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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Tried the video above Sunday and does not come up?
  2. Done same same and nothing being done and frozen state pension issue ONLY AN ISSUE OF ONLY 75 YEARS AND THE SAME CIRCLE GETTING BIGGER. Easy solution revoke Section 2 of Pensions Act 2014 but they won't the ever forgotten about 550k frozen state pensioners.
  3. Yes tbf some do know what is going on in the world but not much and ask the students and you will get a blank look and yes so many just know what is happening in Thailand, if any. Oh and this current pandemic!! A bit harsh perhaps?
  4. Thanks Joe W have to do the online training just for an a renewal of 5 year car drivers license and realise a doctors fit to drive form.
  5. If they want to get in they will and always makes me laugh about padlocks lock inside and it makes people one is in the house and same with sandels outside, though this is a very Thai thing.
  6. Terrible but stated before extended family members lie through their teeth when a substantial loan but stating it was a gift and families money. Same principles indeed but the guilty ones have property and drive top of the range cars. Yes, they may well be lucky but yes watch out for extended family members and have the cheek to give you a wai at funerals!!!
  7. Hi All A bit confused and I was led to believe that from 1st Jan 2022 the DLT were doing away with the Smart Queue system Can anyone confirm this and can go to the DLT HQ in Kanchanaburi to make an appointment or indeed the renewed car 5 year drivers license. Thanks all
  8. So many of course in Kanchanaburi in the main part and look very nice indeed!!1
  9. 1.5 hours should have just enjoyed it and very low in price but a lot of attention.
  10. Yes, like thieving extended family members who have many properties and drives a merc car and a solicitor stating a very large loan but they insisted it was a gift when trying to get money back and no grounds to get it back, despite constant reminders and yes occasionally see the lady at funerals and does the wai. GRRRRRRRRRRRR and wonder why so very angry my families money, not theirs.
  11. Sorry no one has yet answered my original question and can see the site but these days one can not talk to someone or by email but think just have to go directly to my local DLT Kanchanaburi office.
  12. Yes it seems the UK and Europe opening their doors but the problem is getting back to Thailand the Thais are covered by the medical insurance but me being the ex pat husband has still to get Corvit Insurance? Advice and help and thanks Yes for several years tried to get on the family insurance and refused and strange when one pays for nearly everything but surely one if that is true get on the family one with a small policy but it does not work like this.
  13. Does not work and what happens if driving with an out of date license and seeing reports of 3 months in advance or up to a year. What happens if the police pulls you over? Sorry Sir my appointment is in the future? thx
  14. What happens if the police pull you over and they won't listen at all and a fine on the spot?
  15. Hi do one have to go in person to the dlt offices in Kanchanaburi to get a renewal Thai drivers license and mine due 22nd May 2022 Many thanks for help
  16. If in effect how long in advance can one book an appointment and mine matures 22nd May 2022 and if an appointment is earlier would the license run from 22nd May 2022 for 5 years. Thanks all
  17. All of them in the main would ensure their families are in secure countries and houses in many countries and perhaps Putin and others do the decent thing blow themselves up but no it won't happen or the other.
  18. I know totally different topic and we are saddened with this war and other things but some countries do care for their own citizens but many do not and including the US and the UK are determined to disown and yes thieve off their own Citizens with a frozen state pension but the other 96% British ex-pats in other countries get increases in pension every single year.
  19. With loads of pestides but the fruit and some veg are excellent
  20. And any idea about the swelling and sometimes bruising but as I say just get on with it but have to be careful and even in the heat and sun can flare. Thanks all the posters
  21. Thanks yet again can get in but some sites have a conversion button to translate in to English but can I find it or is there one and I was led to believe one could go in person from the beginning of year and want to renew my 5 year care license in May 22nd. Thanks again Ubonjoe.
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