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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. JFC. I'm not sure how anyone can actually be this dense, but I guess this explains a lot of your previous posts. What do you mean "we are talking about"? I replied to one poster who was responding to another, talking about a particular point. Not related to children or sex (not that all under 18s are children anyway). As I said, please check again (and when I say check again, I mean check what was actually being discussed, not what you think some people on the thread are talking about).
  2. I don't think that is being jaded. He was generous to them many times and when he asked them to be generous to him, they refused. All that happened was that he wised up to the fact that his generosity was not truly appreciated and they did not do the same to him when he was in need. Having realised the taxi riders' true natures, he modified his behaviour, which seems sensible.
  3. The post is not about tipping. Tipping just happened to be one detail. The post is about the motorcycle taxis drivers not remembering the tips and letting the guy off 20 baht for a trip.
  4. Sorry, how does this relate to what I actually wrote? I didn't mention children, nor sex, paid or otherwise.
  5. Are they trying to claim credit for parents having to buy things for their children ready for the new school year?
  6. A lot of people are unable to comprehend that non-Western cultures are wildly different to our own.
  7. As I said, this is Thailand. It's not rare to find minors living alone for all kinds of reasons. It's totally likely that for there to be a 16 year old living away from their parents and working full time.
  8. They're still Thai in Thailand. Women in Western countries can experience the same thing. Most Thais can find work enough to support themselves. Unemployment is very low in Thailand. As for "mentally challenged". They cannot work due to being mentally disabled, so they have to marry an older foreigner? That sounds a little weird. What on Earth does race have to do with anything? Women who marry pop/movie stars are from countries where race is isn't a factor in how likely it is that they will be able to live independently. Non-White women in Western countries aren't forced to marry older men to survive. You've kind of gone a little off the rails here. I think perhaps you've tried too hard to find a way to disagree with what I wrote, and you've stopped thinking logically.
  9. The figures don't magically make more people dead. 🙄
  10. At least it's reassuring that AI isn't going to be taking over any time soon. I feel sorry for all the professors having to read through stacks of essays written in this style.
  11. An interesting question. If I might counter with another: do the Thai women who marry older foreingers really "need" them? Would they be homeless and hungry without their older foreign partners? Or would they just be getting by, much like most other people in their socio-economic class? According to those critical of age gap relationships, the couples have nothing in common and the younger partner could not possibly find the men attractive, so, if they don't "need" them, why are afluent women with OAP celebrities in the first place? Perhaps it's really the same in both cases, they don't technically "need" the man, but they can make their lives better with their money and their social status.
  12. Ignoring the obvious "very young girls" silliness, how are they any different to Al Pacino or Mick Jagger?
  13. But not everyone has the opportunity, or the nerve (perhaps that's why they're so angry about it).
  14. I support the correct use of language and not trying to make something sound like something it is not.
  15. You might want to tell your AI to tone down the drama a little bit.
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