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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Wasn't the right to bear arms about not being a victim to tyranny? If the right to bear arms means that the people can rise up and defend themselves against a tyrant, what good would a musket do against whatever the government wields?
  2. That's not how things work in Thailand. If you are a bus driver, that means you are in charge of the bus and all the passengers on it.
  3. Sure. I'll just take a look through the biased left-wing media that tells the lies about Trump to check. Or perhaps I'll use Google, where a search for "lies about Trump" returns exclusively links to claims of lies Trump has told. Honestly, almost any "gotcha" moment from the biased MSM turns out to be untrue if you look into it.
  4. Afraid not. I'm very much in the "prude" camp. "Natural" isn't always best. Rape and murder are both natural, as is defecation.
  5. Unfortunately, as warm, kind and forgiving as Thai people can be, once they feel you have done something bad to them, they're rage is pretty much unstoppable.
  6. Perhaps he didn't want to "pull a Biden"...
  7. You're serious? Biden made a terrible job of withdrawing from Afghanistan. I can't believe you're bringing that up like it's something that makes Trump look bad. 🤦‍♂️
  8. I realise you think that by posing as a lefty and saying ridiculous things you think you're helping Trump, but this one is so daft that it kind of blows your cover...
  9. Who are the real losers, the people living their best lives, or the ones moaning about it and hoping to sabotage the lives of happy people out of jealousy and spite?
  10. I think it's slightly more pathological than that. They are so convinced of their own rightness, that anyone who opposes them must surely be totally wrong. So wrong, in fact, that the left can do anything they want to try to silence or neutralise them. An enemy of the "looney-left" is so clearly wrong and bad in their eyes, that they can be lied about, falsely accused, attacked, and so on, so sure are the left of their position as the good guys.
  11. Harris' policies = say mean things about Trump. Dems reaction = perfect, that's literally all we ask of anyone we follow.
  12. This is why Thai people are so "kind and politeTM". Complain about something that someone is doing that has a massive negative impact on your life; get shot for your troubles. Amazing Thailand! 😆
  13. Not in Thailand. They love the fear way too much.
  14. Degenerates tend to stigmatise anyone who disagrees with what they do by calling them "prudish". They don't want to accept that people might have any rational explanation as to why they don't wish to see certain types of behaviour in public. "You don't like the idea of adults having sex in public? That's just because you're a prude. Sex is natural, therefore it's fine to do it wherever and whenever you want."
  15. They should be asking themselves why foreigners have this impression...
  16. Yet, somehow, he is also the most lied about figure in American politics.
  17. Of course not. That's "their side". These are people that thought Hillary Clinton would make an appropriate "good guy" to Trump's "bad guy".
  18. You will find many articles if you Google: "UK police arrest man over trans online comments" They're too numerous to link.
  19. Correct. But did it ever make you aggressive, though? (Which is what I actually said.)
  20. He could explain why he was allowing another person to drive the car that only he is licenced to operate?
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