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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Why would it need to be asked? Diehard is a Christmas movie. Is It's A Wonderful Life a Christmas movie?
  2. Do you mean no worse ill effects than Delta? If so, how is being the same better? If the effects are the same, but it spreads easier, then things will be worse. Even if you cannot keep it out, measures can slow the rate of spread. It isn't 0 or 1. So plenty still to discuss. Vs. what percentage for Delta? Uncertain news...
  3. I would imagine security would get him to let the guy go eventually, or another Thai. Can you really imagine a foreigner sitting on a Thai and other Thais not coming to his aid?
  4. Not until we get passed the "possibly mild symptoms in young healthy vaccinated people". There are many more groups to think about and a lot more testing to do. Too soon to be "letting it in".
  5. Don't necessarily condone it, but you shouldn't be having sex with someone else's wife. Play with fire, etc..
  6. Probably. You haven't said much of any value. Just as some things become decriminalised, still others remain criminal or are newly criminalised. "Some things from the past that were criminal now are not" doesn't really contribute much to the discussion. You haven't made any sort of convincing argument other than "because workers have rights, things that are illegal should be made legal so that people can take advantage of those rights". So anything illegal that people can make money from should be legal so that people can claim their rights as workers?
  7. They don't face restrictions on their rights, they have no rights because what they are doing is illegal.
  8. Some people have no symptoms, others die... I'm not sure how cautiously checking to see if someone has a virus in anyway indicates how deadly it is. He might not even have it, in which case your complaint is completely redundant as it means nothing in terms of how deadly the virus is. Quite a bizarre comment.
  9. It's interesting how model and porn star with elderly millionaire man is fine, hot girl with ugly wealthy man is fine, but when it's presumed to be a "poor innocent farm girl" with a guy that might not be a millionaire, suddenly everyone has a problem. The age gap doesn't seem to be such an issue where the woman has been around the block and is getting a major pay-day out of it... Funny that. Almost as though the more a man gets and the less he has to pay, the more angry people are.
  10. God forbid, but should anything happen to your current partner, who knows what you would do if you found yourself in his position?
  11. I'm sure whether he wants a nurse or something more intimate, he's going to pay for it. It's so funny (sad) how when people look at situations like this they seem to think a lifetime of hard work means nothing. Like the poor woman is being exploited for her body, but the lifetime of use of the man's body to earn the money, that the woman will no doubt get, means nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather work in an office to earn some money than have sex with a man, but his money didn't fall out of the sky.
  12. If the guy had access to sex, would he be with the girl in the pic?
  13. Wasn't the lack of closed borders the reason for the virus reaching the level it did, resulting in economic slow-down?
  14. Logical: yes. Ethical or moral: depends on the motivations of each party and how they feel about it. If they both feel happy to put up with the negatives in order to gain from the positives, then it's fine. If either one is deceiving the other, or one of them is being coerced, then it isn't. I would hazard a guess that the OP is probably of the opinion that the girl is being exploited, while the guy is doing the exploitation. I'm not sure that I necessarily agree.
  15. A 20 year old is not a "young girl". Possibly a young woman. This misrepresentation of the facts suggests a bias on your part. I.e. you don't like it, so you're trying to make it sound worse than it is.
  16. It's such a bizarre insult. "Oh, this random man on the internet prefers absolutely any woman over me? I'm OK with that."
  17. It's so weird that people push this kind of nonsense. 1, people are still getting normal illnesses. 2, it's completely expected that the measures against covid will also reduce incidents of cold and flu. It's like someone finding it suspicious that they don't feel any breeze when the windows are closed.
  18. The severity being not known is the exact reason why you act quickly. You don't wait until you confirm that the horse has definitely bolted before you reluctantly close the stable door, simply because you know people don't like the stable door being shut.
  19. There seems to be a lot more cases in Africa than around the world. Banning flights from countries with high numbers of the variant means that fewer cases can potentially enter Thailand.
  20. Just because it happens, doesn't mean one cannot disapprove or voice objections, should you think it a negative thing. Complete acceptance, simply because it happens, could easily lead to a drastic increase, a more casual approach and perhaps sex at an even younger age.
  21. I'm curious, how would you feel if you were talking about a daughter, with a steady stream of boyfriends from the age of 16, helping her to get through her industrial sized boxes of condoms?
  22. Natural doesn't mean good for society/positive outcomes/desired by everyone though, to be fair.
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