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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It has nothing to do with Rogan. When you listen to something like this, you should only be focused on yourself. Take away what you think might help you be a better person, ignore the rest. Rogan was probably a good athlete. I don't think he's funny at all as a stand-up. He is a good presenter and conversationalist. Maybe he's made it simply because he looks and sounds right. Maybe he had the guts to try. He is obviously successful in multiple areas. Made himself do things that are hard. Could mostly be natural talent, just his personality. Or he might have a work ethic or a sense of discipline that helped. Maybe he has something of value to say. ????‍♂️ It's only 11 minutes.
  2. I feel like I could copy this and paste it into most threads on this forum and it would be correct...
  3. Savile actually used both these methods. People in the system knew all about it but didn't do anything because they feared the consequences, while the public never suspected a thing because he had carefully crafted his "whacky eccentric with a heart of gold" image.
  4. No worries. The way some of these "news" websites are laid out to befuddle you into looking at the adds is maddening.
  5. "Police said they had security camera footage of the incident that day. Both suspects remain in custody."
  6. Very pretty, not sure if she can sing live, though, as it sounded like she was singing along to a pre-recorded track. The kids like her and it seems to have gotten them excited because she is Thai and said something about the government. ????‍♂️
  7. Hopefully they will see sense. The percentage of cases in incoming foreigners is very low. Thailand pass etc. really doesn't do anything other than put people off. They can't keep blaming foreigners for covid when the numbers are so high. If the numbers triple after Songkran, it will be even harder. While the rest of the world has been open for several months, they cannot keep the pretence up for much longer. People are starving. Zero covid countries are looking worse and worse internationally. Thailand Pass/Test and Go = closed, and they cannot stay closed for another six months.
  8. Did you get the ages the wrong way round? You should be 30 something looking for a 20 something to have a family with, not the other way round.
  9. Ok, but you made it sound like she pursued you to the point of a relationship and then supported you financially.
  10. And this persisted after she had you safely locked down in a committed relationship?
  11. In these circumstances, it's a little harder to say this is a typical Thai juvenile/psychopathic response.
  12. Where do you find these women and how are their men not able to prevent them from doing this?
  13. It just occurred to me that Boris is actually in an age-gap relationship with his wife. She is 24 years younger than him. I very much doubt it's his looks or personality that attracts her to him.
  14. A lot of modern music is garbage, sure, mumble-rap, grime, etc., but there are still some very talented people around. Are they recycling old tunes? Probably, but that's been going on as long as people have been making music. You can't tell me that these two guys can't sing or that this tune is bad:
  15. I guess the answer is, they're too lazy to bother to do the necessary activities to look like that (as they are also apparently too lazy to work). The blame is really on the women, though, for their choice of husband. Sometimes I wonder why any Thai women would want to marry a Thai man based on how they treat them and how they behave. There must be some sort of indoctrination to make Thai women think that this is a good choice, their only choice, or perhaps what they deserve. (Obviously I realise they aren't all like that.) In Vietnam, many women have the attitude of a foreign husband being a better option, as they don't drink as much, nor control, cheat or beat them, while being higher status and wealthier. It seems like some husbands are the same in Thailand, but the mentality of the women is totally different. I wonder if that is part of some sort of deliberate plan. ????
  16. I would guess that kind of depends where their values lie regarding choice of partner. 1 thinks the most important thing in a partner is looks, 2 thinks there are other things to consider and you must really be in love. (Although both suggest they are thinking that you could do better.) I've had a few very puzzled looks on a couple of occasions where I've been in the company of an older female friend or colleague. One thing is for certain, age-gap relationships between a younger foreign guy and older Thai woman are not the norm.
  17. Ah, so real step-daughter. Understand. Probably best for both children also. I think that says more about Thai people than it does about you. And I bet in the Thai way the "favours" would start before the girl was 18. That's a great thing you did. It certainly adds another aspect to your character that might not come across in your other comments. It's a shame the Thai government doesn't show a little more appreciation to all the foreigners that finance many of their children. Thank you for explaining all that.
  18. I guess that could have had some effect. Even more so if she was completely alone. I hope she has a happy and successful life. A very interesting situation. Do you mind if I ask how this came about? You just sort of claimed her? No legal procedures? How did the locals react? How did your wife feel about it? And you didn't get anything in return? Wow. That's highly commendable. She's very lucky to have had you in her life. I dread to think how she would have otherwise turned out.
  19. Do you know why this is? It seems that while many Thai women are extremely interested in men, some seem to not want much to do with them, despite apparently being heterosexual. Is it something about the reputation that Thai men have, or how girls are expected to behave in relationships in Thailand? Or do some girls feel they need to be respectable, chaste, etc.? Kind of old fashioned? As much as we hear "a Thai would date any Thai man over a foreign man", there seems to be a subsection of Thai women who perhaps avoid men/Thai men due to how they treat women. ????‍♂️ What about her parents? Do they share your approach?
  20. Would she marry someone twenty years older than her? How would you/your family react if she started to date someone twenty years older than her? Case-by-case, or would you/her parents have an absolute rule? (Obviously I'm just asking for purposes of the discussion.)
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