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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 4 hours ago, mark131v said:

    Wonder how many Thais are charged B 50,000 for common assault? usually a wai and a bit of public grovelling isn't it......?


    A cynic might believe the Chinese were involved in a shake down though it is without doubt they are guilty, maybe the Buffoons in Brown have different tariffs for different nationalities....

    Yes, a Thai wields a machete at a fellow motorist and gets a 500 baht fine!

  2. 1 hour ago, HHTel said:

    The UK has around 1,700 deaths PER YEAR and the figures are considered shocking.

    Stop the 'Tea Money' road blocks and have mobile patrols catching and punishing drivers who commit moving violations.  Of course that's not going to happen.

    This is true, but with numbers of traffic officers on the decline in the UK due to 'austerity' (30% down in my home county) it's feared that the number of accidents may start to rise due to a lack of law enforcement. Plus, here the BIB will still take tea money whether mobile or static.

  3. The new Honda Civic RS has one built-in (nearside only and is activated automatically by the left-hand indicator, or the driver can turn it on and off manually). I wonder if it might be possible to get hold of one and mount it on a different car? I use it a lot and has saved me more than once from those pesky motorcycles flying up on on the inside. I must say it's not that great at night though.

  4. I've used it as ID on numerous domestic flights without any problems whatsoever. My bank is different and depends on what I need to do (DL for minor things seems to be OK). Weirdly, I needed my passport when renewing my car insurance by credit card rather than my driving licence. Go figure. Best to check beforehand. 

  5. Hi,


    I've just touched a kerb in my Civic RS, and slightly scratched/chipped the nearside rear alloy rim. It's small, but annoying nonetheless. IMO the wheels are one of the RS's nicest features and I'd like to get the scuff/chip removed. Does anyone know where I could get this done in Bangkok? A post from a few years back suggests RPM company, but I can't seem to locate it.


    Thanks for any help. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, geovalin said:

    This could explain the " Thai Smile plans to have nine Airbus A320 aircraft be out of service after the rent contract’s expiration is approaching. "


    10 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 28 planes will be OUT.

    Which planes will be IN, if any?


    Precisely. The article is about procurement of aircraft, and yet mentions nothing about it. Typical.

  7. "The procurement plan is for 10 Boeing 747-400 aircraft, seven Boeing 777s and two Boeing 737s for THAI."


    This could be somewhat difficult as Boeing don't manufacture the 747-400 anymore. Either they're planning to buy used aircraft, or they mean the 747-8i. The 777 and 737 are still in production, but the type is not mentioned.


    That said, the airline do currently have 10 x 747-400s in service aged from 14-24 years old and 2 x 737-400s aged around 24 years each, plus some aging 777-200s, so maybe these are the numbers to be retired rather than procured. Terrible reporting if true.

  8. 6 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    A couple of times, when I have stopped to allow pedestrians to cross, motorcycles and cars have passed me on either side and nearly wiped out the pedestrians as they stepped onto the crossing.


    This even happened once at a light controlled crossing on Pattaya beach road.






    I think they have now abandoned the light system on Beach Road as more people got hit. I may be wrong though as I haven't been there for a while. Sad if true.

  9. 2 hours ago, SEEDGER said:

    Wiggy if you think Swampy is a Dump never fly into JFK  or for that matter most aging US airports. Swampy is a temple compared with the latter airports.

    I've been to San Francisco, Portland (OR) and Las Vegas. They were all OK, but nothing special. Heathrow has improved (especially on speed through security) but still needs to improve. Singapore is my favourite (mainly due to the carpeting muffling the noise).

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