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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Really? What's the growth rate of the Palestinians in Gaza since the genocide is claimed to have begun? Not according to their actions. Not particularly relevant when it comes to the deliberate genocide of innocent civilians.
  2. I think you're confused about people saying things and the findings of a court. They aren't the same thing.
  3. I don't see anything about that in the definition of the word. 🤷‍♂️
  4. The UK and Australia are islands and also don't have the history of gun-ownership that America has. The cases don't compare. Banning guns in America would lead to only the criminals having guns. It wouldn't work.
  5. OK. Since the genocide began at the end of October last year, the records for Gaza are as follows: Killed: at least 34,488 people (14,500 children & 8,400 women) Injured: more than 77,643 people Missing: more than 8,000 That amount of systematic killing matches the definition of genocide, so what's your issue?
  6. I disagree. They have both the ability and the intention. That's why they are doing it now.
  7. The unfortunate thing is that Thais generally trust other Thais unquestionably.
  8. It's insane. The law is literally for people thinking "I hate this person. I hate what they say. I want them punished for thinking differently to me." How could they think for a second that this would do any good at all? It's a "hate law" in that it is the tool of people filled with hate.
  9. Anyone teaching English should adopt a neutral accent. Cockney, Scottish, Northern, Irish, they all need to force themselves to speak in a style somewhere close to RP, otherwise the students are going to pick up their accents and will find it hard to communicate.
  10. What Israel-Hamas conflict? This is complete propaganda. People are objecting to the genocide that Israel is carrying out in Gaza.
  11. Very sad, as these guys were just trying to keep people safe. Doubly sad is that no doubt some will celebrate the death of police and not realise that these kinds of incidents which police face regularly are why they are so keen on people doing as they are told and not making it seem like they're about to do something dangerous.
  12. I assume you're being sarcastic, but how is this not a glaring example of why the police (and law-abiding citizens) in America needs lots of guns? (The criminals don't have legal guns, so there's no way to reduce their guns.) How would this have been better if there were fewer legal guns in America?
  13. I'm a little confused. You can easily find the original article, and it's barely any different to the above, just a few words replaced here and there. Is that allowed? I don't see a link or a credit anywhere. I understand we're not allowed to discus the merit of the news or the quality of the writing, but how does it work with reproducing another article without credit? Also, why is an article about Pattaya in the Phuket sub? https://thepattayanews.com/2024/04/29/79-year-old-thai-man-defies-age-continues-selling-traditional-isaan-musical-instruments-on-jomtien-beach/
  14. Now this is tricky. Which part of him caused him to go crazy? The Thai part or the British part? According to the forum, both apparently have some form in this area... 🤔
  15. I think the public like it that way. Not sure about the inner city people, but there are a lot of armed police in those places. There have, however, been a few incidences of unarmed police being the first on scene with a knifeman (I don't think they would send them to a firearms incident) who have been injured or killed.
  16. Guy was lying, 1 in 5 Brit police have a gun secured in the boot of their car. I think more exaggerating than lying. It's pretty likely that he would have to wait for armed police in a lot of situations, but they probably aren't that far away. As you say, a lot of police (I think most traffic police) can be deployed as armed police if given the go-ahead.
  17. If people re saying "vote for Biden, no matter how bad we think he is, because he's better than our perceived judgement of Trump", they're not making the best choices.
  18. I think there's two problems here. 1, most people who have the potential to do something like this will probably never do it, but would likely be screened out, so this means a huge number could be locked out. 2, does Thailand really want to reduce the number of these types of people, given how much money they must bring to Thailand (as there are actually quite a lot of them).
  19. And the point is? I think he believes that this post is adding to the anti-foreigner hysteria felt by Thais ("look at how awful foreigners are"). When it is actually saying that the user would like this kind of thing to stop, precisely so there is less anti-foreigner hysteria among Thais.
  20. So if a car pulls across the opposite lane to turn, but it's turn is delayed, then a bike comes along after about a minute or two of the car being in the opposite lane, and the bike hits the car because the rider isn't paying attention, that's the car's fault?
  21. Surely at certain speeds, the car wouldn't be at fault if they could not anticipate that the vehicle would reach them in time as they would not do so if riding at a normal speed? They might not have even been able to see him if he was far away but moving at speed. The car isn't at fault simply for driving into the path of another vehicle, if the other vehicle could have stopped if they were paying attention. You could be making a turn, be delayed in clearing the opposite lane, and have someone strike you due to not looking at the road, who would have been nowhere near you when you began your turn.
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