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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Leave then, somehow I don't think you will be missed
  2. Depending on your age you might not be here so why worry.
  3. You can have problems with your own country if you no longer reside there but still hold bank accounts. My Thai wife and I both hold accounts in Australia and every two years or so I am required to provide two certified documents proving my identity, my wife who also holds Australian citizenship got her demand last week.
  4. There are “people”” organizations “ who will do it for you I live in the North and needed some documents certified by the Australian Embassy and someThai Dept in order to get my House book and ID card several years ago Fom memory wasn’t expensive need to google to find the names.
  5. I think we could all suggest how the whole Immigration system could be simplified using online applications and still providing the perceived security protections. Having seen how easy it is to renew a Thai passport with my wife and daughter where the few documents required are scanned the photograph taken and the passport arrives in three days at a third of the cost of renewing my Australian passport, the Immigration Department could do the same. However being a division of the Royal Thai Police Force confirms it’s all about maintaining the bureaucracy and corruption. After saying that I pass the local Immigration Office daily and it takes me three to four minutes from leaving the car to returning to complete the 90 day reporting a small price to pay for living here.
  6. Malaysia has a similar system if you don’t have a phone you cannot open the automatic gate and just go to the Immigration desk, Easy don’t panic
  7. Does anyone have any information as to whether the above outlet has relocated elsewhere after closing in Airport Plaza. The information desk couldn’t provide any help.
  8. The UK has introduced an electronic arrival form for non UK passport holders operative from 1 Jan this yea which costs 10 pounds Malaysia has a similar system which is free and easy to use.
  9. I was the same unfortunately my wife who is considerably younger than me was not able to have the same vaccine until they were commercially available and contracted Covid as did our young daughter who was hospitalized. Whatever the skeptics believe considering we all lived in the same house and my wife and I sleep together I remained Covid free.
  10. Look at the statistic and you will obtain your answer.
  11. I pass our local Immigration Office most days it takes me three minutes from leaving the car to returning for the 90 day reporting, no forms only the passport and friendly staff.
  12. I read an article on this site by an expat "taxation expert" advising expats who reside here permeantly to register and obtain a tax ID. I am interested as to how many have followed this advice.
  13. That looks like a very nice leg of ham without the bone ??
  14. I meant the discs
  15. Thanks
  16. My view on that is if you do not have the training/ experience you shouldn’t be involved in electrical installation beyond maybe replacing power points etc. As we know electricity is unfoqrgiving.
  17. Hi I am interested in views as whether you should have the front dic brake calipers machined when changing the dic pads if they are not damaged or scored. I am not worried about the cost but note it’s seems to be part of Ford’s scheduleh
  18. The statement in your first paragraph is incorrect, I think you are confusing the changes introduced several years ago requiring the applicant to have resided continuously in Australia for a period of two years prior to making the application or residing continuously for two years after receiving the pension. For what it’s worth I know of two Australians who didn’t meet the above requirement and still receive the pension
  19. Well it would seem there is a similar problem in other countries if you read the report handed down in New Zealand in recent days dealing with the neglect and abuse of individuals in institutional care many of the organisations run by the churches. A similar situation came to light in Australia several years ago after a far reaching enquiry again the worst offenders were the religious organisations The problem is nobody wants orphans, disabled people etc and it’s costly to look after them so the governments are happy to farm it out.
  20. There is no shortage of places who supply electrical cables with the earth wire HomePro is more for the DIY person their plumbing supplies are the same.
  21. I live 150kms north of Chiang Mai and it certainly can get cold more so in the hills I remember a few of years ago it didn’t get beyond 13 o C. For about five days. I am from Sydney and to me that is cold.
  22. I think you are spot on with your comments, about a year ago a tree directly outside our house was struck by lightening, this resulted in the power board and some other component in one of our two washing machines being rendered useless. The laundry is outside and about twenty metres away from the tree neither were in use but both plugged in.
  23. Don't they need a work permit to sell them?
  24. If he is not seeking medical advice what is he seeking? A blocked nose and sprays don't work sounds like a problem to me.
  25. Having today just returned from Sydney and looking at prices it would be a pretty low standard of living
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