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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 19 minutes ago, Ossy said:

    Both these references are the 'Code's' advice, in order to keep out of harm's way in the quite likely event that there is some idiot, breaking the rules of good driving; first, an oncoming idiot, overtaking and 'coming at you' on your side of the road . . . yes the Code is stating the obvious - get out of the idiot's way, unless you want to die. Second, whilst turning left at the lights . . . you, I and everyone knows that bikers, in Thailand, cut corners, on 'the best line is a straight line' basis. Are you the sort of driver who'll simply mow down a biker who fouls your right of way? This post was started in a constructive attempt to help rid Thailand's roads of 'bad' driving . . . your help would be welcome, here. :smile:

    OK, now I get the reasons for the article being written, and I agree that it is stating the obvious. What I fail to see is that how can giving way to bad driving help rid the country of bad driving? By giving way the bad drivers are encouraged, surely. I have been driving here for 18 years on four wheels and 7 years prior that on two wheels. I have had my vehicle come into contact with others seven times, and most were motorcycles. I'm proud to say none of them were my fault. My insurance has taken care of some of them, but on occasion the other party has paid (It does happen! Lol). I do give way to idiots, but also let them know that they are an idiot.

  2. Forgive me if I misunderstand, but the article the OP posted a link to has to be false, surely. As I read it, it says that overtaking vehicles have the right of way and oncoming vehicles must move to the hard shoulder or as far left as possible to give them room to overtake. Although this may go some way to explaining the suicidal maneuvers we see, it can't be right. Also, the article says, "If on green you are turning left you must give way to oncoming motorcycles." Again, is this correct? What's the point of a green light if you have to stop and give way to errant motorcycles who have (I assume) passed through a red light. I'm confused.

  3. 1 hour ago, Alfa said:

    You don't get anything by applying anywhere. Than they tell you , nothing happened, you have survived, no accident. 

    You can not change anything because of the peoples behavier is like that here. They take big chanses , and even an accident happens they never learn something from it. 

    They behave like this.

    I've been driving here many years. I do my best that no accident happens and I can go home. I behave like I am ALWAYS WRONG and they are ALWAYS RIGHT. The result is no accident happens. Actually there are no rules in this country, so everybody have their own rules, because I am a foreigner here, I have no rights. 

    Look , what is happening at Immigration everytime I go there,,,, NEW RULES. and more money in their pocket. If you say something you don't get your visa even if you are married. BE QUITE.... SHUT UP.... PAY WHAT THEY WANT.... NO RECIEP .... EVEN AT SUVARNAPHUMI IMMIGRATION.....  You get what you want. Go your way. 

    BUT YOU WIN AT THE END. You buy your freedom like this and you don't take your time with these noncenses . YOU HAVE MORE LIFE TO LIVE.  LIFE IS SHORT.  BE HAPPY.  IT COSTS YOU A LITTLE EXTRA BUT WHAT CAN YOU DO. ACCEPT IT.  BE HAPPY.

    So, by applying your logic where nobody complains, nobody acts when they have been wronged then what happens? More people do wrong (due to no punishment or recourse) and problems escalate, become more numerous and, ultimately, more serious. So, rather than try to prevent it, let’s adopt (your) ‘don’t care’ approach, and if the above (or any other) bus driver hurts your family in the future then don’t be upset when someone tells you to ‘just accept it.’

  4. 1 hour ago, Techno Viking said:

    I dont reckon expat bar owners stock their shelves with alcohol  purchased at Bic C.

    Maybe not, but many bars selling 'red wine' pour it from boxes (I don't think I should name them, just in case) easily available at Big C, Tesco and the like and it's pretty cheap from those places. Could well buy it wholesale though. But that wasn't my point. 

  5. I've just been to Big C (Rama 4) to buy a couple of boxes of fruit wine. If the tax was going to be as heavy as suggested I'm sure the Thais (and expat bar owners who sell the fruit wine as proper stuff) would've cleared the shelves by now. There was only one other person in the liquor section and wine and everything else was in abundance. They would only sell 24 cans of Leo to each customer though, which I thought was strange. Maybe it's all a bit of a storm in a teacup?

  6. 1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Yes, under the Thai Criminal Code, section 290, police can lay a  charge of manslaughter, with the penalty being imprisonment of between 3 and 15 years.  There is also a charge of negligence where whoever committing an act by negligence and that act causes the death of another persons than the offender shall be imprisoned for not more than 10 years or fined not more than 20,000 baht.  This is governed under the same criminal code, section 291.


    Not knowing the full details surrounding the incident, or the proofs required to prove murder, I have no idea why they have done so, however, given they have, it may suggest there is more to this incident than we are aware of.  This charge is laid under section 288 of the criminal code and the offender can receive the death penalty or be sentenced to between 15 to 20 years in prison. Under section 289, which relates to the death penalty, there are 8 separate aspects, any one of which, if proved, will result in the offender receiving the death penalty if convicted of murder. :wai:

    Thanks for posting that. Very useful to know.

  7. 1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

    Too true any beer or piss water (larger) in a can is rubish any way and only deserves to be necked. No point in sampling pish now is there.

    To prove my point who remembers the  party 7 double diamond cans pish but quantity. (Brit thing)

    Watney's Party Fours and Party Sevens. Ah, those were the days!

  8. 1 minute ago, patrick kennedy said:

    The girl that killed the 3 cyclists 3 years ago around Xmas time on the Doisaket road,driving drunk at 6am on her way home with daddys car,just across from the Market,she got 2 years for drunk driving and killing the innocent cyclists,thats nearly one year ago and as far as i know she has not spent one day in the jail,again I assume she has appealed,cases like these seem to die a death,especially if we dont try to remind everyone about them.Red bull the same he is just flouting the law,and apart from not going the wrong way he is every bit as guilty as this man that killed the child.He killed that Policeman,that was bad enough but to then scarper and not try to help the man,or ask someone to help him does not bear thinking about.Regardless who he was he might have survived had he had help,in my book there is no excuse for that horific act.for me he should never see daylight again,he does not belong amongst normal people.not because he is red bull boss,but because of who he is not.Im sure we all know how lucky he is that it dident happen in France or any part of Europe,for that part of his crime alone he would be serving an extra 10 years,i think a total of 15 years and banned from driving for life,and big compensation for the widow,not pennies like it is here.But he was allowed to come and go as he please and even failed to turn up for court about five times,we should all keep these cases alive until something positive is done.

    I completely agree. Well said. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, patrick kennedy said:

    THIS IS FOR WIGGY,how can the two cases be similar,one was going the wrong way drunk the other the benz driver was overtaking on the inside on the wrong lane but going the right way at high speed,and probably drunk and or using his phone or both.Only difference is the benz driver ran and was not breathalysed at the scene.Then he appeared coming out of a temple as a monk .about a week later.Since then he has been jailed for two years,and at the moment as far as im aware he is out on bail awaiting an appeal.

    Similar in the sense of the charges, not the type of collision. Benz guy was initially charged with murder, but that was dropped as there was a lack of evidence. I can see that happening again here. Correct though that Benz guy has been charged now (with causing death by reckless driving IIRC). And last I heard, yes, he is out on bail. 

  10. 1 hour ago, puffy said:

    I think the murder charge can stick. In law it is the what a reasonable person could expect in a situation. If you went out with a loaded gun and started shooting into a crowd a reasonable person would expect to kill someone so therefor it would be murder, likewise if you deliberately drive the wrong way in the fast lane of a highway a reasonable person would expect to kill someone this is enough to prove murder.

    Fair point, but I think a lawyer would struggle to prove it was a deliberate, premeditated act of murder. Hence it being in the manslaughter bracket for me. Interesting points being raised though. 

  11. "Most seen driving on the wrong side of the road keep close to the road shoulder."


    Yes - if they know they are on the wrong side of the road.


    I hear you all, and your comments are understood. But surely just simply driving on the wrong side of the road in a seemingly confused (drunk) state isn't intent. Remember the guy who killed the two graduate students? He was possibly (probably) drunk and on medication. That started off as a murder charge but was later dropped. The two cases have similarities. Please don't anyone think I'm defending this guy; he needs to go away for a long time, but his defense on the current charges might be easy: "I didn't know I was on the wrong side of the road and didn't mean to kill anyone." To prove otherwise will be tough. Whereas with a gun a defence is more difficult, "I pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger, but I didn't mean to kill him." Everyone knows if you point and fire a gun then your intent is probably to kill. 


    Just saying.

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