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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I do abhor plastic surgery although 8 could probably use a bunch. Here un the US i see mamy over 40 or 50 women with this catface look or these artificial lips that turn me off so much. Lalisa sure looks good to me.
  2. I meant cowgirl
  3. Rodeo tickling balls. Shch lovely memories.
  4. Im used to the reporting quality but usually have some idea of the story but his left me totally confused. Stating on a floating raft house? I assuke on the lake. Yet kayaking 50-60 km away from the dam? Do thet kayak the vamal then get a ride back or kayak out from the dam downstream in the canal or does the canal flow into the lake so they kayak the 50 km down current? Thats why they suspect he woukd be found in 50m of water. I wonder how cold the thermoclines are? Thats a bit deep for normal scuba rescue.
  5. 14&15 2 days in a row? I would think it would be a fun party eavh month. Crazy Thailand
  6. Sad news. What can i say about Thailand but please people wake up and change things.
  7. Dengue is a concern fir me when i spend time in Thailand. It sounds horrible. We usually spend time in the village sleeping under a net. The mozzys are always getting in. Wife dies a sweep with the shock wand each night. Dont know how 4-5 get in during the day. Could really ruin a vacation or life. I have read it is in the South East USA.
  8. Yes Grohe is supposed to be a high quality brand. Its sold as a expensive exclusive brand here at the fancy showroom stores. The imbedded rubber gasket on the ceramic cartrige just disolved after 20 years on our kitchen faucet. It clogged the fkow restrictor and wand. In the past when the rubber boot on the wand got old they sent s new head for free. 4 months ago we needed another. This is now considered a wear part. Luckily there are aftermarket parts that look identical for 1/3 the price. I did install that brand in a steam shower and it is wirking fine. But just the temp valve was 28000 baht. Not including face plate style or handle. It is amazing you got all that work done for under 2 mil baht. If I recall correctly this will be the guest house after you finish the main house? Is that still the plan?
  9. I would like to know if the 5400 real uros were separated neatky from the fake ones. Looks more guilty then. He stayed with the other brit in a condo? Perhaps that crypto coin is basically worthless or so iliquid so he had to accept a bad exchange rate. But why did he need to much baht? I bet he has been having some fun.
  10. I interesting read.
  11. Who has the link? Free shows like this could be a big tourist draw.
  12. She is very Thai looking at least. And beautiful to me. It would be hard not to promote her. He meteoric rise in rank does highlight the known corruption.
  13. It does have a strong smell. Some of us have sensitive snozes. Sewars in BKK, NYC hit me like a brick. But thats not as frequently as the pot smells in BKK. Like i posted elsewhere about a recent trip to Colorado. The wife and I could smell dispensaries and grow houses passing them along the interstate at 130kph with the windows up. I am lucky i can say i visited Thailand during the green times, pre med cert. I enjoyed my bud on the condo patio, a few side sois if the hotel didnt have a balcony. I enjoyed exibles too but their potency was hit or miss. I half felt like a criminal. I can see both sides to this issue. To a non smoker or someone trying to quit the habit, addiction, it is a nasty smell from a distance. I really enjoy the smell of a jar of floral buds or hoppy beer. But if I'm not partaking, its a nasty smell. Many thai people in the villages see the youth wasting away and now its pot thats at issue. I think it wont be hard to get a medical card next door to these shops. Many shops will go out of business. The high prices will increase. Colorado has had recreational pot for a decade and the sky didnt fall. Quite a bit of tax revenue. Por does have historical medicinal values, even in Thailand.
  14. The only good thing about this topics fruitcake is if the wife and most of thai citizens honors it and it's German past, she and they cant complain if I do anything similar.
  15. Not a positive for life in a big city without your own transport. My trouble is deciding which of 3 vehicles to use. When i tell the wife we are in a traffic jam here in Utah, she laughs . Dueing rush hours we do have these annoying metering lights on the in ramps spacing out the cars getting on the freeways. Maybe have to wait 3 minutes.
  16. incense sticks actually do create lots of micro particles. Its a good idea but should be implemented along with the military using those armored vehicles to crack down on crop burning. Negotiations with nearby countries is also needed. Which will entail money. Lots of money needed to bring in modern farm equipment. Overnight they could have military inspectors at each cane collection point as well as the processing plants ,and all truck drivers hauling burnt cane should have trucks confiscated and go to jail. Burnt cane market could be 90% stopped in 1 week. Provide protective clothes and masks to encourage hand slashing the cane. Allow seasonal workers to come in since many thais are now to lazy to cut cane by hand. Slowly implement a trash hauling policy across thailand with associated dumps. It would need to be subsidized at first. Use the silly 10k digital money to begin with. Clean air will help the thai people, and tourism more than 300usd. And cows in the US do emit a high amount of methane per calorie. It would be better for the planet if we were all vegetarians or insect eaters. I am not one of those fine persons.
  17. Roadside taxis refuse ro take even Thai people that my fiance and many Thai people I observe go to the driver's window to tell him where they want to go to see if he will take them. Thats totally wrong. If you flag a taxi and he stops you should be able to open the rear door and get in and then twll him your destination, and within his sevice area, 100% of the time get a flag drop ride. We were at the taxi cue at terminal 21 and it took us 5 taxi's to get a taxi ride. I couldn't understand this as after they refused us a ride they left the que. Next up i once had a 2 am drive from nana area to asoke and i swear the guy was full reving and shifting gears like a race car driver and we easily hit 100kmh. He was passing buses on the left. On one pass i had to yell because there was a parked car he couldn't see but i could sitting in the left rear. There are laws these drivers must follow. IMHO this taxi experiences hurt tourism very much.
  18. Are these password apps safe? I also worry about encouraging a finger or hand dismemberment using fingerprint security. For My main bank i input the ID and password from memory. Same for credit card and investment accts. Amazon is always on with a credit card link. When traveling i carry a note card in my money belt with some passwords thst i may need like Agoda, airlines, etc. Im sure this topic deserves more of my attention.
  19. Time will tell, but after America emerges from these dark days companies will be looking at social media posts and using this data when deciding to hire.
  20. Amzing your bid was 1.8 mil or less than 50k USD for all that work. A decent retaining wall here in Utah could cost half that. I enjoyed your light on pictures above. Do tiu mean the brand of fittings American standard or just all the good ones sold here like kohler, delta, moen. Dont get grohe I've had issues with our 20 yr old expensive kitchen faucet and their lifetime warranty isnt honored.
  21. 3rd world stuff. Ive had lots of bad taxi experiences. Its a real problem. I dont know hiw there can be any defenders of this.
  22. Anyone who supports trump needs to be considered a traitor and will one day. My hope is Your public written support for trump will negatively effect your decendants. Not able to work for banks, defense contractors, be politicians, doctors, stock brokers, etc
  23. Thailand made clothing has been terrible quality in my experience.
  24. School runs? Why do they want you to cancel? Why would they take the fare? Why would you ever cancel
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