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Everything posted by CMBob

  1. Only was out for about an hour or so.....you should no longer be delighted.
  2. Would note a couple of minor points: (1) I really don't know if CM Immigration requires a very recent transaction in your passbook. Because I read a couple+ years back that other immigration offices were requiring that, I've been depositing 100 baht into my "visa account" just in case. But, Jbifl's post seems to say it's now required here in CM and that may be the case. (2) I was going to switch my "visa account" to Bangkok Bank a couple of years back until I read many posts about BB taking 1-5 days to get the one-year's bank statement from Bangkok; however, Siam Commercial Bank (at least the CM Thaphae office) does both at the same time and generally it takes about 15 minutes. And SCB does stamp and sign each page of the one-year bank statement. As usual, I get those documents and do the deposit thing the day before the retirement extension application. (one needs to make sure the deposit is made just prior to the bank doing their paperwork so your bankbook amount and bank letter amount are the same). (3) It's been a year or so since I got a re-entry permit here but last time they wanted in addition to the usual paperwork a copy of my TM30 and a copy of my TM47 Receipt of Notification. Never had to supply those before (but, since I take the proverbial kitchen sink with me, I was prepared). (4) I got my last retirement extension a month ago and, for whatever reason, they wanted a copy of every filled-out page of my passport, including Vietnam stamps. Again, I was prepared as they asked for the same thing about 5 years ago. (5) Be prepared to be required to give them a photocopy of your original Non-O visa stamp (even if it's in a prior passport). Occasionally, they'll ask for that (regardless if you provide a copy of the transfer of stamps information in your current passport).
  3. My only comment really related to a timing issue. Presuming the funds in a Thai bank account need to be in that account for 60 days prior to application for the annual extension, rather unwise to wait until the 30th day to get the account opened/activated and the 400k transferred over. Make sense?
  4. I'd get the bank account sorted out (meaning get it activated and get your 400k transferred over) the first week or two you're back as the 400k needs to be seasoned (in your bank) for 60 days prior to your application for an annual extension. If you do that, you can go apply for your extension early enough so, should a problem with documents or whatever arise, you have plenty of time to go back to resolve the problem.
  5. I'm not 100% sure of what they provide. But I do know that the US Consulate and Embassy will accept their documents when they translate from Thai to English. For example, they'll translate a Thai death certificate to English and provide what looks like some form of certification that their translation is accurate. I also know that the Thai commercial court (we would think of it as a probate court) will accept an English to Thai translation of a Will that's in English by one of these outfits. So, I'm guessing you'll get some kind of "certification" but I'm doubtful that you'll get any kind of "government stamp" (given the outfits are private entities). Edit: I guess I've never perused a Thai birth certificate but, if it's at all like a birth certificate in the west, isn't there a certification (even maybe an embossed seal) on it by the government office that issued it? I'd guess that certificate and a certified translation ought to be enough (perhaps somebody who's done this with a Thai birth certificate could post their experience).
  6. Here's a list of translation service places from the US Consulate website. I haven't used any of them so can't recommend.
  7. Had both done at the same time at CM RAM earlier this year. Total fee was 38,000 baht.
  8. Okay, thanks. Then what you're waiting for is essentially a Court Order which confirms your paternity of the child.
  9. You refer to getting a "document" and I'm curious what that document may be. Is it a Court order declaring you as the legal father of the child or, perhaps, a corrected birth certificate for the child showing you as the legal father?
  10. Not sure where you read that but it isn't true. People do read their Wills before signing and somebody would have to be pretty dense to gloss over language like that.
  11. Regardless of what AI might conjure up or what people think ought to be the law, perhaps it might be wise to look at the actual law in Thailand regarding Wills. The Thai Commercial Code starting with Section 1646 deals with Wills and the form a Will must take is expressly dealt with with in Sections 1655 through 1672. While having a video taken may very well be helpful in the event of a Will contest (claiming fraud, mental incapacity, or undue influence), the Thai law clearly requires a Will to be in writing and signed by the testator to be a legal Will.
  12. You say the Thai probate process has already started; given that, it ought to be finished and money disbursed within about 6 months from the time it started. However, presuming there isn't some unusual provision in the deceased's Thai Will that Thai courts would recognize, your heirs would get the money. Your wife would get the money if you have a proper Will naming her as a the sole beneficiary of your estate.
  13. Best advice so far in this thread. OP, you need to go see a Thai lawyer for explanation of what can happen....and for preparation of Thai Wills for both you and your wife.
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 155 seconds  
  15. Exactly. In its very own claimed political capital, PT only got 53.6% of the vote (whereas the relatively brand new People's Party got 43.7% of the vote). Those numbers ought to be an ominous warning to PT as to what's to come in the future.
  16. And perhaps that causes a little confusion. Chiang Saen and Chiang Khong are both in Chiangrai province heading into Laos and neither crossing is near the other. So: (1) You attach a paper that you say you got at the Chiang Khong crossing. So why is the thread title about the Chiang Saen crossing? Do you know that the same 2-night rule applies at Chiang Saen? (2) Are you saying that the 2-night rule applies to those of us with a one-year Thai visa/extension (retirement/marriage), DTV, etc.?
  17. Your 90-day time period will not be calculated from your current permission-to-stay date; rather, it'll be calculated somewhere between your application date and the next 4-7 days. At least that's the way it's done here in Chiangmai. I realize you're in Bangkok and, as DrJack says, you need to apply at least 15 days prior to your current permission-to-stay date (whereas, here in Chiangmai, it's at least 21 days prior).
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 218 seconds  
  19. CMBob


    Interesting place. Was there (Jartisaan Cheeserie) last week with several friends, had lunch (everything was very good), and bought some of the cheese that they made. Took us a while to find the place but well worth the visit.
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 77 seconds  
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 166 seconds  
  22. It's located half a block east of Sirimangkalajarn, sorta due east of the Topps grocery store on Sirimangkalajarn (or that's how I'd describe it).
  23. I personally can't say what the current status of the "straight back in" at Chiang Khong; however, a good friend did exactly that 6 months ago (he made the border hop without a re-entry stamp to deep-six his Non-OA visa status). As for Chong Mek, hardly an easy or simple way for somebody in northern Thailand.
  24. Chiang Khong would be closest place to border hop by a land crossing (if that's what you mean by "simplest"). Alternatively, fly out and back in and spend a couple of days in Laos, Malaysia, wherever.
  25. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 120 seconds  
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