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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 6 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Does wearing a mask bother you so much. Just a piece of cloth over part of your face and it may save you and others lives. Is this your political expression. Meant no malice but personally think you should complied to local rules. At some point in the near future, it will be lifted. 

    It only bothers me when outdoors as it’s pointless. And I think you’ll find it has been lifted from July 1st when outdoor wearing becomes ‘recommended’ anyway. So I won’t be breaking the rules. For what it’s worth I have never broken the rules, but as I said, enough is enough. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, PJ71 said:

    This is onnly a valid argument if you're willing to get boosters every 3-4 months, are you?


    It's been proven many times 2-3 months is the effectivness of the vaccine(s).

    Most countries see no need for boosters at such short intervals. Covid now is akin to catching a cold. But if it were still a serious illness then, yes, I’d have a jab as often as necessary. Not only to protect myself, but others as well. 

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