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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Haha. No. Because you say stupid things that don't make any sense. Then, when asked to explain, you cannot do so.
  2. But those that do use condoms, they must surely be sad as well by your logic, right?
  3. So, if someone had a real girlfriend, but they chose to always use condoms as a method of contraception, they would be sad too?
  4. I think he cannot answer because he isn't sure what he was saying in the first place. ????
  5. No, you didn't. So you're saying relying on bargirls for sex is sad because you have to wear a condom?
  6. I asked you why it was sad to rely on bargirls for sex, you replied asking me about having unprotected sex. In what way does that answer the question? Why not just answer the question? Why is it sad to rely on bargirls for sex?
  7. Because they can. It isn't financially possible for most people back home. They can do it in Thailand, so they do. Obviously. I don't think people who have these relationships are particularly bothered.
  8. He's never gotten over his first post on here, where he found that his "achievements" in the world of ladykilling didn't get him any credit in a place where most men can very quickly and easily find a woman to have sex with for a relatively small amount of money. As his entire sense identify and self-worth are attached to his ability to "shag birds", this discovery of the devaluing of his social capital launched his one man campaign to repeatedly point out how bad people who use prostitutes are.
  9. Why is it sad? If he can't get the same without paying and he has the money? Why not pay for a live-in nurse/maid/sex-provider if he can afford it and a woman wants to take on the role? So many people here seem to have the attitude of: "The man is happy, the woman is happy, but I don't like it/I'm an unhappy person, so I'm going to make disparaging remarks about it". That's the sad thing, IMO.
  10. I haven't been on the Yellow Line, but the description of the Pink Line cars sounds a lot like the Gold Line to Icon Siam, which is like your example, IMO. It mentions rubber tires, which I think is the same as the Gold Line. They seem to scrape a little as they're pulled along the concrete track by the motors. I have a feeling these will all be similar in their ricketiness. Quite different to the current BTS or MRT with their rails and resulting stability. They seem almost like electronic busses on rails. A very positive thing nonetheless.
  11. Great news! Take the monopolies away from the van and sorng thaew drivers and give people more convenience, safety and choice. Hopefully it will free up the roads and reduce emissions in these area also.
  12. The names of political parties have no meaning. You can't really believe anything people say when it comes to positions, values, justifications, etc., in modern politics. It's really a case of "say whatever you want to try to get what you want, then completely contradict your supposed values when you want something different".
  13. I think it depends on what you want to be "free from" and how the particular freedoms of a place affect the people there. People are never truly free. They are always controlled in some ways. Where people are more politically free, they are often far less socially free. Just look at the difference in terms of "social freedoms" in Western countries. A lot of anxiety, pressure to follow the herd, materialism, consumerism, ect.. I don't think anyone could say that Thai people aren't, in general, far more free from stress and worry than people in Western countries. Surely, if the freedom experienced in Western countries is the ideal and superior freedom, people in the West should be much, much happier than people in non-Western countries. There are pros and cons in every situation, and I would argue that we are actually far less free in Western countries, specifically in order to ensure that certain standards of safety, law and order, and protection of the individual and minorities are, upheld.
  14. Yes. Western countries used to be the same. It was better for the natives but very bad for foreigners. Much like Thailand is now. Things have changed in Western countries, this seems to have made them far more dangerous and far less happy. But "the individual" (especially minorities) has a lot more protection. ????‍♂️ I think that's what we like about Thailand. If we manage to be allowed in by some group or family, we can benefit from the closeness and happiness, but, inevitably, we suffer from it a lot also.
  15. I think the dead bedroom thing is quite common in Asian marriages, after kids or after 30-40. Things seem to be especially bad in Japan, and not just for foreigners. Work seems to be all that matters. The language thing, I would imagine that's on the father. If he's spending time with the kids, loving them and having fun with them, why would they not bother talking to him? If you enter into a relationship with the idea that you provide money and the woman provides sex, with no interest in any children produced or the family/culture you're marrying into, you're gonna have a bad time. I think that's why marriages to Thais with a large age-gaps are so popular. The women know what their role is, and so do the foreign men. Sex in exchange for money. I can't imagine a Thai woman allowing a dead bedroom to develop with their ATM. He has a lot of choices if she does.
  16. I'm sure similar things might happen all over the world, and no doubt interracial marriages cause some issues everywhere. That being said, I think it would be a rare scenario where an Asian man marries an American woman and the American woman's family feel that they are entitled to have full access to that Asians man's money, while believing that they can treat him like he is less than human at the same time, and possibly even the American woman is cheating on the Asian man with another American man, while the whole community knows except him.
  17. I think it ranges from noting at all, to fear, to hatred. Some seem to like seeing some foreigners, but I think they're in the minority. Post-covid, the "all foreigners have covid and are disgusting" seems to be hanging around in quite a few Thais. I think it is normally to gain in some way. It seems that the chances of a Thai marrying a foreigner who is at the same level and provides the same things that a Thai they might marry are very slim. Some anecdotes seem to suggest that some Thais think Thais should not marry foreigners, so there needs to be some reason, like they are getting a lot of money, and simply liking that foreigner seems to be not accepted as a good enough reason not to marry a Thai instead.
  18. I agree, up until the "more interesting things to occupy themselves". I think it's more they have zero interest in non-Thais, unless they are very attractive, rich or famous. I think "Thaisupremacy" is a big thing in Thailand. Possibly non-Thais are seen as simply being "less human".
  19. It sounds like he has something against discrimination. Poor people often get harsher sentences for similar crimes and the behaviour of rich kids is often excused.
  20. Oh, I understand now. Very clever. It isn't quite the same though. There isn't any evidence that would be added to by something being introduced in this thread that would give any reason to speculate that I am fearful of going through your posts. In Biden's case, there were reports that suggest his involvement with his son's business dealings, so any talk of these being investigated now could theoretically make Biden nervous.
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