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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. That guy's a nutcase. I would take what he says with a large pinch of salt.
  2. The funny/ironic thing is that the user you are replying to supports this forced pronoun stuff, while violently opposing the new meaning of the word "woke", which has changed very organically.
  3. Translation: "I don't like what you are saying and I don't believe you should be allowed to say it, so I'm going to apply a negative label to you and pretend that you're not being honest and simply making an observation about something you see as a negative thing worthy of criticism. And I can't address what you have actually said, so I will attack your credibility in an ad hominem argument."
  4. You clearly care a lot about this topic. You want this to happen, so of course it doesn't bother you. Don't pretend like you're just some random person who doesn't see what the fuss is about. You've made your stance very clear on many different threads, including this one.
  5. Please stop lying about what people are saying.
  6. Indeed. language and thought are interrelated. If wokeists can control what you say, they can influence what you think. If they can force you to call a man a woman, then they are forcing that thought to exist in your head. These wokeists, postmodernists, trans activists, etc., believe that language creates reality, and that by control what people say they can shape the world the way they want it.
  7. What's the point? People keep defining it for you and you keep pretending it doesn't have a definition because you don't want people to be able to use the word. ????‍♂️
  8. His constant conflicting statements are quite interesting. In order to allow himself to abuse others, he swings from men being disgusting perverts for using prostitutes, to the prostitutes themselves being the most loathsome creatures on Earth, depending on what kind of insult he is trying to make. It really points to one thing. He doesn't care whether what he says is true or not, or even if he said something completely contradictory in a previous comment, he is solely focussed on building himself up while putting others down. It doesn't suggest a healthy mind.
  9. You can lie to yourself, if it makes you feel better, but the truth is obvious. ????‍♂️
  10. he completely misunderstand my entire post. It was clear to me, and I'm not sure how that post added "some sense" to the topic. You would think all the comments up until then had been saying that underage forced prostitution was fine and dandy. Just because people are saying "it doesn't happen like this at all", it doesn't mean "it does happen but we've OK with it". People often seem to want to misinterpret what others say and make accusations towards others on here. I think that says more about them than it does the people they are making false accusations against.
  11. Didn't you just say that you chose to take a friend to a prostitute place because you enjoyed the prostitutes giving you attention and seeing your friend's reaction? How is that any different? One minute you're saying how evil and perverse the foreign men who use prostitutes are, and saying how much you enjoy visiting prostitute places and getting attention/validation from the prostitutes, the next minute you're spewing this very toxic rhetoric. You know that we can see all your posts, right? Try to stay consistent. You appear to basically be saying whatever you can to try and put other people down, even where the things you claim to believe are immediately contradicted in the following comments.
  12. Funny. There's another thread with some guy saying what a "sh*****" the UK is and how Thailand is so much better. I wonder what he thinks about this... ????
  13. Why not tell them the error they had made, rather than take photos and share them online for people to laugh at?
  14. It sounds like you've misunderstood what the person you are replying to has written. I think you've interpreted the second paragraph as meaning that trafficked children forced into prostitution can also take advantage of men. I believe what the post actually means is that, yes, some people are trafficked or forced into sex, but most of the adult women (who the author of the piece seems to want to imply are all victims) are doing this job voluntarily. The user then, in my interpretation, goes onto say that the author likely wouldn't be interested in writing an article (or care at all) about the men that some of these adult women choose to take advantage of and victimise. Possibly the confusion stems from the fact that the author of the piece is trying to deliberately make it sound like most of the prostitutes in Nana Plaza are underage and forced, which sounds to be completely untrue.
  15. Maybe they love Thailand and think it's a wonderful place to live? It's possible that they can think that and still be able to discuss some negative aspect of the place. This "if you say anything negative about Thailand then you must hate the place and hate Thai people and you should just go home" attitude is quite bizarre. Normally, the ones who have a problem discussing the pros and cons in an objective way, are people who peg their self-esteem to the image of Thailand and have to say how great the place is, how wonderful everyone is here, how awful it is back home and how all the other foreigners are bad, because it makes them feel good about themselves. There are obviously things that are good and bad in both Thailand and our home countries. How could there not be?
  16. And you're denying something that is a regular occurrence because it counters your narrative. We regularly see stories of officials being transferred rather than facing any kind of penalty for their crimes. Often when they have committed the same crime previously but this time they didn't get away with it. I'm not sure how you cannot know how lawless Thailand can be, if you have spent any amount of time there, or follow the news regularly.
  17. It's also funny how if you have something completely factually, yet "negative", to say, people will also try to deny it happens, say that it happens elsewhere so it doesn't matter, or straight-up attack the person saying it.
  18. But would you be happy living on a Thai's average salary?
  19. There is a lot more policing in the UK, yet, as you say, there seems to be a lot more violent crime and theft in the UK. This would suggest that the reason for the difference would be down to culture, rather than the police. I would put it down to culture, values, and the general way that Thai people think and act. Thais are raised on togetherness from a young age and it is really hammered home that they are all Thais together. If you see two Thais who have never met each other talking on the street, you might mistake them for best friends. Thais are also quite keen on doing good deeds, and the poor rarely need to steal to eat. Also, there is the "village" type attitude in each area, even in the city. This together with the "mafia" element means that any criminality (if not approved) will likely be dealt with locally and not by the police. There's "face-saving" culture as well. Strict hierarchies. And, of course, Thais are aware that while other Thais are generally peaceful and tolerant, they are also likely to go mad and shoot something over something quite minor. Basically, there is no law, but there is plenty of order, it is just based on custom, or perhaps even a little bit of "frontier justice".
  20. I was going to say the same thing. Do something for free and people often don't appreciate it, feel entitled to it, and resent you if you stop.
  21. What I find interesting is, although he is disgusted by the "fat perverts" who abuse these poor creatures, and clearly he has no need for their services, at the same time, he really enjoys being around them and hanging out where they work, and seems to particularly welcome their attempts to gain him as a customer. ????
  22. Go easy on him. He's obviously a very unhappy person, and this fantasy/outlet I'm sure is very important for him.
  23. Come on now. You know that doesn't mean they are doing it literally. Remember that good trolling needs to be believable.
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