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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Exactly and even though I have had flu vaccines for more years than I can remember a couple of years ago I contracted Influenza A here in January turning into pneumonia so maybe your information is correct.
  2. The advice I received from two different sources including Chiang Mai Ram Hospital was the same as stated by Scott above.
  3. Entertained a friend visiting from Sydney yesterday, he confirmed everything you have said plus more.
  4. Very sad but have good memories will add it to the list of other places around the world that have been ruined.
  5. I can think of worse places to hang your hat, unless things have changed a relaxing place with good food and friendly people.
  6. That's okay when you have a decent pension to live on, try surviving on 600 baht government pension per month or 700 baht when you reach 70 years old. Many of the old people here would be in dire straits without family support.
  7. Which seems no different to what I have observed over the years in many countries including my own by parties of both political persuasions.
  8. That seems to fit the description of some of the American police forces and a few others around the world. Unfortunately the job seems to attract those sort of people and these days I cannot understand why a sane person would want the job.
  9. That's fine I wasn't aware it had appeared with that title, as I said in response to another poster problems that I don't encounter elsewhere seem to happen when I use this site. Maybe I am missing something but after all these years cannot think why it is happening now.
  10. There was no thread dealing with current information and if you read my response to another poster I explained what occurred. Also this site seems to encounter many technical issues so I would only post a new item as a last resort.
  11. I don't know what the issue was with the title and don't know what went wrong. It did occur once before but no one has pointed out what I am doing wrong. I am far from being an IT expert but don't seem to experience issues elsewhere for example using the Australian Newspaper site where I regularly make a comment on articles. I will speak to my IT expert friend and perhaps do a dummy run. I don't want to incur the wroth of posters or keep standing in the naughty boys corner!
  12. I have a friend visiting from overseas and I am trying to find out if the border crossing at Mae Sai is open to non Thais. I am getting conflicting information, does anyone know the current status. Thanks
  13. My thoughts exactly cannot see the logic and she will wear the cost of the damage. We have bought several new cars in Thailand, Toyota and Ford and never had a problem fixing anything under warranty. One had a major engine problem and the dealership were great and replaced the engine, provided a temporary replacement car delivered to the house. I sometimes think it’s how you approach the problem gets the results.
  14. Unless they go to the District Office and follow the procedure there. they are not legally married. Whatever ceremony they carry out in the village means nothing.
  15. I don't think you can rely on the hour processing time a friend went there two weeks ago for a retirement extension renewal and was told to return the next day.
  16. We have had two cars insured with them for a number if years. I am 72 and I am sure last year they said they don't insure anyone over 71 they suggested we insured the car in my wife's name and me as a nominated driver I had a small claim recently as I clipped a car at the school in torrential rain It was all resolved and the claim was approved in a couple of hours I only had a scrape on a mag wheel which they wanted me to claim.
  17. Re the frangipani as the original poster said notorious for this type of infection I have given up trying to treat they will keep growing and flowering burn the leaves.
  18. I suspect the answer to your final question is that for reasons we westerners don't understand, Government Departments and even individual offices are allowed to apply their own rules. This then allows corruption to take place. The only place I have found over the years where it doesn't seem to exist is the Department of Foreign Affairs who issue Thai passports. They are very helpful and efficient,scan the documents they require and the passport is delivered to your home in two or three days at a fraction of the cost you pay in Australia or the UK.
  19. Plenty of failed men around the world who do terrible things to women, have a look at India and some of the Muslim countries.
  20. I think you are correct, there seems to be a belief including by posters on this site that the proposed 300 baht fee is to provide free medical/ hospital treatment for visitors, that’s not my reading of the proposal.
  21. Obviously didn't read my post wheel chair services, aero bridge and security not handled by the airline but the airport and their staff.
  22. To give a couple of examples of what I experienced in June, On arrival no wheel chair assistance for arriving passengers The usual chaos at Immigration and baggage retrieval including long waiting times. On departure A fellow traveler requiring wheel chair assistance waited over two hours for wheel chair assistance while staff sat around playing on their phones. The security staff were their usual rude and officious selves The aerobridge wouldn’t work resulting in passengers being held on the arriving aircraft for more than one hour. I observed three different sets of steps being brought before one set worked Qatar staff advised me that they requested that the aircraft be pushed back to one of the other gates which were and remained vacant but the airport authorities refused. I have experienced other issues in the past but unfortunately there is no easy alternative if visiting the North.
  23. After your derogatory reference last week to those who live outside Bangkok as “ Country Bumpkins” I am sure you may be please to know that a couple of those people I have spoken to are also mourning the loss of the late Queen Elizabeth, including this one as well, for in case you didn’t know, she was our Queen as well.
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