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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. These are probably the types that are looking for a reason to fight someone anyway, especially where alcohol is involved. They'd probably have had a problem with you and your friends, even if no women were involved. They'd just change it to rich and entitled.
  2. Are there any? Perhaps there are only prolific or infamous posters, and those who are less so.
  3. At the end of the day, they're prostitutes. Prostitutes (and most women who sleep with men easily or have had many sexual partners) tend to make bad serious relationship prospects.
  4. Seems like you've immediately ruled out the posters that anyone would like to see in such an event.
  5. Just my opinion, but given the fact that most Thais pair-up at high school or uni, plus the fact that Thai women generally like to stick to Thai men, the ones that end up with foreign guys aren't going to be ones that would want to go with Thai men in the first place. Even if they aren't prostitutes/divorced/single mothers, they're still the type to not want a Thai guy, due to not likening the way women are treated in relationships with Thai men, or some similar reason. I just can't imagine, currently, educated and well off Thai men, who would be looking to pair-up with educated Thai women with good economic prospects, being in any position to be adopting a "bloody foreigners, coming over here, taking our women" kind of viewpoint.
  6. You really can't rely on prices or businesses to have any sort of logic or reliability in Thailand. It should be that a high-end outlet has higher quality things but they are a higher price, while somewhere like a market should have lower quality items but at a lower price. However, I've seen toiletries that were more expensive in a market, and I've seen electronics that were more expensive in a high-end store, but were the same cheap stuff you find in a market.
  7. Actually, a lot of Western countries treat foreigners more leniently than locals.
  8. He seemed to know exactly where the phone was before he entered the restaurant as well.
  9. It sounds like it comes down to the following: 1, Streaming meant there isn't enough money in movies due to no DVD release. 2, Pleasing shareholders and studios scared to take risks. 3, Way too much exposure of celebrities due to social media reducing their appeal. 4, "The message" being injected into movies and making them "lame and gay".
  10. Can you name the speed, though? It sounds pretty impractical. You're getting into the realms of riding at walking speed. Remember that the speeds of the two vehicles combine as well.
  11. I'm pretty sure people riding pedal bikes often go over the handlebars when they hit something. I doubt he can answer my question and I don't believe that is a reliable rule of thumb. Whilst everyone should, of course, be riding at a speed suitable for the road conditions, I don't think it is reasonable to expect people to be riding at a speed where they can always stop safely should someone suddenly pull out from a side street without looking and into their path (no matter how common that is in Thailand).
  12. Radical left-wingers always label things they don't like a "conspiracy theory". Anything to silence dissent. By this logic, the decision not to prosecute the whole rape-gang thing was a "conspiracy theory". They don't like what you're saying, so they will say whatever they can to stop you. It doesn't matter if it is true, logical, fair, etc., it's all about silencing voices they dislike.
  13. It seems like a lot of people perceive this as a law that makes it a crime to say something they don't like about a group that they support. It's kind of inevitable that the police are going to be flooded with complaints.
  14. So, Yada was arrested and Saranya had previously been accused by Yada but was subsequently cleared? OK, but why is Saranya's bio in the story about Yada's arrest?
  15. Probably filler to make readers feel like they've read an informative news article.
  16. So you always have to drive at a speed where you can stop safely if someone suddenly pulls out of a side street directly into your path or it's your fault? What speed is that, walking speed? Do you drive at that speed all the time? Doubt it.
  17. Traditionally, it was all about sex, then being able to live together and have children, but as that is no longer necessary, it does seem to be losing its attraction for men. All that is left is a little bit of social pressure, so if men aren't bothered by that... As they say, why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? "Feminists" have really made things bad for women, ironically.
  18. Her body is changing. As you get older your metabolism slows. Happens to men and women. So her eating the same as she always has doesn't mean a lot. She likely needs to start eating less, as we all do as we age, and getting more exercise.
  19. You have to understand that you are living in a society where publicly criticising someone or making them feel bad about something is considered to be an extremely rude thing to do, even if they are completely in the wrong. As a result of this, disciplining someone or pointing out their mistake, even where you are totally in the right, makes you the bad guy. You cannot apply the rules of your home country and how you feel or what you think is acceptable or good is irrelevant.
  20. Weren't they moving away from tourism and focussing on industry? That seemed to be what a lot of people were saying, that Thailand doesn't actually need tourism. Perhaps they spoke a little too soon... I suppose the appeal of a more passive income is too much to resist. Can't say I blame them, but it would be nice if people were a little more honest about it.
  21. It is useful, in that it has a use, but it isn't really useful enough. It doesn't take that long to push in a few chairs (with the exception of a whole classroom) and some people enjoy straightening a room out when its use has finished. The cost of purchasing and running the chairs is probably a lot higher than the effort involved in pushing in chairs. People should also be pushing in their own chairs, and this will only discourage courtesy and personal responsibility. Their mass use would also lead to confusion, where people try to push in automatic chairs, and forget to push in non-automatic chairs, assuming that they will push in themselves. The choice of music for the video is also a little odd. I believe that is normally chosen for something scary or dangerous.
  22. Is that targeting high-risk foreigners, or attempting to make all foreigners sound high-risk?
  23. This is one of the things that makes me not want to ever ride, or even drive, in Thailand. That and the chance of getting killed over my response to stupid or dangerous driving (beeping and shouting at someone who nearly killed me). Sometimes it seems like it's a case of you being to blame for someone else's actions as you failed to get out of the way. It really wouldn't surprise me if you got yourself in a situation where someone else hit you, then you ended up being responsible for the death of their child, simply because you're a foreigner, with the police being very much in on it.
  24. Why is it strange for you that people are focussed on the part that poses a danger to others? It's simply a case of people wanting to protect women and girls. How strange that you have this attitude: "Why are people fixating on the dangerous part, and why are they so focussed on the cause of the most dangerous part?" It all seems completely clear to anyone being honest about it.
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