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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Agree, Mike and maybe wrong but believe most British ex-pats will receive less than the thresholds and if married can claim 60 on your wife but has to be claimed on a dual tax return. On the question of tax forms the 2024 ones if and when end of Oct/Nov but been told from the Tax Office Kanchanaburi / Danmakhamtia I would not need to file one and they stated this a few times.
  2. You are forgetting up to 560K deductibles for just the retired pensioners here and also the forms are not out as yet and if and when they do and also remittance funds but one does not have to declare those which has income tax deducted in the UK' We await announcements from the Revenue and most of the normal retired pensioners earn less than the deductibles.
  3. Not from savings whichj have obviously gone downwards since 31st Dec 2023
  4. Except all around the world and Thailand they never ever go after the filthy rich do they but the easy target!!!
  5. Quick question and we do not or so many so-called experts do not either and a very quick question which might have been asked before. If funds brought in to Thailand from savings ie via Wise and obviously gone downwards since 31 Dec 2023 one does not declare this but no forms as if yet Thanks all John w
  6. Right just make this very clear and at the moment only funds transferred in 2024 is likely to be taxed if and only after the various allowances exceeds 560K maximum and most of us I believe are below these and money from savings from abroad are exempt Also been told yet again by my local Revenue office not to do anything as yet and yes one if ever these forms come out use our pink cards and the same number of digits. Yes, straight from the horses mouth and have been around and seen high officials and they have confirmed this!!
  7. Who know all the so-called ex[erts have not got a clue!!!
  8. Charles, Yes exactly and they conveniently forget we sustain our wonderful Thai families, as best we can on froze state pensions but they of course do not take any notice of that and also we keep the Thai economy going.
  9. iSaw this and stated may well do in the future!!!
  10. Anger beyond belief your stupid comment in last sentence
  11. Believe it or not I do too but you must be one of the few exceptions then!!!
  12. Putting it very mildly and the so-called pets allowed to mingle with the diseased soi dogs but nothing done again and again until a serious injury or far worse is done. Then the pet owners agree for the medical treatment costs but thes so-called pets are allowed by their so-called owners to bark in the very early hours in the morning and they do not bother about coming out. The owners are as bad and pure scum.
  13. Yes, they simply do not go after the filthy rich anywhere!!!
  14. Yes, correct but my wife does not work and has no Tin or but we both have id cards and she has a Thai one and me a pink one but can calim the 60k for her
  15. I did mention this and HMRC started to come up on my UK internet banking system and yes noticed it was in red???
  16. Yes, there is another form Income Exemption Entitled from from previous years where the 190k and 100k is and transferred to Form 90 and correct but we wait and see and have posted elsewhere today re : seeing the high official of the local tax office.
  17. Yes, seen the old forms again and Form 91 income from employment only but the exemptions are on this and obviously Form 90 needs to be completed. The heading on Form 91 does say from Employment only and very confusing. Thanks so much
  18. Yes, done that a few times and amazing asking what new forms but you seem not to have to fill in a tax form as you below all the threasholds but thanks
  19. Well said about supporting our wonderful Thai families and their economy but they conveniently forget about that don't they?
  20. I was just seeing the a senior of the local Tax Revenue office on my shopping exercise and immediately recognized me and was just generally bringing up this issue, once again and he stated what new forms and also mentioned again that not employed in Thailand and was asking do I need a Tin but do have a pink card. He seemed to not know nothing about the new forms and rumored to be printed Oct/Nov Suggested I just sit tight and it appears you will not be required to file a tax form but it depends who one talks too and all have their own opinions but many are unaware of this ex-pat tax issue, Yes, indeed just going to hang fire and not do anything and have calculated near the thresholds and allowances
  21. Thanks and on your form lordgrinz and my wife does not earn any money and thanks
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