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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Yumthai Tax residency law prevents TRD from asking you to file. Just quering but id you are right fair play but not seen this but the Revenue, frankly seem to not have a clue on anything and same as the lawyers and other experts with wildly different view points.
  2. Yes indeed As with everywhere the really rich do not get targetted but going after those who bring in just over 500k and they get taxed the easy target and many of us have wonderful Thai families and we support them the best we can on a frozen state pension and fixed income. Also why one earth is this long-term visa not going to be taxed and the filthy rich should pay tax first but no again and again. Same throughout the world.. Why is the US pensions exempt and yes under DLR's and how is that fair? Stat not everyone is low life ok BTW many of us have no homes back in Blighty and no family as they are here in Thailand and yes my Thai family.
  3. Thanks No Display Name Yes seen this and seen both forms 90 and 91 and the one with the exempted income was the 91 one unless there is a more up to date one but have been told the forms going to be updated later on in the year. Thanks again John
  4. Original poster stated off-topic but it is true we contribute a lot or was it a troll and so many and not just this site???? I replied and said the post was a contradiction but now ignored this poster. Meanwhile, we have to wait for the never-official statement and the so-called new forms due out later and I am beginning to think no one has any idea how this will pan out even the Revenue and so many differing experts who are lawyers!!
  5. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR You say we contribute 1 million Baht and that is a fair bit then you say we are a small fish and the argument some of the Thai families would be in poverty and contradict yourself with that comment "we are a small fish " Really Off topic moderators and agree to disagree ok and have a nice day
  6. Yes, precisely and even before going out the front door ex-pats contribute so much to the Thai economy by raising our wonderful Thai families but no of course the Authorities could not care less and we have provided homes for them. I have stated this a few times before. BTW metisdead the capitals were on accidentally and think I made a joke out of it. Seriously, it is hard enough on fixed and frozen state pensions we have to suffer but a little bit of old-fashioned humour should not go amiss in these troubled times. Indeed realise the rules and thanks and please give us any official statements on the tax issue when you get them, please?
  7. Yes. so many confusing things in Thailand and this Form 91 is titled Income from Employment Only but ironically the 190K deductible and the 100k and the personal allowance are there and thanks to Guavaman(the only ones could find were 2006 and these allowances were not there then) Most will have one type of income for that box and I just have small pensions Yes, the other Form 90 Income from various types of income, but no boxes if the above and weird but nothing is simple here and not having a dig. My dear Thai wife again asked me what are you doing? Mentioned about may be to file a form and maybe some income tax but I do not understand it, let alone explain it LOL. Finally, we have been advised to wait and see when the new forms will be out and maybe an official statement??? You can see my various posts but it is still confusing and probably the Revenue also
  8. Yes on the old 91 income tax form my figures of a maximum of 560K I was also including of course the first exemption tax of 150k and yes Guavaman the figures you kindly sent and the total income is less than the tax due so no tax. Yes reading this right and can see it but surely would be also taken as an allowance and 560k is my total amount allowed and that is only if O can claim my wife's 60k allowance and she does not work. Yes, we await I think and Mike Lister suggests we will.. Thanks all ps What exchange rate they going to give and think this will cause untold confusion and frankly are they going to chase for approx 2 or 3k tax or just adjust my figures and yes calculate the tax at the first 5%?
  9. Hi Mike Lister Yes think I am getting confused (yes easily done lol) I saw old Income Tax forms 91 kindly attached by Guavaman yesterday and have been calculating these allowances and exemptions 560k in my estimated figures and my wife does not work ie any employment and I can claim the 60K for her if when these new forms do arise and if we do need to file a tax form. This 150k first assessable income ie tax-free I have included in the 560K as the most I can claim for is this correct, please? Thanks and getting confused One final query what exchange rates are they going to use? New forms around November/December from the local Revenue Office and once again could not clarify all the other queries and think this is going to be getting very complicated for them as well !!!
  10. Yes trying to look these forms up and yes, I can see the blank one you so kindly sent and yes it is entitled Personal Income Tax Return 91 - Income from Employment under section 40 (1) of the Revenue Code. to Thailand I realise the first line included pensions and all income whether earned in the UK and sent to Thailand is included in that box, Correct? The rest is straightforward forward but I can not download these forms or copy them but have been told by NY local Revenue Office that these forms arein the process of being updated and November/ December will be printed. One wonders if they will be in the same forms you kindly attached. Thank you so much Guavaman and Adam and very useful and helpful but await until these new forms come out?
  11. The forms can not find on the system as yet unless I am missing a link but many thanks indeed. The forms you mentioned above I can not seem to be able to download but forms for 2024 not yet available and assume when they are can get them from the local Revenue Tax Office? Thanks, GuavaMan and Adam
  12. Thanks indeed and yes still looking at the tax form you kindly attached and yes aware of all the allowances and tax exemptions and total od 560K but well above my income and do not work Thailand.
  13. Hi Adam Hope I can type your first name lol no I have not and the Revemue also told me to wait for more information as and when it comes? Just in passing did read a post and not sure correct if one has a pink Id card one can use that number but not from a reliable source but seemed to say he went to the Revenue. Yes wait indeed and if we do get a form or not. Did you notice that the Pattaya newspaper stated 100k were sent out to Thais the other week? John is my first name and no not related to the salmon people, unfortunately.
  14. Hi Adam Yes, and Mike has been ever so helpful indeed and yes do not know if you have seen my posts but think you just look up my name. This is very true about the Revenue in that there are no updated forms and again no one seems to have no knowledge on this ex-pat issue again Mike advised me to wait until the forms are updated but if in the same format, it will still be confusing. Yes, indeed the tax forms (if indeed are needed) can be filed from Jan 1st 2025. I calculated the 100k 50% Pension income totalling 560K in all. I have looked via Google the forms PND 90 and only in 2006 can I find the subject Personal Income Tax and only the 60k is listed. On the form PND 91 the subject Personal Income Tax from Employment Income and the 120K single and 220K Joint is listed. Yes at the moment in Thai we are still entitled to all the allowances and exempt ones like the first 150K zero tax and yes we can claim this as an allowance and all the ones listed above by Adam and agreed by Mike Lister. My frozen State pension is paid directly in to my Thai Account each month and sometimes I transfer relatively small amounts which includes some savings and hard to break down but know how much sterling there is. Also what rate of exchange will they use on these tax forms if and when these are needed? Sorry if going over old ground but it is still very confusing. Thanks all and was just being helpful regarding my 2 visits to my local Revenue Department. I am well below all the thresholds and Allowances and meaning no tax to pay.
  15. sometime We would all appreciate it and good luck but do not like your answer to another recent poster ok
  16. My thoughts as well but who knows and some can not afford theie huge rates but Carl Turner and our own Mike Lister been amazing and thanks again indeed.
  17. Raindancer 100% agree with you and yet again went around to my local revenue department and they have no clue but gave the same advice again about nothing. A Thai friend who knows someone in the Revenue admits to hardly any knowledge of this issue but he manages to file his tax return in Jan every year!! Raindancer and yes the very helpful Mike Lister agree with our allowances and again we await but may include it on sonehow the allwance box but we have no idea what this new form will be like and if anything like the old one will be just as confusing. The Title of these forms PND 90 Personal Income tax states 60k personal Allowances x 2 On Pnd 91 and yes the only ones can find 2006 on Google stated Personal Income Tax from Income from Employment only and many of us do not bit did the 120k and 220k amounts. We must wait and see tc and thanks all. My Thai wife was asking. LOL what are you doing" Could not explain as we do not know ourselves but one has to laugh but have a good day and night.
  18. Appreciate it very much and yes as I stated do not work do my taxable income is zero and be interesting how your meeting wth the Accountant in August so oviously it will not be in my figures at all. At the moment a very old PND 90 Personal Income tax list 60k twice and classified Personal Income Tax PND 91 is titled Personal Income from Employment only has the 120k or 220k amounts listed. We shall see in due course and thanks again The form is for employment income of B57500.00 from Thailand is that correct or does it include other income so what happens to the 1st exempt tax of 150k then assume we have to claim and not very clear at all but we await the forms and again been advised today by my local Revenue office but even they do not know!!!
  19. Adam, isYes indeed have posted this and one further thing os the 50% Pension Income 100k and think the Personal Allowance for wife you does not work is 60k and if and when required a dual tax form to be submitted and yes have posted a fair bit on my experiences in the last week and before.
  20. Not important tried to delete a post but again the system went down where I live and ignore
  21. Ok now can but did a post just for you topT whatever that means. Sick and tired of what? Just stating what my 2 very recent visits to my local tax office this week and last. They advised to just wait for any official announcement and they did not know and also unaware of this ex-pat tax issue. I was just being helpful and you can and have shot me down and too many on here seem to want to fight though not seen any of your posts before on this issue top T whatever that stands for! Yes I noticed the Pattaya newspaper stating 100k tax forms have been sent out by post just to Thai Nationals ok We do not like your snide little digs at the people who are working hard for so many others and yes, especially Mike Lister. Thank you topT we look forward to your expert opinion ok!! Cut it ok grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr zingggggggggggg to you
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