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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Isn't it good that he didn't though? Or you would rather he died?
  2. Is the guy that rescued him a tattooed black guy in dungarees and weight-lifting gloves???
  3. I think it's the opposite in many cases. It's a nice place to spend your last few weeks or months. Some beer, some sun, some girls, then off the balcony. Sounds better than offing yourself back home. (That being said, I don't advise it or revel in it. And I encourage anyone feeling like they're in a dark place to seek help.)
  4. Sure. Like with the football hooligans discussed in another thread, people who feel their status is low, sometimes do things to try make them feel higher status. Status appears to actually be a major cause of most violence and hostility, IMO. There's a great book by Alain de Botton called "Status Anxiety". Worth a read.
  5. A few speculated on some sort of medical condition. His crusade makes a lot of sense now.
  6. Do they want to marry the men who end up with bargirls though?
  7. I realise that there are things like a lifetime together and kids/grandkids involved with older Western couples, but when you see a man with a giant woman who treats him like garbage, it seems like he just has to take it, because he knows that if he leaves his life will basically be over, no money, no access to the kids, completely alone, probably a social pariah. Obviously everybody ages, but it kind of seems like something's up when a lot of what women bring to the table is their bodies, and men their income. When a man is 50, he's still bringing in money, and likely will until he dies, but a woman at 50 isn't bringing much with her body anymore. (I think it used to be that women were more careful about who they had sex with, so they sort of brought their chasteness to the table as well. I'm not sure what the future holds for women who bounce from hook-up to hook-up.) If you have the money, and you can work out an arrangement that suits you both, I can see the attraction in a sex-giving carer and maid. Obviously the women must prefer this life with an old-timer more than life in the bar (despite what people say) otherwise they would stay in the bar. If the girl is attempting to steal the man's money and still has a Thai boyfriend, then that's a different story.
  8. Worse than that, millions of people see him as more genuine than other candidates and standing against something that they have had too much of.
  9. So funny, what on earth are you talking about............???? Thread is about food and kids in LOS...........????...............???? Drugs and gambling are examples of things that, although people enjoy them, are banned or strictly controlled, because they are considered harmful. They restrict people's freedom to protect them or protect others. Ditto pretty much every law, rule or regulation. This rebuts your claim of "It's called freedom" as a reason not to ban/restrict certain foods. People aren't always free to do whatever they want. If "society" decides that something is harmful enough, it can be banned or controlled to protect people from themselves. If people in power decide to ban something, "it's called freedom" is out of the window. You will no longer be free to use/consume that thing.
  10. What if section 2 is full of mostly obese, sickly, diabetic idiots who are unable to control themselves?
  11. Illegal taxi mafia must pay off the police. That is how they keep their jobs. ????‍♂️ Hefty sentences for all involved, including the police officers, and it should act as a deterrent to others.
  12. Hardly surprising when you see people riding at speed along these walkways. One wrong turn and you're in the water.
  13. He probably didn't have a gun. Why else would she rush straight over to the security guard?
  14. The rubbish itself was not a problem though. Only that it would be seen...
  15. He's a scammer. He confused her by his behaviour. He kept the original 1000B note and got change as though he had given her the note.
  16. That's the point of rushing around. It interrupts thought processes and confuses people. Similar to this is the "money changing" scam. Where someone goes into a shop and asks for change then tries to confuse the cashier by rushing and quickly handing notes back and forth "can I get this, no make it this, give me that back, take this", sneakily putting some notes in his pocket, possibly the original note that the scammer was asking to change in the first place. They might even throw in a fake phone call to confuse things even more.
  17. I'm not sure how they expect people to survive in Thailand without subsidies. I believe it has been a case of getting money from tourists then giving some of that money to the people to placate them while those in power get rich. Why do you think people are so chilled out and relaxed in Thailand? Or why food prices have hardly changed in decades? It's just a shame they don't value foreign people in proportion to how much their lifestyle relies on them. I wonder if part of the anti-foreigner rhetoric we often hear from the government is linked directly to preventing this.
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