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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If you read my comment again, you will see I wrote "other foreigners". The Thais are not foreigners.
  2. Any evidence of that for the son? For the father? Slapping a man who, in a group, just attacked your son, before promptly getting a beating from the same gang? I'm not sure you're understanding those offenses properly.
  3. Translation: "Please don't use any civil disobedience in your civil disobedience." The whole article is a joke. Gandhi organised strikes and marches, and King's group held demonstrations and sit-ins. Both of these could be considered comparable to blocking a political party's office.
  4. However much people on here dislike other foreigners, you cannot excuse security staff going beyond using reasonable force to control a violent situation. These people should not be bouncers. Security staff should be licenced and have a criminal record check, and an incident like this should result in them losing their licence and not working in security anymore. It's very simple and the "they deserved it" is just nonsense.
  5. But, if they want to ensure the above never happens, then the below can never happen either. Since without the protection of the senators, a party that wants to do away with 112 can be elected next time. In order to protect 112, the senators have to be able to choose who will be in power, not the electorate. ????‍♂️
  6. Very typical of Thai culture. Protect reputations and avoid loss of face. The actual damage done is irrelevant.
  7. He could have just prefixed it with "Although we deserved it..."
  8. Did you ever get to know a religious person well who wasn't a secret hypocrite? They seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
  9. They probably simply don't care. I doubt it even occurs to them that they are being racist. I doubt many Thais are going to be bothered about it either. To do this to foreigners, but not to Thais doing exactly the same thing, is simply normal. They aren't Thais, so this behaviour is not tolerated.
  10. Not at all. Dropping the bomb saved countless allied lives. The Japanese had a "death cult" and were planning to fight until the end, suiciding themselves if necessary. Their treatment of prisoners of war was evil and likely they would have massacred them all during the invasion.
  11. Quite. It was about ending the war as quickly as possible, with saving as many allied lives as possible. This is OK, given the context of the time.
  12. Depends. Are the Red Shirts happy? If they are, how much does that take away from the groups who are actually likely to protest?
  13. One is the case of people ignoring the shortcomings of a politician due to personal feelings about what is going on in politics, the other is the same.
  14. I don't see what your opinion on Biden really has to do with people trying to keep the facts out of the conversation when it comes to his suitability as a candidate. Or are you saying "It's worth doing because Biden is better than Trump"?
  15. It's hardly surprising, nor unique. look at the lengths people are going to try and keep Biden as a viable candidate, regardless of his actual suitability for the role.
  16. I think it's more a testament to the fact that not only are a lot of views that some try to play off as "right-wing talking points" or "conspiracy theories", actually very much commonly held opinions, but also a lot of far-left views that some think of as being held by the majority are actually those of a very noisy and intimidating minority. The ballot is secret and this is why it is a much more honest reflection of what people actually think than some garbage on social media where anything that goes against the narrative is mislabelled and deleted.
  17. Nivea for men silver protect. It's pretty good as far as stopping sweat or smell. It doesn't leave masses of residue on clothes, but it can have a build up over time.
  18. It's a lot like corruption, people see it in the government and police, but really it goes from top to bottom. Cheating and copying is rife in the Thai education system, so it isn't surprising that it goes to the top. Corruption in Thailand will likely only be fixed with gradual generational changes, and I think copying/cheating in education will be the same. Thailand is tens if not hundreds of years behind the West in many ways, corruption and cheating being one of them. Who is going to be the first person to say "No. I want my life to be a lot harder than those that have gone before me. I want to work harder, I want to earn less, and I want to hold a lower position than I otherwise could, all so that I can say I did it honestly."?
  19. They still have self pride, it's just in a different direction. Cheating is seen as smart in many parts of Asia, because you were smart enough to be able to cheat and get what you want. You'll notice that there is often no shame related to things like cheating, scamming, and underhanded dirty fighting, with weapons or superior numbers. It's unfortunate, as this is behaviour that most Westerners see as being very low and despicable, and is likely holding them back as a people.
  20. It does some of what Western universities do. It generates income for the upper classes and keeps lower classes in their place.
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