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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. When did the first sex-tourists show up to Thailand?
  2. Sex industry but not sex tourism No sex tourism during the Vietnam war either, surely? They weren't in Thailand on holiday...
  3. Indeed. They just relocated to service the troops.
  4. She seemed to swing at him once and hit him once, then he hit her in retaliation. legally, he shouldn't have done so, as it is no longer self defence after the hits have stopped and she begins to move away. But she did worse than him. The sad thing is, even though this is on the crazy lady, the fact that he might not have had the right paperwork means he's in trouble either way. Some Western women just seem to have this weird idea that they can hit men and get away with it. I wonder why... 🤔
  5. Careful, you're not allowed to [redacted] on any of the [redacted]. Even if they're a load of old [redacted]! Edited just now by BigBrother...
  6. Stating one's position is not the same as lying. You weren't stating your position, you were lying (unless you made a mistake, which I doubt). And you seem to be doing it again. Lying is never the answer either. Please stop.
  7. One user noted that another was a supporter of a free Palestine. They went to suggest that Palestintians have killed a lot of gay people, yet this person, who supports gays also supports Palestinians in their fight against Israel, is also a supporter of gays. I went on to point out that Israelis will have killed far more gays than Palestinians have, therefore there is no reason to not support Palestine in their struggle against Israel, simply because of the view some Palestinians might have of gay people. As you can see, what I was discussing is of direct importance to claim being made by the first user.
  8. What question? I didn't pose any questions. Could you be replying to the wrong comment?
  9. Why is that crazy? The covid strain around now is much weaker and we have a vaccine. Of course people are going to be less scared. Please stop being dishonest.
  10. No. That is incorrect. We began with a much more dangerous strain of covid and no vaccine. Now we have a much weaker strain and a vaccine. So we can behave differently. Please don't pretend that the situation now is the same as at the beginning. That is dishonest.
  11. 1, I was responding to another user. 2, You don't think the reason for the protests relates to the protests at all?
  12. Haven't many more civilians been killed in Gaza recently than in 9/11?
  13. The point is that to object to what Israel is doing in Gaza doesn't make you antisemitic, not do you need to be antisemitic to do so.
  14. "I suspected you might be organising a surprise party for my birthday this year." 😃 "The boss wants to see me. I suspect I'm going to get a pay-rise." 😃 "1. have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof." I think the negativity you're sensing doesn't come from the actual words.
  15. I wonder who has killed more gay Palestinians, the Palestinians or the Israelis... 🤔
  16. There is no war in Gaza. There is only Israeli armed forces committing genocide against Palestinians. Most people want it to stop, even many Jews.
  17. Plenty of people (possibly most) have an issue with what Israel is doing in Gaza. There is no need to hate Jews to feel this way.
  18. What?!! Why? "Did you hear about that foreigner being arrested for domestic violence and having a load of illegal guns? I reckon all foreigners beat their wives and have a cache of illegal weapons!" This is crazy.
  19. Tell him that you had suspected for a while and you never had a problem with it, it doesn't change who he is or that he is your brother, and you love him exactly as he is.
  20. While the idea is sound, the problem is that a lot of people don't spend their money, but rather save it. It's like "trickle-down economics", the idea is that the more money business people have, the more they will spend on employing people (hence we should give them tax-breaks). The problem is that when business people make more money, rather than growing their business and passing that money onto their employees, they hoard it.
  21. Neither Clintons have any credibility, and their criticism of Trump is likely to get him more followers.
  22. What's to debate? Thai people don't like to follow rules or laws. The police don't enforce laws. Maybe something will change very gradually over a very long time, but we're talking 10s of years. If nobody really wants change and it's just a few "netizens" saying how bad it is when they see it online, so nothing will change.
  23. Why would locals be banned if they are innocent and it's the foreigners who are the ones making all the trouble?
  24. This is probably the rub. Most men are likely sitting there inwardly drooling over the exposed legs and midriffs, but they all lie and say that they don't think like that at all and anyone who does is a pervert. I view as something as basic as acknowledging that we have certain reactions to certain things, so we hide some of them because we like to inhabit (or think we inhabit) a higher intellectual plane where we think more about people's character than their bodies. Something like that anyway. Don't quote me on it. 😬 Could we block out all the animal stuff but retain nudity and pooping in public and still be the same as a species? I think it might be tricky. I assume people didn't care as much in the past, but people also went to public executions for entertainment. 🤷‍♂️
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