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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Well, you haven't managed to quote anything from the article where Musk says that he is right-wing, while I have quoted him saying that he is neither left- nor right-wing. Are you going to quote something showing Musk stating that he is right-wing, as you claimed he has, or not?
  2. I'm not sure what point you're making. What does your bitterness have to do with an AI being programmed to be racist?
  3. A person that is voting Republican? You can vote for a "right-wing" party and not be "right-wing" yourself. Just as you can say something that a "right-wing" person might agree with without personally "being right-wing". Someone could easily say that they like one left-wing candidate one year (Obama, for example) and then say that they dislike a left-wing candidate the following year (someone like Hillary). it's the mark of being intelligent, to think about things in terms of "what is the right thing to do", rather than "we have to blindly follow them, they're from our tribe". I assume this is you admitting that the article doesn't actually support what you said, and clearly shows that Musk said he was neither left-nor right-wing.
  4. Are you saying the article says that he both says that he is neither left- nor right-wing and that he is definitely right-wing?
  5. It factually doesn't. It's been programmed to have the response that the person you were replying to shared. It's clear what it means when there is a different response to "proud to be X" depending on the race. It gives a similar response when asked about different religions. The AI has been programmed to be dishonest and say it cannot or does not give certain opinions, when it clearly can and does. It's racism, but it's racism that you're OK with, which is why you're trying to justify it through dishonesty. (I apologise if you're simply ignorant of how the AI works, but I find that hard to believe.)
  6. Elon didn't even occur to me, although I'm not sure if he's right wing. The left are so noisy and have so much power and control, it's hard to remember any non-left-wing people exist sometimes.
  7. Unfortunately, once you've been designated an "enemy", you're targeted for argumentative destruction. All's fair in love and [tribal] war for these guys, so the truth doesn't matter. You disagreed with one of their tribe so you must be destroyed. Quite tiring to deal with, but that's the point. If they can harass you to the point that you don't want to engage anymore, then they have won and they're a step closer to controlling the narrative.
  8. I know that it's well established that Chatgpt has been programmed to avoid saying anything negative about any groups other than those of straight, White, male, Christian. ????
  9. I think there are a couple of theories. One is that the women have low self-esteem or they have some issue with their fathers, and want to be treated badly, . They feel uncomfortable or bored by men who are nice to them. Another is that men who treat women badly have behaviours that appear the same as high status "leaders" (high levels of confidence, etc.) and so women find them attractive. There are obviously women who are smart enough to make decent choices when it comes to men. Likely raised in a very stable two-parent household and shown a lot of love and support from their father. Although they will likely require at least that the guy has some money or is very attractive physically. I can't imagine any woman seeking out an ugly, broke, nice guy, with a heart of gold. I'm not sure if anyone could really change into "a bastard", unless something bad happens to them. I think nice people are nice because they are nice, and bad people are bad because they are bad. It's probably something that happens when people are very young, and it is unlikely to change once they are adults. (Just look at the way a couple of posters on here talk about women.) Personally, I would say that the best path is to simply avoid women who want to be treated badly. They're either troubled from their youth or they've been treated badly in the past, either way they probably aren't capable of having a happy relationship. Luckily, this is generally easy enough to do, where the women are honest about their lifestyle. (Obviously this is made difficult by women who pretend.) The real challenge comes from being an older guy in a foreign country... ???? How many "good girls" are single after their early twenties? Probably very few.
  10. Some people will say anything in order to reply, even if it makes no sense, as long as it seems like it's contradictory or feels like a rebuttal. This chap's a bit of a troll who writes nonsense a lot, so when asked to explain something, he clearly finds it difficult and then insults people. Obviously it's easier to just say "What would you know? You're X." than to try and explain something which you cannot (or for which doing so makes you look foolish). It's fun to look for logical fallacies in comments:
  11. People call for culling of soi dogs and dangerous dogs. This is far from hating dogs or want them to all be killed. You're the one being hateful here.
  12. I thought there were suggestions that PTP is allowing the military to stay in power in exchange for Thaksin being allowed to return?
  13. Why not speculate on what actually happened if you suspect that the article is inaccurate in its reporting?
  14. Clashed? Or the moto taxi guys attacked the Bolt guys? Many Thais don't like fair and free competition... ????
  15. You are embellishing though. She didn't set herself up as anything, nor did she "make lots of tokens". It was an isolated incident which the researchers prevented from reoccurring. "During one chaotic incident, a researcher observed what appeared to be a monkey exchanging a disc for sex. The monkey that was paid for sex immediately traded the silver disc for a grape. The researcher subsequently took steps to prevent any possibility of coins being traded for sex." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_among_animals
  16. Do they? Not the worst or most dangerous offenders first? Foreigners are more of a danger simply by the fact that they are foreign? Do you have any evidence of that?
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