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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's amazing what's been tolerated/encouraged over that last few years by the left, then the moment they start talking about Isreal, it's all over.
  2. It's true. It's totally one sided not to prosecute a child who needs to go to the toilet to the same extent as a man who spray paints a wall. They're exactly the same and to not treat them the same is to show favouritism towards foreigners. 😑🙄
  3. So... stay locked down forever? Close the businesses, study online, work from home, forever?
  4. Probably the best way to explain it is to say that a lot of the time "good service" simply doesn't exists as a concept in Thailand, at least not the way we know it. It's like asking why Thai people don't know where your house is, or what your Grandfather did for a living. They simply aren't familiar with it. You ordered the food, it came, you ate it. They didn't cause you to lose face. They didn't do anything that they believed would have negative consequences for them. They didn't disrespect you (in their eyes). So it's all good. You're talking about people who would rather lie that something is delayed, than tell you it is unavailable, because that might make you get mad at them, even though you wouldn't, and now you are mad because of the delay. But in their culture, you're not meant to show that you're mad anyway. It all makes sense to them. Try not to expect it to make sense to us.
  5. They don't need to say that. They just call people antisemitic when they do.
  6. Should that matter on the day when all victims of the holocaust are remembered? Do they change the focus each year based on this metric?
  7. Go to Vietnam if you want to see what a lot of people smoking looks like. It's still pretty rare in Thailand. The problem is, apart from people really liking smoking, is that it's a kind of "it won't happen to me", "it's only one cigarette", "I'll quit soon" kind of thing. I actually just saw an interesting YouTube video on it.
  8. I think he means in terms of people being allowed to criticise the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza without being called antisemitic. Presumably, if you falsely label someone as antiemetic in order to silence or discredit them, then you are weaponising antisemitism. (Perhaps, though, this is weaponising the label, rather than the act.)
  9. But the speech for the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Days of Remembrance ceremony could be about all victims of the Holocaust, couldn't it?
  10. The Thai government like to keep Thai people happy. There is a huge fun element to education, food and fuel is massively subsidised, lots of holidays.
  11. Quite possible that if you take a cocktail of drugs you end up completely out of it and unable to control yourself. But it's no defence. Prevent anyone on drugs from entering the BTS station? You want security officers on every entrance, stairs, escalators and lifts? And they need to be testing people to see if they're on drugs? Could work, but it would cost a lot and make travel almost impossible. (Where do some people get these ideas?)
  12. A rather rich 25 year old young lady. But hanging around with oddballs and letting them crash at her place...
  13. What properties do yogurts have that allow people to use them to drug others?
  14. Those are some very serious eyebrows. They know this one's a bad'un. (Not looking happy and chilled out like when they arrest the evil Brits. )
  15. Good stuff. Keep the infections up, keep the immunity going, and keep covid evolving until it gets milder and milder. Is it even any stronger than the flu right now as it is?
  16. You're more generous than I am. Did encountering a way of life you found to be "not normal" make you angry? Did you subsequently verbally attack people and then try to say they are doing something they are not in order to shame them into agreeing with you?
  17. There's definitely a bit of "I want that but I can't have it so I don't want anyone else having it" at play. Nobody has come close to putting forward any kind of rational objection. They just don't like it.
  18. Do you mean gik? Who cares if they dont walk around holding hands with their younger mistress? That doesnt make it any less normal to have a younger mistress. Also, people not approving doesn't make it not normal either. I'm not sure you know what normal means. Also, Thais don't really care what other people do if it doesn't affect them. It sounds like you really don't know Thaialnd.
  19. Also quite normal for a Thai to do it. I sometimes wonder how some foreigners can stand to live in Thailand when they spend so much time objecting to things that Thai people do. I guess they just lie to themselves that it's only the evil foreigners that so such things.
  20. If it's written in a law, what it means matters a lot. Also, it isn't used if you someone has sex with them, it's used if you take them away to have sex with them. This is why what the words mean matters so much.
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