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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Yes a jammer so cars were unlocked and could be robbed if they went in store or restroom.
  2. Humourous read. 70 kg?? She must have some booty or other specialized equipment. Buying used gagged me. But I guess that's common in Thailand and the World. I think there are much more modern versions of these dolls out of Japan.
  3. You better plan on the 800i in the bank visa because it seems like agent service's are on the out with all this corruption in the recent news. Don't spend down your 5 million. Perhaps work 2-2 more years before moving to Thailand. Any chance the ED can be corrected?
  4. I read the other day that a 7-11 gets crashed into by a car 100 times each day. https://www.businessinsider.com/drivers-crash-into-us-storefronts-every-day-7-eleven-2023-2?op=1
  5. But in January in the village some children had to stand on the crowded truck with a bed just like this. 200 baht/ mo. Looked like 30 children so the guy will make 28x200 5600 or 400 baht less for 2 hours work for school days. But they will need a new additional driver for 2 kids more..
  6. I can't believe Thai people including my wife eats those. Hot dogs are as low as I go. And about every 5 years I eat one.
  7. Crossy, don't you have enough water?
  8. I would consider the space between ceiling and drop tiles as an attic. And yes mold Will occur before you know about the leaks. A flage with a broad area for the membrane to adhere to is what I was hoping for. I saw the cup depression in that detail drawing but didn't know how that was made. It looked like it was only in the sand slurry . You still didn't address the cracking and movements that will occur between the roof slab and vertical walls or the side and tops of those walls. Welded Membrane companies don't have a warranty in Thailand? They also have ways to pre install and waterproof equipment mounting support points. So somehow the upper roof drains exit out into the lower roofs? How do those lower roofs drain to the pond? Wind can blow leaves and debris a long ways. Can't believe in 30 years you won't have any plants nearby. How easy will it be to ladder up to all the levels?
  9. But isn't it outrageous that they demanded 3000 pounds before providing pain meds. Should be a crime. Sure is a national disgrace. I bet she can was in massive pain. Such a sad story. So nice people donate. I have never looked on fo fund me.
  10. I just wanted to point out one more point of high probability of leaking. Around each PVC drain pipe. I assume that is a pipe that will just extent up pre- pour and be cut off flush later. First off cement slope and smoothness is hard to maintain around protrusions. What schedule PVC pipe are the drains?The wall thickness of PVC is less than 4mm. So some painted on product will be able to adhere and seal to that small cross section? Because if not then seepage will go down the pipe. Are those pipes ran down in the hollow wall cavities?
  11. 2" is to small and you will need to access all those different roof planes often to clean off leaves and sticks and clogged drains. I don't see a leaf filter grate installed to keep small mammals from clogging the pipes? So all these drain pipes will be ran to a couple of collection tanks? Horizontal drain pipes need need a slope of like 1/36. Can't believe for 1 second you will get a 1/100 slope concrete pour without several pooling locations. What access is there going to be in the attic to find leak locations? And what ceiling type and it's repairability will be used? It looks like there is a vertical wall extending above the flat roof. How will that joint be sealed? how about that vertical portion? There will be movement and cracking at those junctions!!! What about the top of those walls? I say go with a welded membrane that goes up and over all the vertical walls and the walls are capped with a continuous metal cap with a drip edge to keep water from running down your exterior walls. Solar installation is going to penetrate this nice membrane. What does that do for their warranty? Looks nice but your going to have issues.
  12. Can't believe in 2.5 years you got the price down to 5$ Poor Thai guy just trying to help a sick person.
  13. It starts here at acceptance. Corruption. Letting taxis charge to much. Same accepting attitude posted here as in my taxi not using a meter thread years ago. You are the enablers!
  14. It's sad the beaches are not safe at all hours as indicated by many posters here. And after 2 trips to the hospital, and a shower most likely,his picture doesn't looked roughed up to some of you. A broken nose isn't always crooked or swollen
  15. Just imagine how low cost balloon launched systems would be compared to other means. 40k feet so they could distribute chemicals or bird flu or whatever. Currently bird flu h5n1 is having a big impact in USA. Even transferred to mammals like bear, fox, etc. Jet stream heads East out of China at 150mph.
  16. Sounds like the place the OPs friends stayed at this trip didn't file a tm30. A few hotels I stayed in in my 7 weeks dec-jan for my passport but over half the time wife was able to check in with me standing there and they didn't ask for my passport. Does this mean they were saving time not doing the tm30 or not paying taxes? Small hotels just recovering from the COVID times. Also 3 weeks staying out in the hood and I don't file tm30s. Flew to Cambodia for new 45 days. I think this requirement is so they know tourists address. Maybe the Chinese stink has imagration crossing all their t and doting their i's
  17. Very nice looking install. My biggest concern for solar on my house is the roof mounting causing leaks. I have asphalt shingles 20 years old. So I would want to do a new roof at the same time 12-15k USD. Also freezing climate here so more important the top roof drainage plane is leak proof. Did the panels go on with roofing contractor there or after roof was done. It looks like the cement tiles? I see horizontal mounting brackets I think? I would like to see and understand how they mounted things and how your tiles are mounted. I'm careful around 12v batteries after I let a wrench touch both terminals. That was enough of arc flash for me and the missing metal on my wrench is my reminder to not do stupid again. Oh also I don't think most Americans understand water penetration unless they have been roofers for 20 years. Most minor roof leaks are not discovered for 5 years. I do have a 12x34' workshop, with South facing slope, but with the requirements of walking space around the panels I don't think I can get many there plus I think the wires to the house would need to go underground and that means sawing a 40' trench in my cement.
  18. Elkski

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    We saw it 3D at terminal 21. It was a good movie. I but cliche and lots of violence and how can so much firepower explode all around but so few of the cast remain unscathed? Lots of underwater scenes. I really didn't see so many 3D effects that impressed me. Sat in center and 1/3 back. It wasn't to cold in there but always take a coat on BTS and theaters.
  19. He has said he will donate the 5% rewards to charity!!! I think you haven't studied enough to comment.
  20. A million baht/day and that was way back when? Just a small slice of the sex trade pie that Thailand doesn't acknowledge feeding this nations growth.
  21. Cool idea. TAT should promote this. Must applaud the makers of this. Did it take cash?
  22. I could see this happening just like Airbnb condos. Maybe a small app or even a name that's recommended in a Facebook travel thread. Contact the guy for a ride in messenger or w he acts app orr better yet an encrypted chat app. Pay with prompt, Venmo or apple pay. Just a friend giving a friend a ride. I mean how do you measure friendship? people converse for x times online and the government let's foreigners send money to Thai women. Same same.
  23. Wow so Russians buying up villas? Record % of one nationality? Higher than Chinese ever did? Maybe so much money they will be getting long stay Visa's? Staying long term via elite visa, starting companies, or however. I would imagine it would be a good idea to get much of your wealth out now. Overall interesting. When I was there in Jan I thought I saw some and wondered if they were on leave from the front.
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