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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. The edited video only shows half of what happened, and even that isn’t clear at all. The police likely realise that the incident is a driver stealing money and a Brit giving him a slap as a result.
  2. Yes. Stealing is always stealing. Whether it's a foreinger or not. Pretty racist way of thinking.
  3. Nah, they just know it's six of one and half a dozen of the other...
  4. None of it adds up. Edited video, claims of him giving him 100 Baht for a 400 Baht fair and the driver just accepting the 100, the police aren't willing to arrest the Brit, etc. Seems that they're both in the wrong, although the taxi driver still has the Brit's money. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  5. Seems pretty sus that the video has been edited to not show what happened before the Brit got violent and he refuses to show the money he paid with. Both parties seem in the wrong, at the very least.
  6. Probably not enough evidence for an arrest and they can only ask the foreinger to come in and give his side of things.
  7. From the video, the driver is claiming the Brit gave him less money than he did and has stolen his change.
  8. It means they don't believe what the taxi driver is saying and even with all the cameras he has no evidence, so they could only ask the foreigner in to have a chat.
  9. Why did the taxi driver accept and put away the 100 Baht note? Why doesn't the video show the tourist handing over the 100 Baht? Not convincing at all.
  10. I get the feeling that if the races were reversed you'd be saying how "the coward farang deserves more than a slap for stealing from the poor Thai, and the scumbag farang got what was coming to him".
  11. Good luck if you think that is going to help you...
  12. Then why suggest "police" as a response to what to do if someone steals from you?
  13. If they literally stole your money, you can't do anything about it?
  14. Not pleasant, but who knows what happened in the part of the video that the uploader chose to hide? If the taxi driver is innocent, then show the money changing hands. Or show "the money he paid with", as requested. I'm not saying I agree with what the foreigner did, but it doesn't look good for the taxi driver either, tbh. The taxi driver could actually be completely innocent, but the video being edited suggests that something is being hidden.
  15. So if the taxi driver genuinely stole the foreigners money, it's not OK for him to use violence to try to get his money back?
  16. No seatbelt? Is it @Thingamabob who is posting confused reactions to people mentioning the no seatbelt idea? What we're suggesting is that even though the cabin appears undamaged, if he wasn't wearing a seatbelt, he still could have been killed by the impact of the crash.
  17. Sorry, I think you're talking about gun crime, while I was talking about how difficult it would be to ban guns.
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