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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Are you still using Wise? I have used OFX an Australian company for over 10 years and have been happy with the service, rates etc. It seems they transfer the money ‘ elsewhere’ in Thailand before it comes to my Bangkok Bank account hence it showing BTN and not FTT. Wondering if I open a Kasikorn account it will fix the problem. Failing that I suppose I have to just deposit the 800,000baht. I don’t want this drama with Immigration.
  2. I have held a Retirement Extension for over ten years using the income method Each month I transfer far in excess of the amount required, from a private pension and receive a smaller amount from a government pension to an account in my own name at the Bangkok Bank. Both entries show a code of BTN in the bank book. The helpful Chiang Mai Immigration are claiming that the above code should be FTT and does not reflect that the transfer is from overseas. I suspect that this is a ruse to extract a service fee. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  3. If you look at the statistics from Australia, UK etc you will see that it is the younger drivers who have the most serious accidents hence the higher insurance premiums.
  4. It’s not ludicrous at all as there are many food allergies that can cause serious problems and can be just as dangerous as a muscle strain. My former wife suffered from coeliac disease and always informed restaurants before ordering food. If you have a physical problem it is stupidity not to inform the person who is treating you the same way you should inform a medical person if you have specific medical issues, allergies to drugs etc.
  5. How does this expert suggest that a psychological study of the perpetrator be carried out, considering that he is dead?
  6. I am curious as to what would be the advantage of leaving Australia using a British passport if you were born in Australia and hold a passport from that country.?
  7. Many I have seen already are, although beauty is in the eye of the beholder !
  8. One of the regular posters on this site posted a link the other day for obtaining a retractable baton from Lazada. He claimed that it certainly deters dogs. Maybe it will work equally well with humans.
  9. Yes a man after my own heart, although my local Immigration office which I pass daily only requires the passport for 90 day reports and are so pleasant it seems a shame not to visit. I suppose using an agent could be argued as creating employment or redistribution of wealth. I will pass on the marriage part as I don’t want to keep losing half the house.
  10. Exactly and even though I have had flu vaccines for more years than I can remember a couple of years ago I contracted Influenza A here in January turning into pneumonia so maybe your information is correct.
  11. The advice I received from two different sources including Chiang Mai Ram Hospital was the same as stated by Scott above.
  12. Entertained a friend visiting from Sydney yesterday, he confirmed everything you have said plus more.
  13. Very sad but have good memories will add it to the list of other places around the world that have been ruined.
  14. I can think of worse places to hang your hat, unless things have changed a relaxing place with good food and friendly people.
  15. That's okay when you have a decent pension to live on, try surviving on 600 baht government pension per month or 700 baht when you reach 70 years old. Many of the old people here would be in dire straits without family support.
  16. Which seems no different to what I have observed over the years in many countries including my own by parties of both political persuasions.
  17. That seems to fit the description of some of the American police forces and a few others around the world. Unfortunately the job seems to attract those sort of people and these days I cannot understand why a sane person would want the job.
  18. That's fine I wasn't aware it had appeared with that title, as I said in response to another poster problems that I don't encounter elsewhere seem to happen when I use this site. Maybe I am missing something but after all these years cannot think why it is happening now.
  19. There was no thread dealing with current information and if you read my response to another poster I explained what occurred. Also this site seems to encounter many technical issues so I would only post a new item as a last resort.
  20. I don't know what the issue was with the title and don't know what went wrong. It did occur once before but no one has pointed out what I am doing wrong. I am far from being an IT expert but don't seem to experience issues elsewhere for example using the Australian Newspaper site where I regularly make a comment on articles. I will speak to my IT expert friend and perhaps do a dummy run. I don't want to incur the wroth of posters or keep standing in the naughty boys corner!
  21. I have a friend visiting from overseas and I am trying to find out if the border crossing at Mae Sai is open to non Thais. I am getting conflicting information, does anyone know the current status. Thanks
  22. My thoughts exactly cannot see the logic and she will wear the cost of the damage. We have bought several new cars in Thailand, Toyota and Ford and never had a problem fixing anything under warranty. One had a major engine problem and the dealership were great and replaced the engine, provided a temporary replacement car delivered to the house. I sometimes think it’s how you approach the problem gets the results.
  23. Unless they go to the District Office and follow the procedure there. they are not legally married. Whatever ceremony they carry out in the village means nothing.
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