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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Corruption, infrastructure, rule of law.
  2. It doesn't seem like Zelensky would be in favour of this. He doesn't want the war to just "end", he wants Ukraine to firmly defeat Russia, possibly with all the previously annexed land taken back.
  3. More that the subjects they are studying are probably left-wing commie nonsense. I seriously doubt these are business or STEM students. They have to actually study to get through their degrees.
  4. Read the OP, the evidence is all there, here's some more..... He read the OP, of course, he's simply being disingenuous to try to obfuscate.
  5. I bet that's really what he wants. The more stupid and ignorant people become, a lot easier to trick and exploit them more. In case of his presidency, it makes a perfect sense. His real thoughts, Not America First. But his own gain... Given what these kids are likely studying, kicking them out would probably make them smarter.
  6. The whole of the West cannot really be expected to support an indefinite stalemate war, nor a long-winded years long war of attrition. Otherwise, it's essentially the West vs. Russia, via the Ukraine. We were told that Russia's army was useless with few men, antique equipment, and that it wouldn't last long. Three years later, this does not seem to be the case. It's probably a good time to end it now. If Zelensky cannot accept anything other than victory over Russia, it's inevitable that support is going to wane. Similarly, if Trump haters don't want the war to end, simply because it might make Trump look good, well, you need to take a long look at yourself.
  7. ...but a significant loss for education. 🙄
  8. "Why don't we start world war three, just to spite Trump?" Some people have absolutely lost their minds over Trump... 🙄 He should say that he wants the war to continue forever. Presumably that would make people want to end it immediately.
  9. I believe this is allowed only if there is a special sign there, and it is safe to do so. Unfortunately, this seems to give Thai people the idea that this means vehicles turning left on a red light have priority over vehicles who are on a green. But, that's Thailand for you. 🤷‍♂️
  10. I don't think one person saying why they moved to Thailand would be very helpful in terms of giving advice as to what it is like to live their. Generalisations are more helpful in a situation like this.
  11. Most foreigners move to Thailand for booze and women. If you're not really looking for that, you might want to consider somewhere else.
  12. Perhaps he was defending himself from the Thai security guard by pushing him away from him.
  13. Who but a fascist or insane person would accept billions in money and military support from Donald Trump?
  14. Amazing Thailand. Which will get you first, the dodgy booze or the psycho bouncers?!!
  15. In Thailand? With a Thai attacking a foreigner? More like a couple of years then out and back in the same job like nothing happened. 🙄
  16. Because this type of tourists you mean? Else you said nothing relevant... Only solution to fix the trash generation globally would be WW3. Whether you like it or not, and even if the guy was completely in the wrong, stabbing someone vs. ignoring them as a response is going to ruin the place's reputation.
  17. That's the point! 🙄 Of course you don't understand that. 🤦‍♂️
  18. He should send back any equipment he has received so far, refuse to accept any more, then he can go in whichever way he wants with Russia and make whatever demands he sees fit
  19. There's no way that the Ukraine could have held off Russia without masses of help from other countries. They aren't in any position to make demands from any of their backers, as their backers can simply say that they will stop helping them and they will fall.
  20. Your responses are garbage and deserve nothing more. The are literally just, "No, it's the opposite of that, [insert ad hom]." There's nothing to respond to.
  21. Once you figure out that most of what you see online is fake, you'll feel a lot better.
  22. The problem is that Zelensky acts like he has some bargaining power, when really he owes everything to the other countries who are supporting him.
  23. Do you have to be a Trump supporter to take a view? It depends on your viewpoint. If you agree with how Zelensky acted, then you're a normal, rational person making an observation. If you think that Trump was the one who acted correctly, then you're a MAGA, Trump supporting, fascist whose opinion doesn't matter because you're not actually taking a reasoned viewpoint. It's kind of a "heads I win, tails you lose" with these leftist nutjobs.
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