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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I guess they took a big gamble doing illegal things to try to keep Trump out of office. The left used "lawfare" against Trump, so it's only fair if he uses it against them. I wonder if they realised that when they did it...
  2. Well, you might think that it is not related to visas, but many obviously do. It's mentioned in most stories of foreigners behaving badly on this forum. They could be making it up, of course, but, if true, Thai people are clearly concerned that visa-free means more badly behaved tourists. This is the naked foreigner thread.
  3. In order for the new visa policies to be facilitating an influx of badly behaved tourists, it follows that these people were previously kept at bay by the old visa policies. I wonder how this was done.
  4. So, the visa policies were keeping the nutters out and, since many countries went visa free, they're now flooding into Thailand?
  5. Yet they also shrug off a ton of stuff. 🤷‍♂️
  6. 11% is a lot of land? A 2 country war is the same as the whole of europe? I find it strange you would compare an 11% war with the whole of europe. Maybe people just don't want a world war 3?
  7. In terms of manipulation, it seems like only one step away from saying that Trump loves Putin, or that anyone who doesn't support the war is gay. 🙄
  8. You select the fruit yourself, or you ask the seller to choose some if it all looks the same and you can't be bothered. There's zero chance you go to a market and someone grabs some fruit from a secret location.
  9. It'll be interesting to see if they can do this in Thailand.
  10. Not really. You're talking specifically about perspectives that we know are wrong and harmful, so it's really OK to celebrate.
  11. Good. Just don't experiment on it then let it out into the world this time.
  12. It's no excuse, of course, but it sounds like the parents could have prevented this by keeping a closer eye on their children.
  13. Love the way the Thai apologist mind works (or doesn't). Foreign man threatening a Thai? That's because the foreign guy is in the wrong! Thai man chasing a foreigner with a knife? That's because the foreigner is in the wrong!
  14. Why do you think Thai people are so "polite and friendly"?
  15. But why make the point? We already know that, and it has no relation to the topic being discussed? It sounded like whataboutism, to be honest.
  16. You claim that it was "BS", then you go on to say that they were simply wrong about who the money went to. It wasn't "BS" if they were simply wrong about what happened. Therefore you contradicted yourself. 🤷‍♂️ LOL. It's my pro-truth functional mind that seems to be upsetting the Trump-hating nutcases... 🤦‍♂️
  17. Thailand: Incredibly friendly and relaxed people who are known for doing kind things for strangers. Also Thailand: Get attacked or killed if you say something a shopkeeper or delivery person doesn't like.
  18. I hadn't heard of Black Man Mops before. Neither seem racist.
  19. LOL. The people rose up when they voted Trump into office. Now Trump is draining the swamp, as is his mandate. Most normal people see fighting huge levels of corruption and waste as a good thing. Your insane Trump-hating makes you cheer for the wealthy ripping off the people.
  20. So was it BS or were they just wrong about who the money went to? You seem to be contradicting yourself.
  21. Humanity already has the means and resources to eliminate poverty, starvation, and homelessness on a global scale. However, it requires the resolve to do so, and at this point, that determination seems absent, as inequality continues to grow. I wish it weren't the case. You cannot solve homelessness. Most homeless are mentally ill and/or addicted to drugs. They want to be homeless or are unable to function in a home. The only real solution would be to have mental institutions again. The problem is "care in the community" is what we have now.
  22. I feel the same. I think people rush to say things are racist wherever they see the chance. The toothpaste one actually highlights the plight of Black people, as he is constantly rescuing people's balloons, but then they are too scared to take them from him. A feeling I'm sure most foreigners can relate to post-covid.
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