduce the fees and you'll be liable for the remainder.
  18. For people with long-term visas to have to re-register a TM30 at their normal residence, especially if they are the house master of their regular residence, is ridiculous. The message immigration is sending to long-term visas holders, don't travel or stay anywhere in Thailand overnight, else we will make you stand in line for another hour to get another TM30 or fine you for not re-registering your normal residence. Sounds like a another make work project and opportunity to make foreigners pay more fines and make their long-term stay more difficult and onerous.
  19. Tell us about the air quality and PM2.5 count for the months of December to March. The air quality in those months far exceeds health standards set by the Thai government and western countries. Also mention the illegal drug trade from neighbouring countries.
  20. Best place to start to obtain justice in Thailand is your provincial office of the Ministry of Justice. In Chonburi, they have an office where they provide advice on where you can go to get help. In my case, they referred me to the Provincial court house in Pattaya, where one can get free consultation with lawyers and to the Insurance Commission of Thailand to get help obtaining a reasonable settlement from insurance companies.
  21. There maybe no need to get a lawyer if you are involved in a personal injury accident, without significant injuries, like broken bones or worse. Too many times, people involved in minor accidents accept the first offer by the insurance company or because they don't know the process to make claims, and don't want to spend the time to get a half decent settlement. There is very little info on the internet on how to proceed with a personal injury accident claim in Thailand.
  22. Yes but rarely are surface waters smooth. Surely there will be waves, sea swells, and lots of unpredictable bouncing, nothing like a stationary operating position.
  23. That CHD620 engine has never been installed on a submarine. Subs require very special engines because the engine will rotate in 3 different planes simultaneously as the sub dives and turns and performs other maneuvers. Also, exhaust, fuel, oil, and coolant need special delivery mechanism. Glad to see the Navy is smart enough not become experiments of the Chinese.
  24. You can physically bring into Thailand up to USD$20,000 without declaring it. Maybe open a bank account in a nearby country, transfer money to it, then visit it and withdraw U$19K and bring it into Thailand, once or more times a year, depending on your needs.
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