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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's easy when your self-esteem is attached to your perception of Thailand, and your mind literally won't allow you find a single thing wrong with the place. Unfortunately, this also means that you have to attack anyone who does make any negative observations.
  2. This is failure? What would the left do? Silence the reporter? Bury the story? Musk admitted what happened and was completely transparent and open. It was a clear win.
  3. DORCO are reasonable. Available in Big C. Not as good as Gillette, but nothing really is. Unfortunately, Gillette went woke.
  4. And these are the good guys while it's Trump who's the fascist! 🙄
  5. I think Americans get way more hassle because of left-wing nonsense than anything Trump does. People from outside the US think Trump is doing a great job and can't believe the lunacy that the US citizens have tolerated from the left. The US has gone way down globally in recent years. It's now on its way back up. Your propaganda piece has it back to front, as usual.
  6. What a childish and puerile post. This makes the OP look awful and Musk and Trump look great. 🤦‍♂️
  7. Check out MUFU. You can find them on Lazada and Shopee. They have several different cameras, depending on how much you want to spend. They have various brackets also, from mounting on a helmet to attaching to the rear-view mirror.
  8. Because they're scared of being called racist... 🤷‍♂️
  9. Trump's draining the swamp. Do you have a problem with him stopping corruption or protecting vulnerable people? Why?
  10. And I guess he would suggest that Big Macs are trashy and vulgar and don't belong in the Kennedy Centre? 🙄 It's like he almost gets it... 🤦‍♂️
  11. Protecting children is a "Hitler type move" now? What will this guy say next?
  12. People should be more worried about how you can have a conversation in earshot of your phone and have an advert related to what you were talking about pop up on YouTube later.
  13. You don't want to have a discussion, you want to shut down discussion. You asked what he achieved, and when shown, of course, your response was "I don't want to see what he achieved". If your technique of choice for beginning a discussion is to ask a question, then when given the answer, you refuse to look at it, a discussion is unlikely to take place. But then, you already know that. I'm sorry your attempt at derailing/silencing me was unsuccessful. I hope you have more luck elsewhere.
  14. I couldn't do it justice, it was such a significant process. You can just skim through the page quite easily and see what Trump achieved (assuming you're not just trolling and actually want to know the truth 🤔).
  15. Pretty thorough rundown of it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_North_Korea–United_States_Singapore_Summit Fairly ground-breaking, as you can see.
  16. Wasn't he far more successful negotiating with Kim than any other president? If this one claim is provably false, it really casts doubt on the rest of your post. It's a shame, because you're normally fairly insightful. It seems, sadly, that no one is immune to the Trump-hating madness.
  17. This is actually 100% true. I've seen a couple of posts multiple times in different threads. He generally has some pretty sensible posts, but this practice is a little odd.
  18. Damn! I would have thought those would be some of the least corrupt countries... 🤔
  19. I find it amusing that people who live in Thailand and don't wear a mask to protect from pollutants moan about the smell of cigarettes.
  20. Is it the nicotine that is harmful, though?
  21. It's so absurd. "Intelligent people are the ones who wanted to vote a man who clearly had dementia and was also very clearly lying about it into office. And once that fraud was exposed, the intelligent people wanted to vote for a completely incompetent DEI hire who had literally no policies and was unable to speak about anything." This is not an example of intelligence.
  22. Please stop lying. You do not speak for all Europeans. We know why Trump was elected. We hate wokeness also.
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