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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Actually, the topic is your weird reply, where I asked you about Thai police siding with Thai locals in cases where the foreigner is the victim, and you going on a rant where you listed bad things that you believed British people had done in Thailand. Completely ignoring the comment you were replying to spew racial hatred. This reply is now equally unhinged, as you are suddenly back to the OP, talking as though that is what was being discussed in the comment you are now replying to, which it isn't. you can't even stay focused on what is being discussed. You just spew hatred that is not what is even being discussed in the comments you are replying to. Safer? Were you planning to steal his money as well? Hopefully the truth will come out and the driver will face charges if he stole the Brit's money.
  2. You say "A similar event", but go on to describe an event that is not similar... πŸ€”
  3. Oh. It isn't the specific money that they're talking about in the article? πŸ€”
  4. Or the victim of a crime being further victimised, with racists celebrating it.
  5. Oh yeah, mate. Plain as day! "According to the shared video clip, visible on Hod Chang Changwat Phuket and Oiltuktukpatong Saranate Facebook pages, the fare disagreement occurred when the unidentified tourist paid only 100 baht insisting he had given 500 or 1000 baht and demanded the rest as change." Plain as day... πŸ™„
  6. The claim is in the article. You're seriously saying that the video begins with the driver waiting to be paid? Can you explain this at all? The video starts where the Brit is already fighting with the driver. He had plenty of time. In the video shown you see Brit ask him to show him the money twice, but the driver just sits there. Aren't you just basically lying at this point?
  7. What does this have to do with Thai police siding with locals against foreigners even when the foreinger is the victim? It sounds like your self-loathing and projecting are preventing you from any hint of rational thought.
  8. It seems quite normal for police in Thailand to be involved in the scams in tourist areas. They often help the scammer and tell the tourist to pay. They will also take the side of a local over a foreinger in most disputes. Quite laughable that people think that the Thai going to the police is an indication of innocence
  9. Why would the driver accept 100 Baht for a 400 Baht fair? Why not show that section of the video? Why not show the Brit the money he paid with? Fairly obvious why... πŸ™„
  10. Lol. You basically just did the opposite of what I advised. You went more biased. As I said, if the local isn't the victim, then how is siding with the local siding with the victim?
  11. If the local isn't the victim, how are the police taking the victim's side by siding with the local? Step away from your crushing bias and use your brain for a change.
  12. Possibly because things are looking bad economically and the desperate need for tourism has been highlighted again. This happened at the end of covid. It became clear how detrimental the lack of tourism had been for Thailand, so there was an anti-foreigner campaign when they started coming back. It seems like people really don't want Thais thinking that foreigners are important to Thailand.
  13. Not because the police often side with locals against foreigners, even where the local is in the wrong, then? πŸ™„
  14. The edited video only shows half of what happened, and even that isn’t clear at all. The police likely realise that the incident is a driver stealing money and a Brit giving him a slap as a result.
  15. Yes. Stealing is always stealing. Whether it's a foreinger or not. Pretty racist way of thinking.
  16. Nah, they just know it's six of one and half a dozen of the other...
  17. None of it adds up. Edited video, claims of him giving him 100 Baht for a 400 Baht fair and the driver just accepting the 100, the police aren't willing to arrest the Brit, etc. Seems that they're both in the wrong, although the taxi driver still has the Brit's money. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  18. Seems pretty sus that the video has been edited to not show what happened before the Brit got violent and he refuses to show the money he paid with. Both parties seem in the wrong, at the very least.
  19. Probably not enough evidence for an arrest and they can only ask the foreinger to come in and give his side of things.
  20. From the video, the driver is claiming the Brit gave him less money than he did and has stolen his change.
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