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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Not sure. It's just a suspicion. I wonder if he thinks that the Celts should advance from the South and West of Britain and drive the Normans out of England and back to France? It's only a few hundred years since they were displaced. It's quite complicated, attempting to return all lands around the world to whomever possessed them at a specific (and possibly arbitrary) point in the past.
  2. I suspect that, on this occasion, Yagoda is suffering from cognitive dissonance. You see, Yagoda is very much pro-Israel and most strongly pro-Israel people use the justification that the Jews used to call Palestine home, but were removed from that territory thousands of years ago. So, it stands to reason that Yagoda would come down on the "Ukraine is actually Russia but from a long time ago" (or whatever particular historical argument he is making). If he supported the Ukraine, then he would have to support Palestine. That, or he believes that by saying the Ukraine should not exist, he is providing support for the idea that Palestine should not exist. Interesting argument.
  3. I think there might be a handful like that, but the majority do it because it's easy work that pays well. Unemployment is low in Thailand and it wouldn't be hard for most to get a job in a factory or shop, but that is long hours and low pay. There's a lot more money to be made laying down. It's kind of a cliché for a bargirl to claim that she has been forced into the job by someone else, when really she just likes the easy money.
  4. She would come out of the cubicle and wash her a**hole at the handbasin in front of everyone in the toilet? Did she wipe first, or was she washing literal clumps of sh*t from her anus in front of the other toilet users? How was she so bad at it that she needed to check using a white towel to see if there was anything left? And what if there was some of faecal matter? Back to wash again with the poop smeared towel going into the laundry? There is nothing normal about what you have described above.
  5. I understand there's a bit of history between the two, but the way some Thais carry on, you would think that Cambodia was superior to Thailand and it makes these Thais lash out. I don't understand why some Thais act like they have almost an inferiority complex towards Cambodia, when Thailand appears to be obviously much more successful.
  6. Any info that relates to Thailand?
  7. Along with it being their first week and their ex being abusive. 🙄
  8. Out of prison then straight back in. I'd ask what women see in these types, but it seems that they are very popular in Thailand. Abusers are almost the ideal man.
  9. No teacher tries to make students ask them questions. They ask students questions. "Come on guys. Ask some questions! What do you want to know? Ask me, please!" - ridiculous!
  10. Does anyone else find it weird that Thais seem so threatened by Cambodia? You would think they have something over them, the way some Thais behave, yet Thailand is obviously so much more successful.
  11. I'm not having trouble with anything. You on the other hand may wish to re-read my comment, as it was perfectly clear.
  12. Go into the family business, you mean!
  13. Thais may be less prone to confrontations or violent outburst, but when they do turn violent, it's normally over nothing and they don't hold back. I wonder if it was simply a case of the victim being a nicer person and so the suspect was jealous.
  14. Best not to intervein in any violent incident. It's very likely that the thugs will just turn on you.
  15. Blasting big stereo's in cars are not legal.... that is actually fact. Something being illegal doesn't mean it isn't part of the culture. Breaking the law is actually a huge part of Thai culture.
  16. They're so feminine. You really can't tell the difference! 🫣
  17. According to the story, they met in Taiwan. "detailing his relationship with 25-year-old Kwanthida, who lured him into a fraudulent romance while working as a service worker in Taiwan"
  18. you think Thailand trades fairly? see how much tax you will pay for an imported motorbike or anything really He doesn't know anything about it. He's just angry and looking for a reason to be mad at Trump.
  19. Poor guy. He just can't catch a break. 🙄
  20. I think the problem is that they like to maintain an image that Thai people grow Thai rice, and Thai rice is the best in the world. If Thai farmers stop growing Thai rice, it will force people to make uncomfortable realisations about Thailand. They're also very used to subsidising farmers so they can continue to grow rice, but it seems there is not as much money available for this as there was in the past.
  21. It's not one or the other.
  22. The inference that the minerals deal makes the US and the Ukraine's fate intertwined is fairly clear.
  23. We don't actually know if the car was at fault. It could be that the bike pulled in front of him.
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