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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. I might get slated for this, but I'm worried he'll get off. I can't see how a murder charge can be proven. How will a prosecution lawyer 'prove' intent?

    What was the motive? How can premeditated murder be shown to be his intention? Then, with the murder and attempted murder charges dropped, he's left with a drink driving charge only. Not much (if any) jail time for that.

  2. 53 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

    you lot on here are always to quick to blame the driver, self righteous lot, i bet there was no road sign to say that it was a dual carriagway.  when he came out of that soi. so naturally he turned right,  and yes i did it in germany many years ago, on a snowy night the arrow on the road was covered in snow, but i knew my mistake  within a few feet.

    OK, so please tell me who's fault it is? The highways agency for not posting a sign? Or, was the driver's fault for not seeing the arrows in the road pointing toward him (near the Thai flag) or the lack of yellow lines in the center of the road indicating a two-way street. Or were they covered with snow? The difference is you noticed your mistake. He didn't. 

  3. 1 hour ago, smedly said:

    because they are not interested in enforcing the law simply because there is no monetary gain in it for them, they prefer to do simple helmet licence tax stops because it is easy and they have a chance to earn - money number one - actual proactive law enforcement ..................... <deleted> is that


    exactly why Thailand is number one in the world for traffic violations accidents and deaths


    Put the average Thai driver on a UK road they would not be doing the stuff they do here because they know the law is enforced and they will very likely be caught and punished, been saying it many times here, ask a Thai that causes an accident if they knew they were doing wrong - they will say yes - ask them why they did it - because they can. 


    PS is it law here to have a child in a car seat - yes, so why was one likely not being used - see above, because no law enforcement, same goes for phone use, drunks driving (although some improvement) and all the other moving traffic offences that cause accidents and deaths - no proactive policing/ law enforcement - the concept just doesn't exist in Thailand.  

    Agree completely. And to add to this, the police don't want people to comply with the law. If the vast majority complied then there would be no money in it for the police. They want people to continue breaking the law so that they can collect the 'fines'. Plus, sitting at a roadblock a couple of times a month is far easier than pursuing moving traffic offences, hence they do just that. Thais love the path of least resistance (effort). Sadly the carnage will continue. I just have to hope I'm not a victim one day.

  4. 2 hours ago, starky said:

    Yeah uhm ok why the <deleted> would it? Plus if she hasnt already moved the majority of her assets offshore shes a fool, which I doubt she is. She will lose what would be a lot for the average punter id imagine but a mear drop in the ocean for the shin dynasty.

    Indeed. And the the way she pushed Boonsong under the bus says a lot about her character; a smile on the front, but a knife in the back.

  5. Just an idea, but a bit of PI might be good. Have your wife get a bit friendly with her and find out which hospital she works at (or one of the other 'jobs') and then call and ask to speak to her. If she's available then you can prove she's working and that might blow her claim out of the window. That said, I agree with everyone else that your wife should not be involved in negotiations, unless she's being conned.

  6. On 07/08/2017 at 2:00 PM, barrywhite said:

    So in the UK to combat this they are now  introducing a blanket 20mph limit in  many cities, had a questionnaire through the door of my UK residence asking if  we had any suggestions to go the meeting. 

    I planned to go along with my "Man with a RED  FLAG"  walking in front of  my car as a protest  so we could get right back to the good  old  days of  motoring.

    Way too  much safety in the UK way too  little  in Thailand, never   a happy  balance.

    Good point. Somewhere in between would be good. 

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