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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Dementia wasn't mentioned in the post you asked for evidence to support. Apart from being wrong, you haven't really explained what point you are attempting to make.
  2. Another specialist joins the thread, this time one who looks a lot like Clint Eastwood, so of course he would know! Hardly "specialist knowledge". Just basic logic. How would that poster possibly know what is going on in Biden's mind?
  3. https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-020-01863-7 If you search "rates of cognitive decline by age", you'll find lots more.
  4. I suppose you could consider reading people's comments as sort of reading their minds... ???? Bit of a stretch though.
  5. It's hardly something you can even really discuss. Diehard Biden fans and never-Trumpers alike appear to be saying "He doesn't have dementia it's just a speech impediment/gaff, and even if he does, he's still better than Trump." I.e. they clearly don't even believe half of what they are saying.
  6. You cannot possibly know if Biden genuinely believes that he is up to it, and even if he does, he could be wrong (he is suffering form dementia, after all). You couldn't possibly know this.
  7. So, if someone says something, and you choose label it a "right-wing talking point" (which I assume means conservative or right-wing people talk about it), do you imagine that it somehow becomes untrue? Sort of "You might wish to point that out, but since right-wing people also mention that, it isn't true and I don't have to think about it"? Is that it? If so, what is it about right-wing or conservative people that makes what they say irrelevant/false by default?
  8. For what it's worth, this kind of thing isn't exactly rare in Thailand. A lot of Thai kids only get a few hours sleep a night even when they're not staying up to study. Is moving back to your home country a possibility? Or finding a better school? It just seems a little hasty to think about divorce if it might not even fix the problem. Could you learn to put up with it? Find ways to support what is happening?
  9. It's true. Many do not follow any road rules and are fiercely opposed to any efforts to force them to do so. Laws, rules, regulations, all optional in the land of smiles.
  10. It's an interesting one. Caring for the dead is a sign of civilisation, but would different body disposal really be a step back? One would assume that whatever remains there are would still be treated as remains have been up until now. Perhaps one day, in the distant future, civilisations will look back on us now and say that no longer caring about an empty husk once the life has gone was the first step towards becoming what they will consider "civilised" in the future.
  11. So the fat and tissues go somewhere else? How much do you get back with cremation? It seems a tad strange. "Here is the ground skeleton of your beloved for you to keep."
  12. https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources/fact-sheet/why_dont_they_tell_teens_and_sexual_assault_disclosure.pdf
  13. Why was this? I'm no expert, but from what I've "heard online", victims can feel deeply ashamed, embarrassed, scared that no one will believe them, scared that they will be blamed, scared that their attacker will do something to them if they tell, and probably many other reasons that I don't know. And that's in the West where women are very well taken care of. You get the idea that a lot of students get more love and support from teachers anyway. hardly surprising that they're the choice of someone to confide in.
  14. Off to the gulags with the evil thought criminals! ????
  15. Absolutely tragic. Dickensian conditions in modern-day Thailand. Not with people who care for her, not with proper family, not even going to school. Possibly stealing food because she was hungry. And beaten to death as punishment. I wonder when things like this will ever end.
  16. So, if they both fell together, did he actually save her? (Also could he "catch" her if he was on the same floor?) A sad incident, for sure, but confusing reporting.
  17. "When the house collapse, I started to really suspect that something wasn't right with the quality of the building work." ????
  18. It's weird. I guess an instinct. I'm not sure about the law, but when people swerve to avoid a recklessly driven motorcycle and hit an object or another car, it just seems like they're endangering themselves and others in order to protect the reckless motorcycle rider. Slamming on the breaks seems like the best idea. Edit: After watching the video a number of times, it appears that he brakes hard and one of the wheels locks up. He skids into the oncoming traffic, rather than steering.
  19. I recall this source is often used as very credible by the extreme left liberals on this forum, I wonder what they gonna argue this time. Hacked by Fox? Presumably it's now a right-wing, Nazi, White Supremacist, conspiracy theory news outlet, and no one needs to listen to anything they say.
  20. Preach it sister! Don't let society hold you down and pen you in! You too can enter a competition where you are judged solely by your looks (plus a ton of makeup)! ????
  21. Why not just let them enter? Then, if they aren't attractive enough to make it through the first round, so be it. It's vacuous junk-food TV either way. Or do you mean, even if it was a smoking-hot (married) 19-year-old, she should still not be allowed?
  22. More likely it will simply keep happening. Safety just isn't a thing in Thailand.
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