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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Only in a few situations and because they are scared of consequences. Make a Thai lose face, even through no fault of your own, and they can hate and shun you forever.
  2. Couldn't people with lower n-count actually have more sex? Not sure this survey is saying what is claimed.
  3. It's pretty telling that he chose to label you as "homophobic", since you haven't said anything negative about homosexuals at all.
  4. Trans people want the law allowing same sex marriages to have elements that give legal affirmation of their chosen genders. So the complaints actually have nothing to do with the essence of the law. That's why it's a little confusing.
  5. It's less about tolerance and more about gender affirming wording. It sounds like their concern is not about whether they can marry or not, but that the wording within the bill doesn't effectively mean: "If two biological females, one of whom now wants to be a man, are married and living with one of the couple's children, they will be legally considered a man and a woman and the legal parents of those children". So, it seems that they're hoping for a little more than simply being married to be tacked on to the end. Possibly, they should be happy about the progress in terms of same-sex marriage, and maybe leave the gender affirming stuff for now.
  6. What about people who are overweight and unhappy or are faced with debilitating medical conditions? Also, a lot of people watch what they eat and get regular exercise, and are happier as a result of feeling and looking better than they would do if they ate unhealthily.
  7. Except the female athletes, who would have unequal opportunities and have their inclusion limited... ๐Ÿ™„ Perhaps I should explain quickly while I have time to edit, since someone is apparently confused by the above. If people with male bodies are allowed to compete in women's' sports, they have an advantage over people with female bodies. This means the opportunities of those people with female bodies, as well as their inclusion within the sport, is not equal to that of the people with male bodies, as, with their advantage, they will dominate the people with female bodies, scoring more, having control of the ball for longer, progressing further, and so on.
  8. The tribal element is huge in American politics. A lot of people like Trump because he stands as being against the wokeness that is ruining much of American culture right now. Similarly, fairly centrist people see how much the left-wing (self-styled "good guys" and claimers of the permanent moral high ground) lie and slander about Trump and find that they can't help but root for him. It's funny, really, because if the left didn't lie so much, people would probably view Trump in a far more negative light. Equally, people are drawn to Biden because he's on "their side" and seen as the only person who can "keep Trump out of the Whitehouse". So matter how corrupt or creepy he is, no matter what his mental health, people can't help but want him to be president. It's all kind of farcical.
  9. But would they not own up to what they did and let the guy blow-up instead? Surely this reflects very badly on the girl and her status?
  10. I don't think anyone suggests that foreign men go looking for prostitutes, it's more that Thai people think so lowly of foreigners that only women who cannot find a Thai man are interested in foreign men. (And, of course, a lot of foreigners are older men looking for younger women.) Not only is there the attitude of people not wanting to date non-Thais, but there is also a great deal of stigma attached to dating a foreigner, where people will either judge the woman as being a prostitute or react negatively and ask her why she is dating a foreigner, to which she might even lie to save face. Of course, this is likely evolving a little as young Thai people begin to become more globalised due to things like internet and social media. I agree, it does make economic sense for poorer Thais to marry foreigners in order to get a better life, but I think the stigma/objection from Thai men/Thai supremacy attitudes stops this from being too common. This is probably the one area where Thai men might become more angry or bitter. However, I think the fairly cavalier attitude to sex and prostitution in Thailand might negate the harshest responses, as this means most Thai men still have access to sex if they want it.
  11. And when the bill comes? Just let your husband fight it out with the other bar girls? Doesn't sound like a great way to "gain face".
  12. Why, though? She wanted bar girls to spend time with her and her husband?
  13. Aren't "lady drinks" fake drinks that men are required to "buy" in order to pay for the company of bar girls? Why would his wife be buying "lady drinks"? I doubt she works in the bar. Or do you think she was trying to get more money from her husband and into the bar by buying the girls "lady drinks"?
  14. Extreme immaturity, a complete disregard for any kind of safety or fear of consequences, poor educational attitude leading to a lack of training, people never criticising others leading to breath-taking levels of irresponsibility, unwavering belief in fate/luck/magic. Just Thai culture leading to a particular mindset in some.
  15. Absolutely insane. Driving ridiculously fast was the main cause. Whatever they planned and whatever might have changed on the road (e.g. the white SUV might have pulled into the middle lane), they were driving too fast to make any kind of adjustment. Getting shredded between two vehicles is actually one of the more common videos seen on Facebook. Leaving it too late to overtake and going too fast to slowdown and alter course. Driving so fast that the slightest error or hazard would mean a massive collision seems like a standard and fun thing for a lot of Thai drivers. It's not particularly surprising that we see so many incidents like this.
  16. Women basically have an incredible PR department. A lot of men buy the "women are the sensitive, caring, romantic and genuine sex, while men are shallow, gross and use women for sex" line that you see in movies.
  17. Basically, anything that could have made her less desirable. Age, weight, children, emotional baggage, whatever, it's repackaged as a quality that makes her a "real woman". The implication is that the women most men want (young, attractive, pleasant, etc.) are somehow inferior to "real women" and men are weaker if they prefer the former. A pretty standard "controlling men through shame" tactic. Been going on forever.
  18. Hardly an insult. Nah, she was trying to get the jurors to do what she wanted, hence she was arrested. Presumably you want the same thing as her, so you want her to continue.
  19. If you meet people who treat you badly because your wife is poor or has brown skin, it's those people that you want to avoid. He thought a food stand worker was high-class but then it all fell apart once he realised she was low class?
  20. Crazy left-wingers, always lying. ๐Ÿ™„ The woman had a sign saying "Jurors you have an absolute right to acquit a defendant according to your conscious", so literally trying to pressure the jurors to deliver the verdict she wanted in the case being tried.
  21. I wonder if Thunberg has experienced any psychological problems from being famous for five minutes then suddenly completely irrelevant? It seemed like she was "the voice of her generation" when she gave her "how dare you?!" speech. Now nobody cares.
  22. I shan't disagree, per se, but I would offer that foreign men do genuinely find these women very attractive, even if they are considered repulsive by locals. And if a guy finds a girl that he thinks is perfectly sexy and beautiful, who cares what other people think? It sounds like a major advantage if nobody else wants her. (Men don't think like women.)
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