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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Politics, economics, job prosects, covid long-term damage, anti-foreigner agenda, social media, debt, there just isn't as much to be happy about in Thailand now.
  2. Where does the small apartment come into it? If they had a larger apartment then they wouldn't seek this attention from you?
  3. The perp says he wasn't looking at what he was doing. Not that the police officer was not recognisable as such.
  4. Sure, but you also said guest. Being discriminated against/abused and being a guest don't really go together, which is why it's a faulty analogy.
  5. That's standard Thai culture. If you point out something bad, you're the bad person.
  6. A tricky situation where law and religion collide. The parents might say, "Of course the amulets wouldn't protect the children from acid, anyone would know that". But if many people believe that amulets do have magical powers, and that making merit at the temple means they will receive rewards now or in the next life, was the monk so crazy, in this context, to believe that the amulets would protect them? Or do the parents think that that amulet failed on this occasion, so they need compensation, without it really challenging their faith at all?
  7. Guests at your home and guests in a hotel are generally treated better than non-guests. The "guest in their country" thing just doesn't work. "You're a guest in Thailand, so you have to obey the rules while locals don't, because police will try to extort you" isn't the moral win you think it is.
  8. "Don't cross there. That manhole has a dangerously rotted wooden lid." They tried their best. What more could they have done?
  9. You don't think there might be some issue with it? Maybe the girls are damaged by being pressured into doing it? Or, if they are "happy" to do it, maybe the reason for that is that they are culturally damaged? Plenty of degeneracy back home, but at least we acknowledge that there's normally a negative cause behind it and it is damaging to the woman long-term.
  10. Gangs, sure, but in Thailand its pretty common for civilians to form an ad-hoc gang if they have an issue with someone. I'm not sure he was fighting so much as being attacked by a gang of ladyboys.
  11. Don't you think the number of one-on-one/unarmed fights you see are pretty low in Thailand? It's pretty much always 10 armed Thais sneak attacking one unarmed Thai. I'd actually like to think that Muay Thai fighters know better than to get drunk and start fighting people.
  12. If it wasn't a huge contribution to the economy, they wouldn't be so desperate for it now, nor after covid. Obviously I have no data to back up the wild/hyperbolic claim that Thailand would still look like Laos, but you cannot deny the huge impact tourism has had on Thailand and Thai people's standard of living. During covid, without foreign tourists, Thailand was stretched to almost breaking point. There was nearly no money left to subsidise Thai people's everyday expenditure. As I said, no data, but I find it hard to believe that Thailand (Bangkok at least) would look anything like it does today without foreign tourists. At the very least, there would be far less infrastructure and food and fuel would cost Thai people a lot more.
  13. They need income from abroad. If they didn't have tourism, Thailand would still look like Laos.
  14. Farang scum! Imprison. Deport. Ban for life.
  15. Probably the most surprising thing about this story. Isn't it quite common for 14 year olds to date twenty somethings in Thailand?
  16. Wouldn't that be the exception that proves the rule?
  17. The foreigner is the victim here. It is of interest and it is helpful information. In just the last couple of days, you should have learnt to stay away from Thai tuk-tuk drivers and, if you have to use them, give them the exact change, and, now, you've learnt to stay away from Thai ladyboys. (Or really just stay away from any Thais involved in the tourist industry outside tour guides and hotel staff.)
  18. No. A gang of people beating someone is not self-defence. It is an attack. Most people don't launch a gang assault against someone simply for disrespecting their friend, hence it is barbaric. You sound like you would attack a single person in a gang with weapons, so that's probably why you can't see why most people have a problem with this.
  19. It's a cancer. People don't realise how damaging it is. Apart from idiots who think their whole life is an online clip therefore they can do what they want ("It's OK, it's for the internet!"), you have people who don't do anything to help others in distress, they just whip out their phone and start recording, like that's them doing their bit. "Are you going to help them?" "It's OK, I'm recording it." 🙄
  20. It would be interesting to research into why ladyboys are so violent. Could it be the natural aggression of males mixed with the entitlement of women to be violent against men?
  21. No mention of economic migrants? These people are shockingly out of touch or straight-up lying to hide the real problems. Disappointing.
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