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Everything posted by Banana7

  1. More fincial problems for Russians. On February 24, the US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on Russia’s Primorye, Saint-Petersburg, Uralsib, Zenit, and Levoberezhny banks, as well as Lanta Bank, Metallinvestbank, Credit Bank of Moscow, MTS Bank, SDM-Bank, and the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Uralsib also reported that Union Pay cards of clients staying in other countries have been suspended by the payment system. Also, Russia Central Bank international reserves amounted to $582.1 bln as of February 17, down by $6.9 bln, or by 1.2%, in one week as a result of negative revaluation, as well as transactions under the fiscal rule as at Feb. 27.
  2. TASS, the Official Russian news agency reports today Feb. 28, 2023 Bank of Russia increases key rate by 10.5 pp to 20% External conditions for the Russian economy have drastically changed, the regulator noted Sounds like there is lots of issues with the Ruble to move interest rates to 20%. I would dump all Rubles immediately. They could become near worthless if Russia collapses. Google "putin russia collapse"
  3. Lots of problems in Russia: Bank of Russia increases key rate by 10.5 pp to 20%. External conditions for the Russian economy have drastically changed, the regulator noted. This is a direct quote from TASS, the Russian news agency, posted Feb. 28, 2023.
  4. I dare say, China may get a new province or 2.
  5. Russia may actually collapse as a result of the Russia Ukraine war. Russia is in a very bad position and may not survive as a nation. Putin, has acknowledged that Russia may breakup in the future, as reported by TASS on Feb. 26. Putin's interview with Rossiya 1 TV is the first time that Putin has publicly commented on the potential disintegration of Russia. I can provide a link to the article, but I am not sure it is legal to post it here. You can google "putin russia collapse" and find lots of articles.
  6. There may not be a Russia to go back to, as we know Russia today. Russian President Vladimir Putin has acknowledged the possibility of Russia facing a breakup in the future, with its population to be divided into separate nations, the country's news agency TASS reported on Feb. 26. Putin's interview with Rossiya 1 TV channel marks the first time that the Russian dictator has publicly commented on the potential disintegration of Russia.
  7. I recommend contacting Samsung head Office in Thailand. Send a copy of the warranty, a letter explaining the diagnosis by their authorized repair centre and ask for a remedy. If the remedy is not satisfactory, initiate a demand for court order mediation by applying at your local Kwaeng Court, usually located with the provincial court. All documention needs to be in Thai language. The Court will need evidence so best have everything in writing, You don't need a lawyer for mediation. By serving the Court Order for Mediation Samsung will get the message you are serious. After serving the Order, do not accept offers from Samsung outside of the Court.
  8. According to IQair, at 12:50 today, Friday 24 February, it is 155 US AQI - unhealthy.
  9. I have 2 air purifiers for the condo. A Hatari and a Mi (see https://www.mi.com/th/product/xiaomi-smart-air-purifier-4/). I saw the Hatari's at Homepro, Pattaya Klang, a few days ago, (see https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1153621). The Hatari has been running all day, windows and doors are closed, inside it is down to 12-17 AQI. The mi does a better faster job than the Hatari.
  10. Today, February 23, 2023, Pattaya air pollution is very high. According to IQair it is 120 US AQI, ventusky has it as "very unhealthy" at 93 micrograms per cubic meter. See attachment PattayaAir23FEB2023.docx
  11. The sailors should be in Pattaya today. Has anyone seen them?
  12. Beagles are also in Chicago O'hare airport (ORD). The dog caught a guy with an apple in his pocket, came in from Hong Kong.
  13. In rat areas, string the cables through steel conduits, available at electrical supply shops. Glue traps can help catch the rats. Some cams have SD cards, and the video is both sent to the NVR and recorded onto the card in the cam. So the thief would have to take both NVR and any cam that recorded him.
  14. Get digital Hikvision or Dahua brand NVR and cameras. Get same brand IP 4-6MP cameras, at least 4mm, preferrably 6MM or 8MM lenses, use ethernet cable not wifi. Most cams have IR and can record in the dark. Hide the NVR and secure it so it can't be stolen. Install the cameras so the cover each other, so if there is any tampering, it will be recorded.
  15. In regards to the traffic accident, if there is property damage, the Police are involved and should be charging the offending driver with violating Land Transportation Act, Section 43(4) and section 157, whoever drives recklessly or dangerously and that action causes damage to another person’s assets shall be punished with a fine from 400 baht to 1,000 baht
  16. As usual, it's a matter of money, or who gets it. There are lots and lots of cameras and recording equipment available for sale, not only in Thailand, but also in other countries, but Thailand doesn't want to pay the price. They want the recording and video storage equipment, that breaks down easily or stops working when required. I just bought a 16 channel/camera network video recorder (digital NVR, capable of 4K display) for 4K baht, and a variety of sophisticated IP cameras, up to 6MP resolution, each cost 1.5-5K baht. NVR can be accessed via internet and upload to the cloud. The cams also have SD cards so that they will record onto the sd card the last few moments prior to losing power. 32 channel NVRs are also readily available. Best to get multiple NVR for every station/facility in case of breakdown and have spare channels on each NVR. Also arrange the cams so that each cam covers other cams and the recorder/internet router/gateway. Cams also have a tamper alarm and lost video alarm. Lots of WDC purple drives, made in Thailand, 4TB and 6TB available too. There is absolutely no excuse to not have all police stations/facilities fully recording with state-of-the-art surveilance equipment, within a month. One can easily buy thousands of Petabytes (1,024 terrabytes) of cloud storage, so that no video "disappears". Lock all video uploaded to the cloud so it is read only and can't be deleted or altered. The Police chief of any station should be fired if the station's cameras stop recording.
  17. Always been 300 baht in Pattaya for a residence certificate.
  18. I agree with you, the design looks flimsy, maybe an after thought, and may have been a "quick fix" to an issue discovered in preliminary testing, to get the vehicle past the warranty period. The clips maybe prone to premature removal. Numerous new vehicles have engineering issues. Would you have bought the vehicle if you had seen the issue before purchase?
  19. For the most part, yes. However, I feel Toyota engine oil is only adequate, and in this hot climate, the top end of the oil should be 40, not 30. Also, Toyota doesn't make the oil, they buy from others, and have it labeled Toyota.
  20. Where is the best/cheapest place to buy genuine toyota engine oil filters, other than at a Toyota dealer?
  21. What brand of oil and viscosity?
  22. For a 2020 Toyota turbo diesel pickup truck, what synthetic engine oil do you use and at what frequency? I am considering Shell rotella T6 15w40 or Mobile 1 diesel 5w40. Dealer recommends 10K KM oil changes. Is it best to get Toyota engine filters or is there a better brand?
  23. There is little justice in Thailand, unless you are Chinese. A Canadian gets hit by a pickup truck, is taken by ambulance unconscious to hospital with multiple wounds and the Thai driver gets charged with reckless driving, pleads guilty and the fine is 500 baht. But a Chinese tourist with a knife scratch that didn't require hospitalization and the Thai offender gets a 500,000 baht fine - absolutely ridiculous! This is justice in Thailand.
  24. There should be no repairs conducted on that aircraft because it is contrary to US sanctions. Thailand should stop servicing Russian operated aircraft made by US companies. Turkey has already be notified to stop. see here: https://news.yahoo.com/us-puts-pressure-turkey-end-172100422.html
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