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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. This is the true crime and don't firget the stolen election and promised 10k wallet. And Mr t not a day in prison ( eightky convicted or not)
  2. Dont assume this as its not my experience.
  3. Im uneducated on this topic. I think it is good to learn about this if you are partaking in the delights of Thailand. Does this mean you guys have had a vasectomy if no condom?
  4. Sad to see so many of you have caught the trump contagion.
  5. It depends what your looking for. But i say when you see something you fancy, go for it no matter where.
  6. Now i will imagine you are just a nerd looking guy
  7. This leaves me with lots of questions. One punch to the gut and dead. I was wondering how they had tome to make up such fancy 1.3kg sign but i guess they had time whiile they waited for him to sit on the pot. How long is that flight? Did he get through immigration but then they caught him in the head? I dont think i could swallow 1 of those.
  8. There sure has neen a change of tone regarding foreigners since Early 2016 when i took my forst visit to LOS
  9. So all foreign YouTubers in violatiom now?
  10. Dont he cheap Charlie. Get them both plus more.
  11. My new theory is he will catch and being back "Boss" to regain his status as top cop! Or he catches "Boss" and does some bargaining to get bosses family influence to straighten out his problems.
  12. And they speak english
  13. 35 bank accounts? Overall im confused . He is responsible and won't hold a press conference? If this guy is found to be crooked when he was much in the public eye just imagine the corruption! Boundless.
  14. My first thought was this woman was paid by someone via tinder to do this. Travel Thailand for the sights and food but meet others for a deeper impressuon.
  15. Non refundable if you get blacklisted
  16. Dont forget Thai women know that after 30 their prospects look very dim. Probably similar in other countries as well. So put yourself in that mindset and make your choice.
  17. I was told the barber had a list of applicants and the prices varied. Maybe 10k is all. New phones, shopping trips once in awhile for a weekly visit. Some guys even put the girls up.
  18. But it usually happens that the woman outlives the man if equal in age. Seems like more options left for a 60 -70 yr old than a 80 year old widow.
  19. Maybe he is considering things, realizing there is a whole World full of women. And much younger is an option. Its only 16/17 years for us but I see the looks from Western men with same age wives. It happens when we are USA or Thailand. And my teeth are just fine, and I dont think I stink or have bad breath more than I did 40 years ago in fact we learn what our bodies need have plenty of time for personal hygiene. And also older men cook better, have mastered so many skills in life so life overall goes so much smoother. For the woman its like living with a teacher of life. And for a Thai woman married to an older Western man it's like a hyper jump
  20. It is a good OP post to discuss. One must consider how much preconceived notions or brainwashing affect our thinking. Many westerners are brought up thinking we are supposed to meet someone of similar age ( maybe the female 2-4 years younger) and get married in mid to late 20's, after college and landing a respectable job. Buy a house, have 2.2 kids, send all kids to college, so at 55-60 the kids are gone and it's an empty nest. Hopefully you have saved a nest egg and can retire and then live and die together with your 1 life long partner. Any deviation from this entire checklist is considered failure. Now lets look at the economics. In that traditional life the couple are both on the poor end of the economic ladder, all the expenses of a home, raising children, college, etc. really not lots of money left to enjoy their life between the womans age of 25-60. Not lots of time to dedicate to sexual enjoyment so men being young and selfish!, I'm sure many womens needs are not fulfilled whether they know or not. I admit my/our guilt. Or consider the young woman who has an older man who has financially made it at say 55 and she is much younger. This man will be much more keen to sexually fulfill her needs Cialis or not. Actually much less need for Cialis when the woman is young, fit, with smooth skin and a hard body. His skills in the bedroom should be able to rock her World and why not do it every other day? They have money for a maid, going out ro dinner or I guess these days delivered food, nice clothes, vacations, better schooling if children, nicer cars, travel all while the woman is young and can really enjoy these things. Most men should be able to perform well into 80's so the gal has had a full sexual life until her natural desire wanes. I forgot to talk about this sexual desire mismatch in the traditional equal age case above. Most Women have an instinctive ability or desire to care for people when they get older. So the woman outlives the man in both cases usually but in this case she will be closer to 55 or 65 and can enjoy financial security for her remaining life. Maybe not even to late to find a new partner like the OP. Haha.
  21. To me this is what Srettha said. I came to chaing Mai because I am the top dog in Thailand and in keeping with Thai style I'm doing nothing about this terrible air pollution disater. Most importantly we must not do anything that would slow the flow of tourist dollars. So at this time I can't think of anything we can do to fix this yearly problem, either in the long or short term. This just opens the door for Pita to talk about sensible solutions that may make the people realize they should have done something when the elections were rigged and or stolen. Each tourist to CM is going to leave with photos, FB and social media posts, memories of this terrible pollution and this will hurt tourism in the long term. The slow killing nature of bad air exposure with no direct hard data or data thats hard ro associate furure illness on such past exposures people dont seem to care so much. If it was a radioactive cloud they would. So i think its about education. If it was just 1 country not 3 or 4 the big con agra companies could gain a big PR win by doing something. But how to get 3 countries to do something and it has to be all to solve this problem. If this wasn't an issue I think this is where I would live if we ever moved to Thailand. I need wide open vistas and fresh cool air and steep hikes.
  22. This thread seems to be proof that half the guys who retire to Thailand are dealing with less than half a deck. tRUMP will losem he lost in 2020 and tell me which group he hasnt pissed off. He has pissed off some magas by saying the vax was a good thing and he was responsible for it approved on operation warp speed rather than the normal 10 year approval track. He has pissed off the 2 million IVF babies born in 21' add in all those happy parents x2, happy spouses 1x, happy siblings 2x, happy cousin's, grandparents etc so about 50-100 mil people who's life has been effected by an IVF baby. He has super pissed all womens choice by his stacking the supreme Court and claiming he was the one who got roe v wade tossed. Plus they are targeting the day after meds. trump even was recorded saying there shoukd be some punishment fir a women who gets an abortion. All constitutional scholars and believers won't vote for trump. He has pissed off many military members. I dont believe any polls. If there is a ruckus many of us liberals have lots of guns and are hunters.
  23. Wont he go to what do they call it inactive post. So basically as I see it in Thailand and maybe much of the World its everyone has dirt and who has the most dirty info wins. He pissed off someone.
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