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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. OK. Change it to "once the students' families have all had the opportunity to be vaccinated".
  2. This is the problem. Suppose they get a school full of kids vaccinated and back to school in the next couple of months. Then someone brings covid to school and spreads it to dozens of students unnoticed. They may not have symptoms and it may not show up for a week or two. How many parents or grandparents will have been infected by the time the outbreak shows up on a test somewhere? And how many of those vulnerable people will have been vaccinated?
  3. Their plan should be "schools can reopen once the students' families have been vaccinated as the risk to the students is low while the risk to their families is high".
  4. Definitely some anti-foreigner bias, as I pointed out. Don't be so precious, lol. People will sometimes disagree with you in life.
  5. Is chiding foreigners really necessary here? It sounds like a Thai can lose their minds over nothing, so mentioning foreigners carrying on like whatever is kind of redundant, unless you wanted to have a dig at them because the article makes Thais look bad? Again, putting the onus on the foreigner to never "upset" a Thai or "look at them the wrong way", when it seems that either of these things could be done completely unintentionally with any slight being in the mind of the Thai. Sounds like you want to make the foreigner to blame no matter what the actual circumstances are.
  6. You thought I was being serious about giving out their full name and address?
  7. Ah, I appear to have gotten my times confused. I imagined that it meant yesterday as in last night. I realise now that it obviously meant Saturday night/Sunday morning period. Sorry about that.
  8. The idea is that the protestors leave when the police use these methods to disperse them. That's the whole point. You aren't going to disperse a huge crowd of protestors who refuse to leave without some force.
  9. They posted at 1:30am, did you expect them to stay awake all through the night waiting to see who comments? Or should they set their alarm to wake up early in case you demand they reply? Some people do have a life. (Not me, but some do.) Perhaps they posted, went to bed, got up, went to work or pursued other interesting endeavors. Doesn't seem like an indication of "obvious troll" to me.
  10. Why don't they tell us their full name and address? If this is true, they should have no problem with that. Otherwise they must be lying. Nowt to hide = nowt to fear!
  11. What do you call people who throw improvised explosive devices at police? Doesn't justify hitting someone with a car, but we should probably talk about what both sides are doing if we're going to start labelling people as terrorists.
  12. I'm puzzled as to how they can consider vaccinating children if their parents aren't all vaccinated.
  13. That's exactly the point I was replying to. Natural isn't always best for society.
  14. Nope. Rape, murder, pedophilia, all perfectly "natural", but clearly not OK. Next?
  15. What kind of a house can you get for that? That would buy you a nice house in a nice location in the UK. Is it some sort of mansion?
  16. I guess most Thais are happy to spend the day at the beach then drink in their villas at night time.
  17. Well, that's just my layman's opinion summed up in one sentence, but I believe it is scientifically supported, hence it is being allowed to happen. Administer vaccines to protect people from the worst effects of the virus to allow economies to open up again. Administer booster shots to maintain protection. If boosters, along with continuing caution, can reduce infection and spread enough, there's a possibility that the virus could be contained or eliminated. It will take time, but if every human can be brought to and kept at the level of being ~90% protected, it's going to have some positive effect on the situation. What do you find unscientific about that? Or you just don't like vaccines and prefer people getting very sick with long lasting tissue damage or dying?
  18. The only thing people can do is keep vaccinating and hope for the best. Options (and money) are running out.
  19. They're surely not going to let any unvaccinated people in without at least a two week quarantine any time soon.
  20. If they haven't noticed, there might be little point in bringing it up. Do you feel simply ignoring them, which they may not even be aware of, warrants an apology, or could you simply go back to interacting with them? If you feel you have wronged them, and you want to restart interaction, a simple explanation might do when you first reply to them again.
  21. I can't imagine why anyone with a vast choice would opt for somewhere that treats them like a tourist/criminal having to check-in every few months like a parolee and wondering if they will get another extension each year. People with money aren't accustomed to being treated like garbage.
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