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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Try travelling North out of Chiang Mai I would be very anxious if I had an EV
  2. Had mine 8 years no problems met several people with same car no issues. You can get a lemon in any brand even reliable Toyota.
  3. Not sure if it is within your budget but we bought a Ford Everest 8 years ago I have always been a Toyota man and my wife still has one, We tried all the SUV’s and had been in Fortuners many times, For us this was the best have driven it extensively it’s great on road holding bends hills etc which was a big seller for me also the rear seats fold completely flat into the floor another plus.
  4. I have a friend whose wife requires some outpatient treatment at the Government Hospital Mai Rim for about a month. As they live about 150 kms away looking for something like one bedroom accommodation with cooking facilities. Looking for ideas how to locate. Thanks
  5. Yes and we have seen what mass unfettered immigration has done to many EU countries and the UK
  6. I am still waiting for the implementation of the government issued SIM card for all arriving tourists announced years ago. The brains behind that one didn’t think that once you left the airport you could replace it with your own.
  7. It’s nothing to do with being a racist or supporting Dutton it’s a case of not wanting your country to turn into a replica of the UK. The majority of the people support Hamass a designated terrorist organisation they are illiterate will not be able to work and will not assimilate into Australian society and culture. If you feel so strongly you can always sponsor and accommodate a few yourself.
  8. Thailand has never been designated a Third World Country Switzerland has however.
  9. I originally came from South of Manchester to Australia then Thailand. Became aware of Gorton Tank when about 11/12 years old. Have driven through Gorton many times.
  10. You obviously didn’t pick up my sarcasm !!
  11. Yes thanks for your original help sorry you have attracted this pest
  12. We have a Thai friend who is a lift mechanic he seems to spend a lot of his time carrying out maintenance on lifts but then again he might be telling us BS.
  13. Thanks much appreciated
  14. I started this thread as we are visiting Sydney for a couple of weeks next month and wanted something to use whilst there. I also have a friend there who I call periodically who only has a mobile and doesn’t use the internet Wi-Fi etc so cannot use Messenger etc. I have been looking for something to use from here instead of phone cards could I use Amaysin?
  15. Only if there is an offence dealing with “ theft by finding”.
  16. Your confusing us with our friends across the Tasman
  17. I wouldn’t hold your breath, I suspect that the only one who will be charged will be the officer who kicked one of them in the head.
  18. Companies don’t worry about who is in control as long as they have the right environment for trade that’s what capitalism is all about. In any event many are already locating to Vietnam as it is a lower cost base.
  19. I think the article states that his girlfriend is in the UK
  20. I have held dual nationality and passports from from the UK and Australia for almost 50 years without being questioned. My wife has Thai/ Australian. My daughter Thai/ Australian/UK
  21. Never experienced Immigration in any country including Thailand asking to see a Visa for the country you are intending to visit. Airlines yes because if you are denied entry they have to fly you back.
  22. They might prevent pregnancy but in my experience prevent anything else happening. Pass
  23. So are the football supporters from various teams who over the years have, wrecked trains, shops and had running battles with their opposing side and the police “ far- right” as many seem to be violent thugs.
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