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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I think he is was referring to the Op going to all this trouble just to drink beer in Thailand
  2. Unless the ducks found it
  3. Would you rather go to the water park? I'm not dead.
  4. Fun reading this thread. Living in dry Utah doing composting and small gardens for personal use. Started with sorted sandy well drained soil. In some plots finally able to do low till. Lots of work to start with near zero organics. Seems like composting in Thailand's climate would be so easy. Interesting to read about to much wood left in bagged compost bags. Seems to be the norm here. Most comes from Idaho wood mills and I think there is such a rush to move product they don't wait long enough. Expanded some new garden area last winter during a Jan warm spell and didn't have compost so had to buy 10 bags from local home store. Only half a pallet left from the previous year so it had been in the bags at least 9 months and it was much better looking than usual. These big box stores get truckloads of bagged goods in spring. They usually block off 1/2 acre of parking lot for the compost and bark goods. Some of the bark foods are coming from the Midwest and bringing in non local mushrooms. Wished I was 1/10 as educated on this topic as some of you so I could show wife's mom and sister some things to do on their Si Sa Ket farm.
  5. This thread makes my mouth water. But it is hard to guess the acceptable price some of you are willing to pay for a nice meal out? Financial ability and willingness can be so diverse. Your local and maybe go out once a month for a special night out and night off from cooking. But we will be visiting and eating out daily. 350 baht for a tempura roll sounds typical USA sushi prices but is one of the few price warnings I've read. Maybe we are to frugal to enjoy most of these restaurants? Can some of you express your typical dinner for 2 budget at say pepper and salt or suggestions.
  6. 2 things that really stand out to me in this case. The victim was a cop. And that the top judicial guy was corrupt. The highest court. If money and family connections can manipulate murder then nothing is unthinkable or undoable in Thailand!. But get big enemy's and your political career can be ended because you have encroached on forest land. Just imagine the movie about the dealings and conversations between the top dogs who really run this country. It would put circa 1950s Vegas to shame.
  7. 11 trips to Thailand and I never experienced Pattaya after dark. My first trip to Thailand I did take a bus down from BKK to go diving ( scuba kind). After the boat dive I walked north from the pier all the way up beach road with a dive backpack to a hotel I picked. It was late afternoon and hot. I had to stop for a beer. Had like 6 gals at my table. Most left as I was busy swiping and most swipes looked better than the bargirls. One gal wiped my sweaty brow. My first touch by a Bargirl. But I didn't stay long as I wanted a cool shower. I was to tired to go out that night and left the next day. Now returning, married to Thai. We have a gap in our travels and I'm thinking to bus down from BKK for 1-2 nights to see the night life and things in the daytime that you expats enjoy. Looking for a reasonably priced hotel 2000 baht ish. We won't be staying up late or partying much. I do enjoy drinking a happy hour beer watching the ladies come to work. Maybe staying long enough to see the nightlife grow. If my hotel is near a gogo bar wife would be ok if I went for a couple hours but not really planning on that. Any suggestions?
  8. I had classy closets install lots of particle board cabinets in my garage 20 years ago. They used those plastic screw legs more like 10 or 12 cm tall. In a garage I see the advantage of keeping the cabinets off the floor. Also most garages have a foundation ledge that just our and they sit them on these so the fronts need legs. Most kitchen cabinets in the US sit on the floor with a 6mm toe kick panel that spans like 8' of cabinetsput in after they are installed. Are kitchen cabinets in Thailand open underneath? I'm sure after building 1 cabinet you will get faster and I don't think it will take many to feel like a pro. If your uppers use a clear system that will be nice and easier to install. But dies that leave a gap in the back for a cabinet side not going against a wall? So that requires a separate end panel? I didn't quite understand why he used a hacksaw in that video on a leg if you had a tall end cabinet in the end. When they installed my look was some would not adjust short enough so he just brought out his bench tub belt sander. He didn't geind them very square at all. It was all about speed in his install.
  9. So bolt or in driver are the lowest price in BKK? With lots of drivers willing to pick you up? What about from Krabi airport to aunang area?
  10. No mention of sexual assault charges. One time late at night, not morning, in patong a Thai gal (lived on Phuket) I was with, thought it would be funny to see me attacked by the LB's. So she dropped back some distance as we walked. She was surprised none assaulted me. But Im pretty sure I don't exude fondness for that sex. But any person who comes up to another person and gropes them like that should be considered an assault and a sexual assault crime if that person presents and or thinks they are the opposite sex. If I physically ward any off me after they touched me first it should be self defense.
  11. I'm a DIY guy. I've assembled a couple IKeA things. The instructions basically used no words just pictures. It was important to look at the little details highlighted in the pictures. I stepped on 1 piece that was left under some packing and broke it. IKEA replaced it at the store. Also one of the cam lock devices was defective and broke and they provided a new one. I think ikea it is trash stuff. The surface finish is so fragile on the stuff I assembled and 20 years ago when our local Ikea was only 1 year old I took my first visit. I recall the kitchen cabinet displays had lost the surface finish around the grab pulls customers probably tried the most. Then it looks real bad. It wouldn't be easy to paint over that plastic. That said if your going to install them I say get a laser level and lots of shims for the floor. Shim all 4 corners and check the top corners with a laser level I installed my last kitchen and the countertop people said they had never seen cabinets so level. It's easiest to start at the highest ground and then shim the rest up to that. But if you have a corner that is the best place to start. Plan you shims in that case off your laser level pre surveying. I watched installers do a kitchen and they only shimed under the front so the rear was only held by the wall screws. I think this is the standard here as it saves lots of time and is considered acceptable even if granite is planned. This is such an easier method because I had to shim and pull out some cabinets 5 or more times to get them level. You need a helper if your going to shim the rear corners. It takes 2 to set the cabinet back in and not disturb the new shims. I had 2x4 studs marked to screw into with big headed cabinet screws and I used the special small head dual screw, cabinet screws to connect the wood fronts together. You sink them just flush. I've seen a new clamp that not only clamps the front facing together but also flush at the same time. I just used clamps but predrilled the facing screw holes so they didn't wander out of flush much at all. My cabinets were painted but real wood facings so I needed to predrill. You can put most all these facing screws under the hinges so they don't show. I calculated the top cabinet bottom height and had pre installed wires for the led under cabinet pucks. I put the 2 power supplies under the sink. I wired a separate outlet for them and it was switched. Also can be operated via remote. But with the 2 separate units that use the same remote you can get them out of synce using the remote. I was tiling the back splash so after drilling a hole in the 3 separate known locations to fish the wires 1-2 cm up into the cabinet these wires were hidden by the tile. I'm sure you can do this and as well as any installer team. Not as fast but you can get a quality job. I'm not sure what wall fasteners are used in the Thailand mortar walls. Not sure I would trust cabinets attached to some of the small red brick walls I've seen built there. The cabinet screws I used are made with real strong steel. Coated for protection, have a big flattish head, and a torx drive.
  12. I'm in awe about the nearly 10% drop of the USD.
  13. Wise transfer rate is 35.8 now. If you have an account. I never understood why the rate is different for 100 notes vs 50's? Even 20's The scamming starts here.
  14. We got under 800 rt la BKK recently. 1 stop Japan. ANA via United. However Delta and many were charging high fares and all over the place. In 6 years and 12 trips I have never flown non stop. don't really see many of those flights from the West coast or they are to HISO for me. Hotels seemed to be charging 2019 prices. Rising COVID cases are a concern for travel for sure could mess up a visit. Im feeling the 8% + drop in USD to bht. It was 38.4 I saw once but now like 35.8 for every 1000$ that's less 8 massages or most of a fun night out lost.
  15. I agree with one poster. Putin thought the war would be over in weeks. It looks as though he didn't have a plan B.
  16. My least favorite thing about Thailand. I'm dreading the noise for an upcoming visit. In the village, dogs bark at all hours, loud music with no care of others, then the daily monk chants on the PA you can hear but not understand from 2 clicks away. oh and the roosters who don't even wait for dawn. I imagine this Thai man remembers a much quieter time 30 years ago. How can some of these bars be allowed to make so much noise. I stayed at a big name chain hotel in khon kaen on like the 20th floor. At 3 am the beat from music was vibrating the windows in their mountings. Looking down below It was a single story private residence that looked like it had been turned into a jungle party and didn't have that many customers. It had to exceed hearing loss levels at ground zero. I did ask the desk and was moved to the other side of the man. I couldn't believe a big conglomerate couldn't get that sound shut down. Kinda says it all about Thailand. Where I live and have lived most all my life has been more quiet than most people know exists.
  17. Poor guy. Like I have always said. "yous go from zero to one to two and then back to zero". But he exceeded my thinking. I don't think there is an low IQ requirement for jealous rage. Most of us have felt this strong emotion. I do wonder what the fly heard at that lunch table. 29 times. I feel pain and the loss for all 3 involved. Wow is all I can think. A woman scorned.
  18. Doesn't work fore at all. Good thing we all have different tastes. The winner is the best according to me. Very beautiful women all 3
  19. Man OP, you have a bad case of the Thai brainwashing. Hope she does outher things very well. I've encountered similar attitude. Mine gf, now wife always used to say " you think to mut". She always said I plan to mut. Always wondered why I thought about 3-4 things or heaven forbid actually worked on the next thing before we finished the first task. It really bugged me when she would take advice from Thai strangers in FB or somewhere over my advice. I do admit that when it comes to getting green cards and migrating to the US the FB pages do know their stuff. I have read there are and worry about the FB pages about how to rip off your man. One example was when she was flying to USA on K1 visa during COVID ( May 2021). I was planning and booking everything. I realize it must have been tramatic for her. Quiting her 20+ year job, even had her US educated Dr boss and wife lecture her for 4 hours about her horrible mistake. At that time you needed a covid test before flying. The K1 visa was approved but in transit to her. FB ladies said 3 days for delivery so I planned to book flight for 4 days, that meant taking her covid test before having the visa in hand. We used some clinic in thonglor with an English speaking female Dr who had set up a good system highly recommended by farang. They had 1 day turnaround. So test before 9am a me d results emailed by 70pm. I wanted her to take the test the day before the flight but she just couldn't understand I would risk the test fee by doing things before the K1 step was complete. " Step" seems to be a word Thai learn. Next step, finish step etc. I finally convinced her to go get the COVID rest day of flight. It was an 11:05 on flight. The K1 visa came that day. It was 5 pm, by now she had 4-6 friends trying to help her in this panic situation. she was sitting on her luggage on Suk out front of her abandoned premise of 20 years sitting in her luggage with flight in 6 hours, but no COVID test results. My instructions and plans were for her to go with her friend who was there and had a car and house near BKK to go with her as planned, relax eat dinner, and use her printer as I was confident the results woykd be in her email in the next 2 hours. Even 8 on email would mean at BKK 2.75 hours early. But no. Next call I get is from the group in front of the now closed clinic all screaming and panicking. Finally she had to listen to me and the email came and she printed it and was a good 2 hours before her flight. She really thinks it was a miracle. She has since learned her man can plan like dis. I think 18 months living with an engineer and in the US she has had her eyes opened. She is learning to plan and trust me. She can't believe all the knowledge I have. She has seen how hard and efficient Americans can work. She has seen how fast we can make some cash but also how demanding work can be at times. I know this rant is long but I must add one more tidbit. The Dream book. I guess there is a book or just mom knows this but every dream has a meaning. Food or bad so she checks with mom. Hell I rarely remember a dream unless it was a triple. Last thing is actions like if a man pees on a woman or the opposite it means really bad things will happen. There is black magic in that isaan jungle. Beware
  20. I can narrow this down. Murder or suicide.
  21. So sad to see police forces around the World so we'll equipped to fight against the will of the people.
  22. It's clear that they want the tourist dollars and nothing more.
  23. I guess the takeaway is that the police do have a tracking system that works. I didn't read how they caught her 5 years later? I've watched YouTube s that show these hotel safes are worthless as safe places for stuff. And I recall my recent thread where a guy was saying bringing 4k USD cash is chump change. A passport maybe valuable but it is replaceable for minimal money. I always feel venerable when I go to the beach or swimming pool where I can't wear my money belt. Today losing a smart phone would cause lots of inconvenience when on a vacation in Thailand. I better take care with my S21 ultra. I've read of a trick of bringing a screwdriver to not only clean hotel room Aircon filters but possibly finding a good stash place. Also a seam ripper and some thread as the curtain hems can be overlooked. I think theft happens in all places. Having this story in the news is a good reminder for staff to stay honest. But drugs and or loan sharks or starving family would be highly motivating.
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