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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Me too. Who would have thought back then that we would end up in an even worse situation?
  2. That's the bigots line these days. Maybe some "bigots" say that. Bigots discuss normal everyday things as well as, well, "bigot stuff". The critique of "wokeism" in things like the media and advertising is mainly mainstream though. You just want to pretend it isn't to try to prevent people from discussing it through threats of shame and stigma.
  3. It's pretty clear that any beliefs he likes are "right", while any beliefs he dislikes are "wrong".
  4. Not completely true. There have been some claims that relate Biden sr to Biden jr when it comes to business dealings. And the investigation isn't concluded yet.
  5. I have no idea how this relates to anything I have said. I guess you're just trying to deflect?
  6. How so? What attack dogs? What are you talking about? How does such a comment apply to what I said in the slightest?
  7. All self inflicted, I feel sorry for the poor little b*******ds he's fathered. Potentially self-inflicted, but he didn't explain all the things that led to all these mistakes. The chance that he had two loving and supportive parents, along with living in a reasonably well-off area, with all his emotional and physical needs met, while not impossible, is unlikely.
  8. Most Thais believe in magic, ghosts, fortune tellers and fate. Believing that something with a high alcohol content is highly flammable seems quite likely.
  9. Interesting tactic. I guess the creative and quick thinking Thai criminal can probably come up with any number of ways to take advantage of the fact that Thais are generally completely unprepared for various everyday occurrences. A single fire extinguisher could have rendered this assault completely ineffective. *robbery
  10. I don't remember saying anything about what kind of "proof" was available. What you are writing continues to be ridiculous and have nothing to do with what I have written.
  11. It's not about the population being stupid, it's about them being Thai. This thing happens all the time to allow people to save face or get away with corruption. Generally people know not to say anything publicly about it and just go along with the story. After all, they will probably want people to ignore their corruption at some point, so it's kind of reciprocal. It gets a little awkward when people suddenly demand to know what actually happened. Generally this only occurs when the corruption is seen as being too high so people complain, or it's too public so someone needs to do something about it so they don't lose face.
  12. Sorry, this is just a mess of words. I can't really make any sense of it. I apologise if you aren't trolling and you are genuinely having some sort of problem, but it really does look like trolling. I'm not sure how else to respond.
  13. You don't know what "whataboutery" means. The meaning of my post is perfectly clear. You can try to deflect, of course, but it isn't working.
  14. Your post makes no sense whatever. I'm guessing you're just trolling?
  15. He hasn't even made it back yet. Give him some time, I'm sure he'll look to settle some old scores once his proxy is in place and he's had time to acclimatise.
  16. Basically, if Biden rented himself out, but the money went to Hunter, he's not off the hook.
  17. Perhaps he doesn't want to waste new donated money if he doesn't have to. These are guys that stood up against corruption, after all.
  18. He probably hopes that they won't be homeless for long and he will soon be somewhere he can use it. Why leave it behind if you will only have to buy a new one?
  19. The people whose job it is to investigate corruption don't want details of the corruption of someone they investigated to be released? Says a lot about what their actual role is. ????
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